the Elias forum: Legal stuff










Disclaimer Statement

The owners of the Elias material claim a proprietary interest, including but not limited to: copyright, trademark, publication, re-publication, rights of use, distribution, and dissemination, in the name, image, and teachings of Elias.

This website is maintained to provide information for those who choose to access it. While our intent is to keep the content current and accurate, we cannot guarantee either. Errors and suggestions can be reported to

This information contained within this website and in the teachings of Elias are presented to be accessed voluntarily. It is each individual’s choice as to how they interpret them, and also how they choose to apply them in their life, belief systems, choices, and actions. No claims are made; no guarantees are offered. The decision to accept or discard the validity of the information offered is an individual, voluntary choice.

We may choose to include links to other websites or online resources, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or the continued existence of either.

Copyright Notice

This site is owned and operated by Paul and Jo Helfrich, in agreement with Mary Ennis and Ron Churchman. The material presented on this site is held in copyright by Mary Ennis and Vicki Pendley, and is currently registered with the United States Copyright Office at the Library of Congress. Transcripts will be added to this site at regular intervals, and will also hold a current copyright.

Unless otherwise noted, no material (including without limitation any software and all text, HTML markup, graphics, graphic elements, video, and audio) appearing on or related file servers can be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system (except for temporary caching by web browsing software, where such caching is an original feature of its operation) without prior written permission of the copyright holders, except for attributed non-commercial educational purposes and except within its entire context. Any such attributed non-commercial educational use must include a notice of copyright and, where practicable, a link to this page. In addition, notice of such use should be sent to Mary Ennis at and Paul Helfrich at

HTTP linking to our publicly available webpages is permitted without requiring notification. Material available through this site may not be used for any commercial purposes without the express prior written permission of the copyright holders. Modification of the material or use of the material for any other purpose is a violation of our copyright and other proprietary rights. For purposes of this notice, the use of the material on any other website or networked computer environment is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holders.

Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the copyright holders.

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The Elias Transcripts are held in © copyright 1995 – 2024 by Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.

© copyright 1997 – 2024 by Paul M. Helfrich, All Rights Reserved. | Comments to: