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Tuesday, June 17, 2003

<  Session 1374 (Private/Phone)  >

“Not Enough Time”

“The Value of Challenge as Motivation”


Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra).

Elias arrives at 10:04 AM. (Arrival time is 14 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

FRANK: Good morning, good morning. Nice to talk to you again!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! And you also!

FRANK: It’s a beautiful day in Chicago here. So let’s see. Last time we talked, we said we’d start the sessions with some positive thing...


FRANK: I wanted to bring up a couple of things that happened since we last talked that I thought were interesting. First of all, I was going to a store, I pulled up in the parking lot in my car and all of a sudden, out of the blue, this woman came up to me. She was also in her car and she stopped. She was driving the exact same car I’ve got in a very similar color, but just a little different. She said to me something about boy, the color of your car is really nice or something similar. It was really strange. It was just sort of out of the blue – but as we know, nothing is by happenstance. So, I assumed that somehow I was validating my choice of the car. Is there more to it than that?

ELIAS: This is what you have presented to yourself, a validation in relation to your choices. (Laughs)

FRANK: Not just of the car, but things in general?

ELIAS: In association with your choices and your trust of your choices. You are correct, not merely in association with the car, so to speak, but a validation associated with your choices.

FRANK: The whole thing was kind of strange but not, based on the way things look.

The other thing that happened since the last time we talked – it’s sort of a long story to explain – but basically, again sort of out of the blue, my partner sent me a pretty substantial amount of money that I didn’t expect. I called him up and told him I think you’ve sent me more than you should have, and he said, “Not at all, that’s what you’re supposed to have.” Again, it was just something that sort of popped up that was really welcome. (Elias laughs) So I thought aha, this is one of those good things I have to tell Elias about!

ELIAS: And to be paying attention to yourself in this also, in your validation of yourself that you are generating choices that create what you perceive to be positive outcomes.

FRANK: I was pretty pleased with myself on that one. Give me more of that! (Elias laughs) That’s the good news for the start of this talk.

ELIAS: Very well!

FRANK: I wanted to ask you next about a dream I had that was a pretty interesting dream to me. I really enjoyed it. I was standing in my yard and up in the sky I saw vehicles flying. They were like trucks but they were moving like dirigibles in the sky. At first I thought they were UFOs, and I observed them for a while in the sky. The next thing, I was on the front lawn with Emma, and now the vehicles were on the ground and one of them almost ran over her, but somehow she got away and they didn’t. I gave some thought to this, but I have no idea what this was all about.

ELIAS: (Laughs) No impressions?

FRANK: I may have had some then, but at this point – it’s been a few weeks – at this point no, I really don’t recall what my impressions were at the time. Right now, no, I really don’t.

ELIAS: Now; examine the imagery. You are viewing these vehicles that initially appear to you to be foreign or alien, but they also incorporate some fascination in association with your attention. In this, you continue to watch these vehicles in their strange behavior, but subsequently you image them upon the ground and being almost threatening.

Now; what may your impression be as to the symbolization of these objects? Remember also that subsequent to your assessment that they appeared not to be alien; they acquire somewhat of a familiarity although their behavior is strange. (Pause)

FRANK: You know, you gotta help me. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: Very well. This...

FRANK: I have to tell you, there’s so many things going on with me now it’s almost hard to focus just on this.

ELIAS: This is a presentment to yourself of imagery not merely associated with what you think of as beliefs, but you have presented this imagery to yourself as an illustration of the powerfulness and also the somewhat unfamiliarity of beliefs and that they may present themselves in what you term to be strange manners. In noticing them, you may be noticing that they are affecting in manners that you would not necessarily generally notice. For they are familiar enough to generate an association within you that they are not necessarily beliefs, but the association of them not being beliefs creates powerful influences that may be less desirable in association with your choices.

