the Elias forum:










<  the Elias forum Newsletter, May, 2004  >

In this Issue:

> April - Over 3,000 Visitors!
> Gem of the Month
> Resources for Newcomers
> New & Updated Digests/Exercises
> Recently Published Transcripts: April 2004
> Please Notify Us About Typos, Broken Links, Or ...
> Monthly Musings - Reflections on the Ninth Anniversary of the Elias Forum
> Speak to Elias: Hold Your Own Private or Group Session
> Order Video and Audio Tapes
> Order Mindscapes Music CD
> Order The Shift: A Time of Change
> Upcoming Elias Group Sessions - 2004 Schedule and Updates
> Public Email Lists

April - Over 3,000 Visitors!

Special Note: we recently discovered that our registration software mysteriously malfunctioned and we’ve lost all registrations from the last three months. ‘Tis said there are no accidents, but this is a little strange to say the least. So if you know someone who registered and is not receiving their newsletter, please let them know.

Since opening our cyberdoors in February 2002, we have served over 697,500 webpages to more than 47,000 visitors in over 100 countries. Many thanks to all of you who continue to provide us with tremendous support, constructive suggestions, and email feedback!

See below for details on:

> Group E-fest in Vienna, Austria in June 2004.

> Mindscapes - Paul’s conscious creation music CD, over an hour of music on 22 tracks.

> The Shift: A Time of Change - David Tate’s book, a 295 page compilation of Elias excerpts.

If you use this newsletter and website, please take a minute to let us know what you think. Your feedback helps us to make them easier to use.

Best Wishes,

Paul & Jo Helfrich
Castaic, California, USA

P.S. Newsletters since March 2002 are available online in the Library, under the letter “N” at:

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Gem of the Month

The Gem of the Month is a regular feature that provides an excerpt from a recent transcript that captures a snapshot of essential Elias.

This month’s gem is taken from the recent Brattleboro, VT group session:

ELIAS: “... Intrusiveness is an action in which you project energy to another individual intentionally, knowing that it is most likely to be received and configured in a hurtful manner. This is an irresponsible act; this is not an expression of essence. This is not a natural expression of essence.

“I am understanding that within this time framework there is tremendous challenge in association with this wave addressing to truths, and many individuals are experiencing considerable difficulty and confusion. But your difficulty and your conflict may be considerably lessened if you are genuinely paying attention to your own energies and to how you are projecting, and being responsible in your projections to other individuals.

“For I may express to you, the reason that intrusiveness is not a natural expression of essence is that within consciousness it is known that any action that you incorporate with other individuals, with other essences, if it is intended to be intrusive or hurtful, what it accomplishes is being much more hurtful to yourself. It may not appear in that manner initially, but I may assure you that you cannot incorporate an action of hurtfulness without being more hurtful to yourself. And in that hurtfulness to yourself, you do deny yourself awareness and you do deny yourself choice, and you weep. (Pause)

“Denial of choice is not a natural expression of essence; intrusiveness is not a natural expression of essence.

“Understand that I am not incorporating this information concerning wars or violence, for those actions – even murder – are not necessarily intrusive, for individuals may be merely expressing their preferences, and they engage agreement. Wars are not incorporated without agreement; violence is not incorporated without agreement.

“The type of intrusiveness that I am speaking to you of is the type of intrusiveness that devalues, the type that attempts to block choice, the type of irresponsibility that perpetuates trauma, that devalues the expressions regardless of whether you agree. I have expressed many times, you may be accepting and not be in agreement; you may be accepting and cooperating with each other and not agree with each other and not LIKE expressions of each other. But to intentionally express an energy to any other individual of devaluation of their self, to intentionally disregard the value of another individual is intrusive. And you do not necessarily devalue each other in violence, contrary to how it appears.

“You devalue in expressing ‘it matters not,’ in a distorted context. I have been expressing this term of ‘it matters not’ from the onset of my interactions with all of you, but I also have expressed the definition that I am not expressing that nothing matters. But in the expression of ‘it matters not,’ it is the lack of a judgment, the recognition that there is no judgment in association with certain choices or any choices, but not that choices do not matter, merely that they are not judged. But obviously they do matter, for the choices that you engage set your directions, and if you are incorporating certain choices in certain directions you may be expressing intrusiveness.” [session 1532, March 20, 2002]

Digests – see also: | expression of essence | choices/agreements

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Resources for Newcomers

New to the information? Want to share it with someone else? Here are some great pages to read and/or print out to share with friends and family:

> Introduction & Overview

> Acceptance 101

> Acceptance 102

> “the straight little sapling”

> “the secret of life”

> About Elias

> A Glossary of Elias’ Terms (Updated!)

