the Elias forum: Digests of Essential Elias.










Regional Area 1 (RA1)

Elias “gems”

ELIAS: “There are different areas of consciousness. These are related to attention. All of consciousness is all of consciousness. It is all the same. There are no planes. There are no levels. There are no better or higher places within consciousness. All is the same. There are different focuses of attention. In this, there are created what we term as areas of consciousness. These are not places. These are not things. They are not space. There are no sections of space that are designated as areas of consciousness. They are directions of attention. In this, they are also influenced by intent. Each essence occupies all areas of consciousness.” [session 157, March 09, 1997]

ELIAS: “... I have expressed previously, there are many, many, many, many universes and dimensions within your one dimension that you recognize. There are dimensions of time; there are parallel dimensions; there are probable dimensions. All of these dimensions are, in a figurative manner of speaking, subdivisions of what you view as your officially accepted dimension.

JOE: And all of these dimensions are encompassed in like an overall dimension called Regional Area 1?

ELIAS: Yes. They are all contained within it.” [session 481, September 30, 1999]

ELIAS: “As I have stated this evening, consciousness and essences within consciousness are in what you may term to be a continuous state of becoming, a continuous state of exploration. Therefore, within consciousness, there is a continuous movement to be creating areas to be exploring. All of these areas are within itself, for consciousness is all.

In this, Regional Area 1 is merely the designation of a physical reality and the objective awareness within that reality. There are many Regional Area 1’s. All physical realities hold a Regional Area 1. This is the area in which you hold objective familiarity. It is all that you know objectively. This is your waking state.

In this, you have created manifestations of yourself as essence in this Regional Area 1 to be exploring different areas of reality. In a manner of speaking, it is an experimentation. You are playing and exploring all that you may create within a physical dimension of this type.

Now; as I have stated previously, the base elements of this particular physical dimension are emotion and sexuality. Therefore, all that you create within this particular Regional Area 1 is influenced by these two base elements, and in this, you create many, many different expressions and avenues of exploration to be experiencing different elements of these two base elements of your reality.” [session 488, October 20, 1999]

ELIAS: “Regional Area 1 is not a creation of a dimension or a plane to be learning, so to speak. This is another expression of belief systems that individuals hold within this physical dimension. In actuality, you are merely creating a physical reality to be experiencing. This is the point, to be experiencing, for consciousness is continuously creating exploration and seeking out experience, and experiencing of itself and all of the different aspects of itself.

In this particular reality, you have chosen to be creating a type of separation between the focuses of attention and the known elements of essence. You have created this type of reality quite purposefully, that you may be experiencing the purity of each creation and each experience that is held within this particular dimension.

Were you to be offering yourself the entire remembrance of essence, it would be creating quite a different type of reality within this particular dimension. Therefore, you have created a veil, in a manner of speaking, between each of the focuses and all of essence.” [session 488, October 20, 1999]

Elias “gems”

ELIAS: “We have been speaking of your physical focus; your Regional Area 1. I will express to you that you are stuck within the plastic oubliette of your physical perceptions. In this, I will explain to you what is my meaning. I use the term plastic, as this is a description of something synthetic, something that you create, an element that you mold into what you wish it to be. An oubliette is a place. It is a place of forgetting and remembering. It is an isolated place. It is an old term, but it holds to your present reality.

You view your environment as outside of yourselves. You view your world as your environment; as being separate from you now. When you look within your sea and you view a sea urchin, is the sea urchin part of the environment of the sea, or is the sea the environment to the urchin? It is depending upon your perception. If you are a fish, the urchin is part of your environment. If you are the urchin, the sea is part of your environment; but there is, in actuality, no distinguishing.

In this, I will explain to you that your manifestation is no different. You have created physical bodies with physical senses. To your way of thinking, these senses are there to perceive what is outside of you; or are you perceiving, through your senses, what you are creating? Would you feel wind if you do not incorporate a sense of touch? Would you smell a flower, its fragrance, if you had not created the sense of smell? You perceive what you see, for you have created your sense of vision.

Your senses create your reality. You may view yourselves, in actuality, as having no actual substance other than energy; for if you do not perceive through the senses that you have created, you do not exist. This mechanical ‘vessel,’ as you view it, is more magnificent than you realize, for it allows you to perceive the reality that you create. Without your outer senses, you may incorporate thought energy and project out chemically, as we have spoken previously, through your pineal gland into physical reality and manifestation of matter, but you will not have an awareness of any of your creations, for you have no senses to perceive them. Therefore, I express to you that although it is important for you to be focusing upon your inner senses and practicing, do not discount the valuableness of your outer senses; for they make you who you are.

