the Elias forum: Introduction










Questions and Answers about the Energy Exchange
by Mary Ennis

(Bobbi’s note: There is usually a question-and-answer period which Mary conducts before a group session. This one, included below, was particularly interesting and answered some common questions about Mary and her experience in the Elias phenomenon.)

MARY: Does anybody have any questions before we get started?

ORLAN: How do you feel about pictures in the middle of a session? (Laughter as Mary makes a face.)

MARY: Just don’t let me see any of them – they all look lame!

For anybody that’s new here, are there questions about the phenomenon or about anything?

TED: Are you aware when Elias takes over?

MARY: Am I aware of him taking over, or am I aware of the session?

TED: Aware of the session.

MARY: No. Which is good for all of you to know, because if you ask me questions on the break I’m not going to know what the heck you’re talking about!

ORLAN: So where are you then during the session?

MARY: I’m not really actually in a place. I don’t exactly know how to describe it; it’s not like actually going somewhere, like to a place. I’m very aware of me, whatever it is that makes me me; I’m very aware of Elias’ energy, which is pretty big. People think I just go to sleep or whatever; it’s not like that. How I describe it to people is, if you can envision yourself standing on a beach and digging your feet into the sand as hard as you can, and then having a 40-foot wave hit you and try to keep standing up (laughter), that’s kind of what it’s like! (Laughs)

SANDY: And there’s a reason you keep doing this? (Laughter)

MARY: It’s pretty big energy, and that’s just what I do – I just hold while it goes “ptschoom!” And then it’s done. (Laughs)

MALE: Are you aware of time, the passing of time?

MARY: A little bit; it’s different. It’s very different from regular time.

FEMALE: Is Elias already aware of the questions that are going to be asked?

MARY: I don’t know. He’s not like a mind reader. He sees people’s energy and what’s going on with them in energy, and so he’s not as ... I mean he’s very aware of when someone is speaking to him and answering their questions. But there’s another thing going on, where he’s very aware of their energy and where they’re at and what’s going on inside of each person and what direction they’re in. I don’t think he’s ... it’s a weird thing. It’s a phenomenon, and it’s hard to put that into words. I think what he does is translate energy into what’s familiar to us, and what’s familiar to us is to talk to each other and to act like people, so he translates energy in that way.

We’ve had a couple of examples in the early sessions where he intentionally didn’t translate the energy that way, and nobody listened to him. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to listen to him; it was like they couldn’t listen to him because it was devoid of everything that we understand and that we relate to. It was totally flat – there was no emotion, there was no expression, there was no nothing – which he did purposely, kind of as an example, because he’s said that he doesn’t have emotion and things like that. That’s all stuff that we do here, and so he did that to give an example of why we wouldn’t be able to deal with him if he was just coming through in energy the way that he is, and it was pretty interesting. Nobody could remember a thing he said during the session.

FEMALE: Was it taped?

MARY: Yes, I believe it was. That was back in 1995. Those sessions aren’t out yet, that first year. We’ve got a guy [Paul Helfrich] who’s going through them all, because back then we didn’t really know what we were doing. Not that we know what we’re doing now! (Laughing) We really didn’t ever think that it was ever going to be as big as it’s become. I think there was only eight or ten of us that used to do little group sessions at Vicki’s house.

He talked so slow then that people could actually write down word-for-word what he was saying while he was talking, because he talked SO slow, which was kind of an amazing thing in itself. Vicki and I used to play around with that, and tried to talk that slow to each other and see if we could do it. It’s amazing, because you lose your train of thought! (Laughter) You don’t remember what you’re talking about when you’re talking that slow. It was pretty amazing.

So when he started to pick up the pace a little bit and talk a little bit faster, we started taping, but they – there were three people – were still writing down in notebooks what he was saying while he was saying it. By the end of ‘95 he started talking too fast for them to keep up with, but what they did was if he started to talk a little bit faster and they would miss something that he said, they would just leave a blank space in the notebook and then we would go back through the tape only to where the missing piece was and just fill in the blank. But that obviously was REALLY inaccurate. We were putting out transcripts that were taken from what people wrote down; but people don’t always hear the same thing, and they don’t hear what he’s actually saying. So it was very inaccurate.

Now we’ve got Paul going through all those tapes and re-transcribing all of those early sessions so that they are accurate, because they are pretty distorted right now.

RODNEY: Do you know when those will be ready?

MARY: I don’t know. Paul was hoping he’d have them done by the end of the year, but I don’t know.

RODNEY: Is he going to finish all of them before he releases any of them?

MARY: Yes. He’s going through all of them and is going to release them in one big block and put them out on both the websites.

It’s a long process, because back then we didn’t make footnotes. There’s a lot of gaps in things, where Elias would talk to us about something and we would all know what he was talking about because we had all been discussing it before the session started, but somebody reading it now wouldn’t have a clue. So Paul’s going through it and trying to contact me, Ron, Cathy, and Jim – people that were there – picking our brains about what was going on.

It’s really hard to remember all that was going on back then – unless it was some event, like the bat. (Laughs) We had a bat in a session one time. Everybody left the room and left me sitting there! (Laughter) Elias just kept talking, he’s oblivious, he just kept on talking, and everybody’s one by one leaving the room because the bat’s flying around! He finally stopped because everybody left!

FEMALE: Were you videoing then?

MARY: Yes, yes we were at that point.

Any other questions before we get started?

FEMALE: As you go along learning all this stuff yourself and changing your own life through that, do you find you get more different abilities also, not just bringing Elias through, but yourself?

MARY: Actually, yes. I wouldn’t go in the direction of psychic things, no. I’m sure I have those abilities just like everybody else does, but I don’t know where they are so...