> A Seth, Elias Comparative Overview (Updated!)

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New & Updated Digests/Exercises

The website is a work in progress! New transcripts come out almost every week that further expand the information offered to date by Elias. New excerpts are added to various Digests every month, and new Exercises, too, when new material is offered.

New & Updated! Exercises

> generate an expression of appreciation

New & Updated! Updated Digests

> absolutes
> accepting self
> altered states
> attention (doing and choosing)
> “before the beginning”
> belief systems; an overview
> blueprints
> choices/agreements
> creature consciousness
> desires/wants
> distortion
> duplicity
> About Elias
> energy fields
> focus of essence; beginning – continuing – final
> expression of essence
> feeling tones
> information
> inner senses; an overview
> inner senses; conceptualization
> inner senses; differential time
> inner senses; empathic
> imagination
> noticing self
> objective/subjective awareness
> perception
> relationships
> religion/spirituality
> nine children of Rose
> science
> sexuality and emotion
> sexuality; gender, orientation, and preference
> transition
> trauma of the shift
> truth
> value fulfillment
> victims/perpetrators
> waves in consciousness
> you create your reality

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Recently Published Transcripts: April 2004

Thanks to Bobbi Houle, Paul Tews, Margot Reed, Daryl Horton, Fran Wing, and Donna Friedman new transcripts are published weekly. If you or someone you know wants to get ON or OFF the email list to receive new transcripts, contact Bobbi H. at Please specify a preference, either MS Word or Plain Text.

> Session 1029, Friday, March 08, 2002
“Definitions of ‘Accomplishment’ and ‘Value’”
“Belief Associations with Medication”

> Session 1030, Saturday, March 09, 2002
“Static Electricity Shocks and Energy Fields”
“Moving Beyond ‘I Cannot’”
“Nonverbal Communication in Sessions”

> Session 1031, Sunday, March 10, 2002
“Bothersome Individuals”
“Value Fulfillment”

> Session 1032, Tuesday, March 12, 2002
“Excitement and Anxiousness in Relation to Energy Surges”
“Too Much Homework”

> Session 1033, Thursday, March 14, 2002

> Session 1034, Friday, March 15, 2002*

> Session 1035, Saturday, March 16, 2002
“The Base Element of Sexuality: The HOW in Generating Your Reality”

> Session 1036, Monday, March 18, 2002
“Your Most Powerful Expression, the Allowance of Choice”

> Session 1037, Thursday, March 21, 2002
“Fragmenting and Intent”
“Looking for the ‘Best Choice’”
“Does the Number of Physical Focuses Fluctuate?”

*unpublished by request.

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Please Notify Us About Typos, Broken Links, Or ...

Another special thank you to those of you who continue to send us reports of typos, broken links, or suspected errors. We greatly appreciate your efforts in helping to keep this HUGE online encyclopedia free of mistakes (even though “Elias says” there aren’t any :-) It is an ongoing effort and we appreciate you taking the time to let us know when you find something odd.

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Monthly Musings - Reflections on the Ninth Anniversary of the Elias Forum

Last month we explored Who is the “You” in You Create Your Own Reality? This month, we’re going to celebrate the ninth anniversary of the Elias forum. Has it really been that long? Nine years, one for each essence family. Whoohoo! Congratulations to Mary, and to the many people who have contributed their time, energy, and resources to the forum over the years.

Did you know that Mary’s been working for some time on a book about her experiences with Elias and the forum. Should be a great one! So we’ll eventually get the skinny on the origins of the phenomenon and how she manages to keep her sanity in the midst of such an unusual but noble profession. (Perhaps channeling is really the world’s oldest profession ;-)

Anyway, as many of you know, Vicki Pendley played an important role in the very beginning and became the lead transcriber and disseminator of the transcripts before her sudden departure in December 2001. I had a true dream from the Gates of Horn several weeks ago in which I interacted with her energy deposit, told her "I missed you," and discussed what her afterdeath experience has been like so far. To make a long story short, she is doing just fine and is alive and well and doing her Vic thing. It was a close encounter I’ll never forget.