I have expressed to you that these physical manifestations are expressions of essence. They are no different! They are only physically manifest. You have exquisitely designed your ‘beingness!’ Part of your beingness is also other than your physical senses, which you may remove from.” [session 65, January 07, 1996]

ELIAS: “We will also explain that within other areas of consciousness and essence, all things may be categorized as agreements. All action that transpires between any individuals are agreements; not in what you view to be agreements, for your definition of this word is quite limited to your physical understanding. These agreements are not expressed in the manner that you think of. Each element of your existence is not discussed with each other essence, and it is not debated back and forth. (Extends each hand out as if they were two people talking to each other) ‘I will do this.’ ‘Alright, this is acceptable.’ ‘No, I feel I should do this.’ ‘I disagree.’ ‘Well, acceptable.’ ‘We will compromise.’ ‘This is an agreement.’ Incorrect! No discussion is transpiring! Actions in this element are instantaneous. There is no ‘time element’ involved. They are spontaneous.

I will also express to you that although you create your own reality, as does each individual, you do not create another individual’s reality; but you do interact, and you do influence. This is where your agreements spontaneously lie, as a general understood agreement; that if one chooses to be responding, within consciousness, to your influence or your energy, for you may not always be influencing, in the definition that you hold, but you may be influencing within energy; and if the individual is responding to this, obviously they have agreed to be responding.

These, as I have stated, are not individual agreements. It is an overall agreement, within essence and other areas of consciousness, to be allowing or not allowing, within Regional Area 1, a response. Therefore, if you are viewing an individual seeming to be responding to thoughts that you possess which are unspoken, do not discount; for this is precisely what they are responding to! (Grinning at Vicki) Thoughts are energy. Energy is always in motion. Energy is reality.” [session 77, March 10, 1996]

ELIAS: “Let me express to you that you hold all of essence within you. Subjectively, you hold access to all of essence and all of its information. But what you term to be the unconscious or subconscious element of yourself is that subjective element of your awareness that is concerned with the individual physical focus; not the entirety of physical focus, but the individual physical focus; you. You hold the ability to access through this awareness all of the information of essence, which is all of the information of consciousness; but if not accessing all of this information, you concern yourself subjectively merely with the creating of this physical focus.

(Intently) It is an intricate, immaculate process; that you create your reality subjectively within Regional Area 2, which filters into your awareness of Regional Area 1 within perfect harmony and perfectly at each moment, for your experience.” [session 232, October 31, 1997]

ELIAS: “This particular physical dimension, as I have expressed to you previously, has blinked in and out many times. Therefore, in your physical terms it has existed, and it has not existed, and it has existed again.

DREW: Is that what you mean when you talk about what we call mythological animals having lived at one time? Is it within one of the blinkings of the dimension? Or Atlantis, or those kind of things? Those were in the other blinks of this dimension?

ELIAS: Those are OTHER dimensions, although I have expressed to you that you have created experimentations in forms within this dimension, within this particular blink.

DREW: Within THIS particular blink?

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Can I just ask a question about the blinking? Are you referring to the very quick ten-to-the-minus fifty-six?


PAUL: This is a different action?

ELIAS: Correct. You as focuses blink in and out very rapidly. Your dimension, your physical reality, your planet, blinks in and out of reality physically in very slow increments, what you would term to be billions of years at a time.

DREW: So in the past when you’ve referred to dragons having existed and unicorns and those kinds of things, those weren’t other experimentations with this dimension? Those were other dimensions?

ELIAS: They were experimentations within this dimension.

DREW: During one of the other, if you will, blinks of this dimension?

ELIAS: Within THIS blink.

DREW: Oh, really!

ELIAS: Correct. They have been inserted into another dimension, for they have not been viewed as efficient within your choice within THIS dimension.

KAAN: So then extinction becomes only the extinction of the form that consciousness takes, that consciousness takes on within our dimension?

ELIAS: I have expressed previously that there are creations within creatures – and also within cultures, within peoples – that choose not to be engaging this dimension any longer. Therefore, they create a movement into another dimension and disengage this dimension completely. Their form continues the same in another dimension and they continue in similar action to what they have created within THIS dimension, but they move into a different dimension.

PAUL: Elias, is this different dimension in Regional Area 1, as we’re describing it?

ELIAS: THIS is Regional Area 1.

PAUL: So this other dimension is ...?

ELIAS: Not! (Laughter)

PAUL: Which Regional Area does it fit within?