Now; you image the threat to be in association with the other individual, for that, in a manner of speaking, is somewhat easier to view. You all view different expressions within other individuals much more easily than you do within yourself. Therefore, in conjunction with reflections that other individuals present to you, you image the threat in association with the other individual and not yourself.

Now; this imagery is in actuality significant, for these images that you have created in association with certain beliefs are representative of those beliefs that are expressed that you do not identify as beliefs at all; they merely are. Therefore, they are truths.

FRANK: Can you give me an example of one?

ELIAS: What may you identify that you express within each of your days consistently that you do not necessarily view as a belief – an action or an association? (Pause) I shall present one, that you incorporate the action of working to acquire money.

Now; understand that you may intellectually express to yourself or to any other individual that you know that this is a belief, but in actuality it remains a concept. In actuality, it is a belief that has been set in an absoluteness and therefore it becomes a truth to you. You do not question it, you merely express it.

FRANK: Boy, that’s one I want to express differently. (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: But recognize in your example of a validating action that occurred recently, you, in your belief, acquired money effortlessly, correct?

FRANK: Oh, yeah.

ELIAS: But you did not create that, you acquired it. This is your belief and it is unquestioned. It is surprising at times, for you are not actually generating a recognition of creating your reality and actually generating it from yourself yet.

You continue to express the belief that you are acquiring, which is a movement closer, so to speak, to the actual genuine reality that you are actually creating this and you are actually generating it. But the expressed belief remains the same, and it does not incorporate an association within you that it actually realistically is a belief. It merely is. This is what you do.

FRANK: Like I said earlier – I’m not going to argue with you – but anymore my first thought is aha, I created this.

ELIAS: Yes, but also recognize that these words incorporate certain associations. “I created this” – yes, but what does that actually mean? You received it...

FRANK: At the time I thought it meant what you mean, with what you say here.

ELIAS: I am understanding that this is what you think, but this is also associated with the influence of the belief which strongly influences what you think also.

Now; I am acknowledging that you are moving closer to an actual realization that you actually are creating all of your reality and you are offering yourself evidences to validate yourself and reinforce that trust and that acceptance; but this is not to say that the belief is eliminated or that it is not continuing to be expressed. Let me offer another example which may be somewhat clearer.

The sun rises each morning; the sun sets each evening. You do not question that, you do not think of it as you are creating that, it merely is. Therefore it is not a belief, it merely is. It is an absolute, and therefore it becomes a truth.

But the sun does not rise and set every day. It may appear so in certain locations, but in other locations it does not. Therefore, it is dependent upon your position and it is not an absolute. Therefore, it actually is a belief, and in association with that belief and the influence of it in association with your perception, this is what you create. But were you to be within a different position, the expressed belief may also be different, that the sun does not rise and set each day, and therefore that influences your perception and that is what you create.

FRANK: I think I understand. (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Laughs) This is the significance of the imagery, that the expressions may be quite familiar but you are not objectively aware of them being what they actually are. Therefore, at times they may be incorporated as preferences, as preferred beliefs in which you incorporate little or no conflict; but at times also, as you do not identify them as beliefs, they may be restricting and limiting.

FRANK: We’ve talked about that before, too.

ELIAS: You are incorporating a time framework now in which you have all moved into this new wave in consciousness addressing to the belief system of truth, and therefore you shall be presenting yourself with many different expressions of your truth.

What is another expression of your truth in this present time framework? You incorporate one in conjunction with time, that time is accelerating and that you do not incorporate enough time to be expressing all that you want. “Time is what it is” – time is not associated with beliefs, it is what it is, and you incorporate no control over the movement of time, for it is its own entity. It is not, and it is associated with perception and your beliefs, but it becomes an absolute in association with your beliefs.

“Time always moves forward and it accelerates” – not necessarily, but this is your belief and therefore this is what you create, and you do not question it. You question how to manipulate yourself in association with time but not actually manipulating time itself, for it is its own entity. But it is not.

FRANK: Well, I’m glad you told me that because I sure need to create more time! I see what you’re saying. And seriously, that will come in very handy about the time.