With this in mind, it seems appropriate to honor her memory on this ninth anniversary and share her reflections on her first meeting with Elias in April 1995.

How Did These Sessions Begin?

When: Saturday, April 29, 1995.

Who: Mary, Vicki, Christie, and Laszlo.

    Photo by R.O.D.
Vicki at the January 2001 Castaic, CA group session. Mary had invited me to come to her house on this particular evening to participate in a meditation. She had asked Laszlo if he would teach her how to meditate because he was very involved in meditation. He had agreed, and Mary told me that Christie and Debbie had been invited also. The invitation was for seven o’clock Saturday evening. I told Mary that I had to work both Saturday and Sunday and therefore would probably not attend, but because my draw to get to know her was very strong, I would stop by and visit her after work. She agreed. I arrived at her house about three o’clock Saturday afternoon, and we started talking. Before long, it was six o’clock and I thought to myself, “Well, maybe I’ll stay. This should be over by eight or eight-thirty.” Laszlo and Christie arrived at around seven and we had conversation for about thirty minutes, as none of us knew each other. Debbie never arrived, and we decided to begin the meditation.

Laszlo explained the basic precepts of meditating, and gave us some visual suggestions. We made an agreement that he would knock on the table three times to signal the end of the meditation. We closed our eyes, and he talked to us for a while. We then sat in silence, practicing our visualizations. I tried the floating leaf and the floating feather, but I finally ended up with a heart. I was concentrating on this, and feeling very relaxed. All of a sudden, I heard a male voice say, “Good evening!” A million things went through my head in a few seconds, in an attempt to explain this to myself before I opened my eyes. Nothing made any sense, however, and I did open my eyes. I looked at Christie and Laszlo, and it was obvious to me that they had heard the same thing I did. I was sitting on the floor next to Mary. I looked to my right where she was, and realized she wasn’t there anymore.

I cannot, with the written word, describe how I felt at that point in time. It was indescribable. I wasn’t scared, but I was astonished, flabbergasted, “blown away.” I didn’t know what to do or say. Then, “Mary” turned her head, looked me right in the eye, and said, “So! You have questions!” I thought to myself, “Oh God! Yeah, I have questions, but I don’t have a clue what they are!” Finally, I managed to stammer, “Who are you?” The answer was, “I am a personality essence.” My mind flew back to the Seth books I had read in the mid to late seventies, and the term sounded familiar. I said, “Where did you come from?” The answer was, “From the same place as you.” I remember asking, “What is your name?” He said, “I am Rastin, but you can call me Raz.” And then he smiled.

Instantly, I became comfortable; at least, much more comfortable that I had been previously! I looked at Christie and Laszlo. They were sitting there staring, eyes wide open, jaws on the floor. I thought to myself, “Well, I better take advantage of this situation and ask some questions!” I began to ask questions. I don’t remember them clearly, but I do remember asking about Mary’s back pain and my epilepsy. Mary and I had been discussing these things that afternoon. I know that Christie did ask some questions, but I don’t remember what they were. I remember that towards the end of this exchange, he looked at Laszlo and asked him if he had any questions. Laszlo said “No.” He never did verbalize anything that evening, in my memory.

The experience lasted for thirty or forty minutes, and “Raz” told us that “Michael” [Mary] was becoming anxious, and he would be leaving. He told us we could talk to him again at another time. He told me to tell Michael [Mary] that he had found the “right company,” or something like that. Then he said “Good evening,” and he was gone. Laszlo had the foresight to knock on the table three times at that moment, and the three of us sat there waiting to see what would happen next. This was a very intense moment for all of us, because we did NOT know what Mary’s reaction was going to be! She slowly opened her eyes, stretched, and said, “Wow! That was really cool! We have to this again sometime! My back doesn’t even hurt!” We all sat there like the three stooges, unable to think of what to say. “Luckily,” the phone rang. Mary jumped up, answered the phone, and told the caller to call back in a few minutes because she was going to transfer the phone to another room. The call was for her daughter Elizabeth, who was in the bedroom.