ELIAS: It would fit within its own Regional Area 1 of physical dimension, within an entirely different set of Regional Areas.” [session 262, January 25, 1998]

PAUL: I have a question, a follow-up on the Regional Areas, Elias. The definition I understand for Regional Area 1 is this objective moment point that I’m creating. I’m in a room with eight individuals, including myself, and a cat. I’m wondering if, in the definition of Regional Area 1, that I have my own Regional Area 1? Do we each have our own Regional Area 1?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, for you each hold your own perception which is creating of your individual reality. But as I am referring to Regional Areas, these are not in actuality places, so to speak, in consciousness, but areas of functions of elements of consciousness. Therefore, as I speak to you of Regional Areas, I am speaking of areas of consciousness that are encompassing of specific functions and actions and the elements that occupy those areas and functions.

But you are also correct that you each create your individual Regional Area 1, so to speak, in creating your individual reality within your perception.

PAUL: One other question. I had an out-of-body experience on March 13th of this year, in which for the first time I was actually able to project consciously out of my body into my bedroom. (1) So my question is, at the very moment that I separated ... well, I know there’s no separation. At the moment my perception changed and my environment changed, was my experience still within the context of what you call Regional Area 1?

ELIAS: Yes. Let me express to you that within an out-of-body experience, as you continue to involve yourself with your objective reality, so to speak, you are projecting your consciousness through space, but continuing within Regional Area 1.

Now; I may also express to you that you hold the ability and it is entirely possible that you may project within what you term to be an out-of-body experience and you may project into different areas of consciousness, but within those experiences that you find yourself moving within familiar areas and with familiar objects, you are continuing to be moving within Regional Area 1 of consciousness. You are merely moving through space and time, as in differentiation to moving around space and in time.

PAUL: So in that experience, subsequently I explored my house and came back into my bedroom, and I believe, in what you term as a focal point, I dove through the bedroom window and I know I shifted gears, as it were, and I had two basic ... what I describe as a scenario. One involved an urban situation with a black painter, and the second one involved a college campus that I had attempted to connect with in Brattleboro, Vermont. In those two scenarios, where I know I shifted gears, was I still experiencing in Regional Area 1?

ELIAS: Yes, but you are also allowing for a partial dimensional veil-piercing. Regional Area 1 is much vaster than you realize. It encompasses much more within the potential for your experiences than you recognize. You view Regional Area 1 as being very limiting and merely that which is your waking experience, but it encompasses experiences that you may allow yourself beyond your normal, usual focus of attention, for you focus your attention quite singularly, and as you are allowing yourself to open more freely to many more elements within consciousness, you may also view that there is much more expansiveness to Regional Area 1 than you have allowed yourself an awareness of.

Now; also in this, I express to you that you pierce a veil of dimension, for within this dimension there are inclusive many other dimensions, some being very parallel and some being different qualities of different time frameworks. In this, you have allowed yourself to be piercing a time framework veil within your objective Regional 1 awareness. You may accomplish this within your waking state also. Be assured, you may be piercing time veils in your objective waking state. You may also be accomplishing of this more easily within an out-of-body experience, for you allow yourself more freedom within this state.” [session 281, May 17, 1998]

End Notes:

(1) Paul’s note: as I’ve been experimenting with my out-of-body experiences since 1979, I’m including my notes for reference.

From my dream journal, dated Friday, March 13, 1998, 8:12 AM.

Focusing my intent to have an out-of-body experience this evening, (recorded at 12:24 AM.) I went to bed @8:30 PM. I had enjoyed a couple glasses of wine before bed, listened to a Monroe Insititute hemi-sync tape, and fell asleep. I woke up feeling very mild vibrations again. It feels like my consciousness is phase shifting from one frequency of awareness to another. I must have awakened ever so slightly after two sleep cycles. I repeated my affirmation, “Now I am out of body!” and that helped to initiate the separation state. I felt the gentle vibrations begin for just a couple of seconds at the base of my neck and then spread down my entire back all the way to my feet. There is a definite awareness at the nape of the neck (medulla oblongata region.) They thicken in a way as I move into my “first" energy state. I seem to move through an “energy membrane" of some sort as I shift conscious frequencies that I perceive as some sort of vibrations.

I then sat up in the bed in my “astral body" form but wasn’t sure what to do. I realized that I had to deal with my fear of the unknown issue and lack of focus issue, so I concentrated on visiting Mary Ennis in Vermont. Then I sat up a second time and finally separated out and threw my legs onto the floor just like in objective focus and stood up. This second effort was very smooth and effortless, not jerky at all. My body was in the bed with Joanne next to me.

I then walked around the bed room. It was dark. I went over to where the mirrored doors are and there was “other” furniture there, more like my childhood bed room, Uncle Arthur’s model ship was there. I passed my right arm through the glass case and the body of the ship but was able to make the sails move vigorously. I thought that if Jo had been watching, she’d have witnessed the sails moving invisibly without seeing my body. This is almost like manipulating the higher frequency energy of the ship so that the denser, objective matter that is also an aspect of this “ship" would move. This would be an interesting set of experiments.