ELIAS: And the manner in which you generate a perception of incorporating more time is to pay attention more fully in the now and not be projecting your attention futurely.

FRANK: And why is that?

ELIAS: For in projecting your attention futurely, you generate a distraction, and in that you configure time differently. You are not paying attention to what you are actually generating and creating now. You are occupying your attention with anticipations and speculations and planning in association with the future.

This, in moving your attention away from the now, generates a perception that time is moving too quickly. For the amount of time that you are paying attention to the now becomes smaller and smaller, and therefore it appears to you that time becomes smaller and smaller or faster and faster and that you do not incorporate enough to be accomplishing what you want. For, the time framework in which you are paying attention to what you are actually doing in the now, which is where you create, becomes shorter and shorter.

FRANK: That makes a lot of sense.

ELIAS: As I have expressed previously, it may be helpful to remind yourself that as you notice that you are projecting your attention futurely, the present always follows the future. For you project your attention to the future and subsequently, or after you are projecting to the future, you turn your attention to the now. Therefore, what is the future but the past? (Laughs)

FRANK: (Laughs) Okay, well, that’s a good one. I’ll have to tell Mary about that one, because we were just talking about how time is moving too fast. We don’t have time for anything.

ELIAS: Ha ha! Yes, you may be offering this to Michael, for he is generating very similarly.

FRANK: One of the things I was going to put on my list of the good things that happened is I have a baseball team I manage and the first half of the year we won every game. It looked like we would never lose. It was unbelievably easy. It was so easy, that it was like gee, I’m not having any fun. You and I have talked about this before – no struggle involved. (Elias laughs) Then, subsequently, we lost our next three games, which was sort of surprising.

But just a couple issues here – number one, just in general, this is something I’ve done for many years and all of a sudden I’m losing interest in the whole thing. I’m not quite sure why that is. I’d like to hear your analysis of that and also kind of talk about what happened, why it was so easy and now it’s gone just the opposite.

ELIAS: I may express to you first of all, there is an element of challenge, which generates the game to be fun. I am aware that you all value winning, but you also value the challenge which allows you to express your skills. In this, it is quite interesting that so many of you incorporate the idea that were you to be creating perfectly – for you assess yourselves not to be creating perfectly – but if you were creating perfectly, every expression within your reality would all be easy.

In actuality, you value challenges that motivate you to express your talents, your skills, your creativity. This is an expression of inspiration, and if you continue to create all of your expressions being entirely easy, you are correct, you begin to incorporate less and less interest, for you are not generating an expression of your skill.

Individuals incorporate thought processes in association with this information in wondering what shall motivate them once they are shifted, for all of their expressions shall be easy and they shall incorporate no conflict.

Now; this is quite a misunderstanding and a distortion of the information that I express with you. It is not a question of generating every expression in your focus as easy or without conflict, but the awareness that if you are generating those types of expressions that are not easy or not comfortable or conflicting that you are creating that intentionally, and you understand why, that you know that you are choosing and that you no longer question within yourself “why did I create that,” for you shall be aware and know that you created that intentionally. Therefore, your reality may alter, but you continue to incorporate motivation to be exploring in a more expanded manner.

This is what you do now. You are merely moving into much more of an expansiveness of that action and an awareness of how you create it and what you are creating and why.

FRANK: That’s good information. That makes a lot of sense. Is that part of the reason I haven’t been more successful financially?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

FRANK: It’s kind of goofy in a way, but do I have kind of this latent concern that life will be too easy?

ELIAS: Partially, and questioning where you shall incorporate the challenge and the motivation. Partially, you also at times, as we have discussed previously, move yourself into an expression of complacency and laziness. You want the challenge, you want to be expressing your abilities and your skill and your talent, but only to an extent. Ha ha ha!

FRANK: Well, that’s okay, too.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Quite!