I became very nervous at this point, because Elizabeth had walked into the hallway on her way to the bathroom in the middle of the session, and had known immediately that her mother wasn’t there. I had seen the look on her face and had not known what to do, so I had done nothing; but I knew that Mary was going to encounter a very scared Elizabeth when she walked into that bedroom. I remember holding my breath, waiting to see what would happen next. Mary was gone for a few minutes, and then walked back into the living room and said, “Okay. What the hell just happened here!?”

We then attempted to explain what had transpired, which was difficult because we didn’t have a clue what had transpired! The conversation lasted until about one o’clock in the morning. We all decided to meet again the following Monday, and see if we could “do it” again. I know I didn’t sleep at all that night. I just lay in my bed, saying to myself, “Wow!” I believe I probably said this word at least fifty times that evening during our conversation, and I’m still saying it today!

Jo and I moved to Castaic, CA in January 1998 and had the opportunity to hear Vic tell this story a number of times. She also said that the moment Elias introduced himself, she was also pretty freaked and her first impressions were; 1. where’s my handbag, and 2. where’s the door! LOL! That’s so Vic. But, of course, she got over that initial fight or flight response, settled down, engaged the old ghost, and the rest, as they say is history.

Finally, let’s all give Mary a hearty congratulations and thank you for nine years of making Elias available to a world that can certainly benefit from its wisdom, grace, and concern! Thanks for all you do. Also, thanks to everyone who helps out and participates in the sessions, email lists, and dreamscapes.


Paul & Jo

P.S. David Tate’s The Shift has been picked up by a London publisher and will be released in September 2004! Congratulations Mylo!

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Speak to Elias: Hold Your Own Private or Group Session

Mary Ennis holds private and group sessions. Rates are:

Private: approx. one hour phone or in person = $250 (includes audio tape)

Group: (20 or more people) = $1,500 plus travel expenses

Note: can now use your credit card through PayPal.

To schedule contact Mary Ennis:

Phone: 802-258-6574

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Order Video and Audio Tapes

Group sessions are available to everyone, and individual private sessions are available to the participant, or with the participant’s expressed permission. The proceeds go toward converting the existing videotape archive into a more stable DVD format, and other forum-related projects.

Now available from Ron Churchman:

$25 per session/video or DVD

$10 per session/audio

$25 current transcripts on CD-R. Available in MS-Word or text formats.


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New & Updated! Order Mindscapes Music CD

“A picture is worth a thousand words, but a mindscape is worth a thousand pictures.”

Mindscapes Music CD

From the sublime to the ridiculous, the sacred to the profane, Mindscapes explore the boundless world of dreams and imagination. Now available from Paul Helfrich.

> Listen to all 22 tracks:

> Read an interview:

> Order online or by regular mail:


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Click here to enlarge.The Shift: A Time of Change
compiled by David Tate


  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 Your Purpose Is Experience
  • Chapter 2 The Shift
  • Chapter 3 A Shifty Question
  • Chapter 4 Why Are We Here?
  • Chapter 5 Who Am I and What Is Essence?
  • Chapter 6 What About God?
  • Chapter 7 What Is Truth?
  • Chapter 8 A Divine Plan
  • Chapter 9 Intent – Desire
  • Chapter 10 If It Isn’t Fun, Don’t Do It!
  • Chapter 11 You Shall Not Betray You
  • Chapter 12 Birth–Death–Transition
  • Chapter 13 Regional Areas of Consciousness
  • Chapter 14 Reincarnation
  • Chapter 15 Karma
  • Chapter 16 Belief Systems
  • Chapter 17 Duplicity
  • Chapter 18 New Horizons
  • Appendix 1 The Sapling Story
  • Appendix 2 Glossary of Terms


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June 2004 Elias Group Session - Vienna, Austria

Saturday, June 5, 2004 at 1:00 PM. Cost is between $60-$90 US.

Hosted by Lisbeth and Gerhard Fuchs

Please contact us that we can give you more information about getting here, and let's make some plans together what we do when you are here.

Click here for full details.

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Public Email Lists

Check out the Elias List on Yahoo! Groups, moderated by Gerhard Fuchs <>

Check out the NewWorldView Discussion Forums, moderated by Paul Helfrich <> Ellen Gilbert <> and Serge Grandbois <>

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Please forward (email or print) this Newsletter to anyone you think may be interested.

To receive this newsletter, transcripts, other news, by email, or update your personal info, go to:

To stop receiving transcripts contact Bobbi H. at

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