I walked out of the bedroom door to the piano in the living room. I played one key and it made a loud sustained sound. So I “unstuck" the key because I thought it might disturb Jo. It was located in the same location in reference to its physical counterpart. I realize now that I should have just sat down and played it. This could be an entire thread of experimentation in regards to my piano playing. I could actually attempt to “practice” and see how it impacts my kinesthetic motor control physically. That is the next step in my developing piano technique. I’ve been practicing Keith Emerson’s Trilogy for the past four weeks and I’m progressing nicely. There are lots of multi-octave arpeggios and my next steps is to play them faster and more smoothly connected.

I went back into the bed room and concentrated on reaching Mary Ennis. Using the window on the right side of the bed where Jo lay sleeping as a focal point, I then dove forward through it. I really was ignoring both of our bodies in the bed, this would be an interesting series of experiments also as observing the physical body from this region. Anyway, on this first attempt I got stuck half in and half out, right in the wall! I instantly knew that I hadn’t focused my intent strongly enough. Innocent “mistake" I realized. So I pulled myself back in, took a couple of steps backward, then took a running, more intensely focused leap “through” the window into an urban setting. I immediately saw a black man who was a painter standing in the street, painting at night under a street light, which I found unusual. He had a beautiful attitude/vibe and was very artistic. I really liked him. There were 4-5 story apartments around and people, all black, were watching TV or eating dinner. I realized that I could observe them if I wished but had no interest in doing so. In hindsight this morning I feel that this man is most likely a painter that Mary has connected with in Vermont and the “city" environment is more related to him and his background than anything else in Brattleboro.

I then concentrated on Mary again, and began flying eastward and into sunlight which really got me excited (as all of the previous scenarios had occurred in the dark.) I thought this is really cool how this works, it’s night time in Castaic, California but as I travel East, I travel into the sun. I luxuriated in the feeling of warmth on my arms, and the general brightness. (Since this occurred at sometime between 12:00 AM. and 12:22 AM. it wouldn’t be light in the East yet.) So this is just my own way of creating a comfortable feeling for myself. Next time all I need do is think “create light now!” and it’ll illuminate the room or any environment for me. Also, I should remind myself to take notice of the clock on Jo’s dresser to get a bearing to check when I return.

The next environment was, I assume, a college walk way. There were dozens of college aged people walking on various paths. I stood directly in front of a very plain looking college-aged woman. She couldn’t see me, but paused sensing my presence. I stepped aside and she continued. I had this feeling that there were other dimensional beings present who were in a similar phase shift like me, but there were so many people I couldn’t really tell who was in my state and who wasn’t. In hindsight, I realize that I could meet focuses that aren’t humanoid and that is another fear I need to address. For example, if a half cheetah/human appeared I need to realize that the only fear or bad that exists is of my own creation.

Finally, there was an immature college male that was going back and forth between the people who were walking. I realize now in hindsight that this was probably an “other dimensional focus” who was also present in parallel with me (a counterpart?) but we never connected directly. His actions were actually amusing to me as he seemed to revel in his ability to run in and out of the flow of walking people without disturbing them but still observing them. I grew uneasy as I realized that there were “others” who were observing me. This unsettled me because I couldn’t “see" them. I then woke up at 12:22 AM. and mulled over the experience and evaluated it before rising at 12:32 AM. to find my tape recorder which was in my studio because I am still in the process of transcribing my journals from the Fall and Winter.

A note added later; when I described this experience to Mary, in mid-March when she returned briefly to Castaic to get her belongings and complete her move to Brattleboro, Vermont, she thought that I had connected with the local college there and with a woman named Dianne who is a psychologist and had attended a Vermont public session.

Personally, I feel no need to verify how direct a match my version of the college walk way maps to its physical counterpart, or how my version of Dianne maps to the physical version. I know how intensely I was concentrating on visiting Mary in Brattleboro without be instrusive to Mary’s privacy. The fact of my experience that I “landed” on the college campus walk way (which also happens to be where Mary and Forrest were holding public sessions at the time) is proof enough to me. Some day when I visit Mary in Brattleboro I will check out the university and see how it maps to my feelings of this experience.

Digests – see also: | becoming | belief systems; an overview | blinking in and out | dimension | dimensional veils | essence; an overview | focal points | focus of essence; an overview | inner senses; an overview | manifestation | mass events | objective/subjective awareness | oubliette | Regional Areas of consciousness; an overview | Regional Area 2 | Regional Area 3 | Regional Area 4 | remembrance of essence | separation | shift in consciousness | vessel | waking state/dream state |

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