FEMALE: In awareness, then?

MARY: Yes, because I think over the last eight years I have kind of learned how to read energy a lot better. I’m pretty good at tuning into people’s energy. In fact, for a while there I saw people’s energy field so much that I had to turn it off because it was really distracting. You’re talking to somebody and you see all these colors all around them. It’s like, “What were you saying?” (Laughter) I taught myself how to turn that piece off, because it’s distracting.

In group situations like this, I’ve learned how to buffer so that I don’t pick up anything from people, because it’s really difficult and it feels like ten thousand energy balls thrown at me. When I’m with people one on one, it’s become pretty easy for me to feel out their energy and figure out ... it’s not like mind reading or anything, but you kind of get an idea where somebody’s at and what their personality’s like, and you can pick up fear things and a lot of different stuff. It’s kind of interesting. You can also pick up knowing which people are Swiss cheese people! (Laughs)

FEMALE: Swiss cheese people?

MARY: Swiss cheese people are people that have all these holes in their energy field because they’re trying to be something that they’re not, and so they camouflage themselves. When you look at their energy field, their aura around them, it has holes in it and they look like Swiss cheese. (Laughing)

LYNDA: It’s not what you’d call a high-level cosmic definition! (Much laughter)

MARY: So that’s it? Nobody has any other questions about anything?

SANDY: Is this entity available to you at your will, or are you available at his will?

MARY: The first one. That also was a point that he made in the very beginning, because I myself, along with the rest of the people who were participating in this little group we had, thought that it was the other way around, that it was him making the choices. He kind of made a point with us one time to show me that it is my choice.

We were at Vicki’s house doing a session and the cat jumped on the piano, and Elias popped out. It was very quiet in the room at that point; the cat scared everybody in the room when it jumped on the piano, and Elias popped out. I felt scared but I didn’t know why because I didn’t hear the piano, but I felt scared along with everybody else. Everybody else told me that the cat had jumped on the piano and scared everybody. When Elias came back in, he explained he did that on purpose to show that it’s my choice and that if I don’t want to do this, that would be it.

In the beginning I used to get ... I was so suggestible. The way that it first started was with a meditation, and so whenever Vicki and I would go to anything or be around people who were trying to do visualization or meditation or whatever, I’d start to drift and then this would happen. She was constantly jabbing me, going, “Get out of the room, don’t do it here!” (Laughing) “We’re in a restaurant now, not here!” (Laughter) It was a little bit weird. I would start to drift and as soon as I’d start to drift this would all happen again. I thought he would just come whenever he wanted to and that I didn’t have any control over it, but that ended up not being the case.

CAROLE: I want to share something about what you’re talking about. This was early on, and we were at Vicki’s. It was real late at night, and you, I, and Vicki were talking. This thing was happening to me, and it was freaking me out so I had to say something. What happened was all the thoughts were leaving my head. It was like I was going into this vacuum, and I couldn’t string a sentence together. It was like my brain and my thoughts and my feelings, everything, kept getting wiped out. So I described what was going on, and you said to me, “That’s because Elias is around so heavy right now, and he wants to come in and I won’t let him.” (Laughter)

MARY: Right, I remember. That used to happen, too. He would get really, really strong energy sometimes, and sometimes I would even get a headache because it would just be so strong, and everybody in the proximity could feel it. It was WHOA! Big energy happening!

RODNEY: It appears to me you’ve had people ask Elias questions for you. Does that imply that you don’t direct questions to him yourself?

MARY: No, I don’t. I can’t.

RODNEY: So you make no opportunity to communicate with him?


FEMALE: What about in dreams? I read in the sessions sometimes that people see him.

MARY: No – everybody else does, not me! I’m the only one that doesn’t get to interact with him at all.

FEMALE: You get the direct feeling of it, though, which is pretty cool.

MARY: I get the energy of it, which it’s debatable about whether that’s cool or not! (Laughter) Because it’s pretty strong and it can be really intense. But as far as directly interacting with him, no, I never have.

RODNEY: Some of the comments you made last night led me to believe that you probably didn’t.

MARY: The only way I would be able to is to have somebody else ask a question for me, but normally I don’t do that too much.

MALE: Does it take anything out of you afterwards, physically?

MARY: Yes, but not initially. Usually for at least a couple of hours after a group session I’m pretty buzzing. I’m like super energized. It’s like 15 cups of coffee! But then there is a drop point where it all just crashes and burns, and I’m like a wet noodle. But yes, it does take stuff out of you.

FEMALE: He works your hands, too.

MARY: Yes, he does. The way the energy comes through my body, it tenses up most of my muscles and so I usually get really sore shoulders, and he does have a tendency to squeeze my hands a lot. He’s got a pretty good grip, too, which gets a little uncomfortable sometimes. But it’s worth it. I don’t do these group sessions that often anymore.

FEMALE: Because it’s much more energy when it’s a group of people, right?

MARY: Oh, huge! Huge.

FEMALE: As opposed to a single person.

MARY: Well, what you have to understand is that every person here is putting out a certain amount of energy, and Elias is coming through and he’s matching the energy of every person in the room. All of the energy that you all are projecting, that same volume is coming through to match all of the energy of all of you. So that’s a pretty big energy, and that gives you a pretty wiped-out feeling later on, when it all goes away. (Laughing)

Anything else? Okay, for the benefit of the people who haven’t been to a group session before, it only takes him between 10 and 30 seconds to come through. There’s no theatrics – no aliens are popping out of my stomach or anything! He’s not going to jump up and yell!

All right, we’ll get started. I’ll see you on the break!

(Elias arrives. See session 1368 for the transcription of the session.)

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The Elias Transcripts are held in © copyright 1995 – 2024 by Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.