FRANK: That’s good information. But before we move on, for the last few weeks or so, all of a sudden we’ve lost every game, which doesn’t particularly bother me either, but it’s something I’m observing with curiosity. Was that a reaction to it’s too easy and no challenge and no fun?

ELIAS: Yes, and this serves to generate motivation. You allow yourselves to move in different directions to generate new expressions of inspiration to attain your goal once again.

FRANK: There’s a lot of people involved in this endeavor, so is it the same motivation or is it different for each individual?

ELIAS: There are some differences, but you also share a common expression in association with the challenge and the desire to be expressing an inspiration in association with the game itself and with the expression of the individuals’ skills.

FRANK: That’s kind of what I thought was going on.

Lizella has noticed and pointed out that a lot of our house is done in the color green. It seems like there was no premeditation about that on our part, but now that she’s pointed it out there must be something to that. Is there some reason why we’ve expressed that color so much within our home environment?

ELIAS: This particular color incorporates a vibrational quality that is associated with a soothing energy. Once again, [this is] another example of how you generate and create certain manifestations within your environment, which you do automatically, and do not incorporate a thought process in association with them.

The vibrational qualities of green and pink are quite soothing in energy and that energy allows you to create a calm environment in certain expressions. It adds, so to speak, a calmer element within your physical environment.

FRANK: Why is it that this seems to irritate Lizella? She seems to be not pleased about this.

ELIAS: Which is quite understandable, for what have we discussed in association with time? There is an energy of agitation within your physical environment, for not merely you are experiencing this feeling of time being accelerated or not incorporating enough time. This creates a type of tension and agitation within you as an individual, but other individuals within your family are also experiencing that. The expression or the vibrational quality of the color appears to be in opposition to what you are generating within your individual energies.

FRANK: But why her instead of one of the other members of the family?

ELIAS: For she is paying attention more to her own energy and the opposing expression of her own energy to the vibrational quality of the color.

FRANK: The other interesting side of this is that a few months ago she brought in some old furniture and painted it pink and green.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Which is also not surprising, for this is the expressed desire, to be generating more of that calm energy, but that is not what is being generated. Therefore, there is an opposition. Ha ha ha! This is why I express to you to pay attention to what you are actually doing, for all that you do incorporates significance and there is a reason.

FRANK: Even the little things, maybe especially the little things.

We had a picture in our dining room of Sterling playing football. It was a pretty interesting picture, but he appears to be in pain in this picture. It’s interesting because now he’s decided to discontinue playing, which we talked about last time, I’ve had an increasing urge to get rid of that picture. I assume the two are connected.

ELIAS: Yes, and what prevents you from removing the picture?

FRANK: Let’s see, what have we talked about so far – time, complacency? (Elias laughs) Go ahead, talk about that.

ELIAS: Not paying attention to impulses! (Chuckles and Frank laughs)

FRANK: I have paid attention to it!

ELIAS: Noticing but not actually acting.

FRANK: Right. Okay, so go ahead, go on.

ELIAS: Which it matters not, you may act in association with your communications or you may not, but in the time frameworks in which you do not, you also question.

FRANK: So you’re saying if I had gone to the store and gotten a new picture and put it up, I wouldn’t even be giving it another thought.

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: Well, you know, time is just moving too fast here! (Elias laughs)

Hey, in connection with that, after he told the coach of the team that he didn’t want to play anymore, the guy reacted in a very hostile manner towards him. So, there’s two questions. Number one, why did that happen, and number two, if that happened to him and I perceive it, did I really create that? You’ve said that we configure each other’s energy, so maybe you could talk about that a little bit.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; let me explain. I have expressed to you that individuals, you all, project energy, and for the most part you each receive the energy in the manner it was projected. Therefore, you create the imagery of the expression in conjunction with how it was projected with, generally speaking, little reconfiguration of that energy.

Now; this is the significance of paying attention to yourself. For in that, you may receive energy from another individual, and if you are paying attention to yourself and you are expressing trust within yourself, you shall reconfigure the energy in association with yourself and your expression of trust and acceptance of yourself.

All of the expressions that you encounter from other individuals are reflecting some element of yourself. This is the reason that you draw yourself to different situations and different individuals. It is all purposeful.

But you may be presenting to yourself an expression of hostility, per se, from another individual, and they may be intending to be projecting that energy. In your receiving of it, if your attention is upon yourself, you shall reconfigure that energy and allow yourself to create the actual physical interaction in the manner that you want.


FRANK: Is that a consciousness process?

ELIAS: It may be or it may be an automatic expression. It may be generated in either manner. You do incorporate the ability to objectively intentionally reconfigure the energy of another individual in that moment, and you shall objectively view how that changes the interaction immediately.

You each created your own version, so to speak, of the scenario. Sterling created his version of the scenario in his discounting of himself.

FRANK: He didn’t seem to care about it all that much. Maybe I misread him.

ELIAS: It is not a matter of what you term to be caring about the game or the participation, but discounting of himself in other manners, which we have discussed previously.

FRANK: That was a pretty interesting thing that happened.

Tell you what, before we conclude, let me go back to this complacency issue. (Elias laughs) I was going to talk to you about it next time, so we might as well talk about it now. When we talked about it in the past, you’ve said a lot of that had to do with my perception or fear that things were more difficult to accomplish than maybe what they really were. Is that still the crux of it or is there more to it?

ELIAS: For the most part, yes. In complicating your idea of certain actions, you perceive them to be necessitating more energy and effort than you actually want to be expressing – which is not necessarily true! Ha ha ha! But it is influenced by your beliefs and how you perceive certain expressions, certain activities.

FRANK: I do recognize this at times. So going forward when I do recognize something like this, what would be the best course of action? Just step back and realize what you just told me, that things in fact don’t have to require that much effort and activity?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the situation, my friend. My suggestion to you would initially be to examine the scenario and examine what you actually want, whether you actually want to be incorporating certain actions or interactions and whether they are important or significant to you or not, or whether you merely generate an expectation of yourself that you should be doing certain actions. In evaluating this, you may more clearly allow yourself to recognize what is significant to you and what is not, and how you are generating expectations upon yourself in what you think you should be doing but you genuinely do not want to be doing, and therefore it is unnecessary.

Now; there are time frameworks and scenarios in which you do want to be incorporating certain expressions but you perceive them to be incorporating more energy or difficulty than you wish to be expressing. In evaluating that, you may remind yourself that many times you are complicating your perception of certain scenarios and certain actions, and that if you are allowing yourself to pay attention to you and not projecting your attention outwardly to situations or other individuals, you may be moving into some scenarios much more easily. But initially, it may be beneficial to you to actually identify whether you actually want to be incorporating certain actions or interactions or not.

FRANK: The last thing, I sort of asked you about this before. I’ve got all these activities with regard to baseball. I run a league, I run a team, I have all these things going on, and for the first time in probably eight or ten years, I’ve decided I don’t think I want to do this anymore. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but that’s kind of what I’m feeling. Is it just that I’ve evolved and it doesn’t hold whatever it held for me before, or is it this whole business of not having enough time? What’s moving me in that direction?

ELIAS: Partially it is associated with your perception of time, but more so it is associated with familiarity and the lack of surprise and challenge in that familiarity, and a desire to be generating other actions that are less familiar and allow you to explore more of your abilities in unfamiliar manners.

FRANK: That’s a pretty big thing with me, isn’t it? I get bored with things pretty easily, with familiar things.

ELIAS: Yes, which is your natural movement in challenging yourself and also inspiring yourself.

FRANK: That I know. Sometimes it’s a bit of a problem, but maybe I shouldn’t make it one.

ELIAS: You incorporate a preference of new experiences to allow yourself to discover more of you and more of your abilities.

FRANK: That’s kind of what I thought it was. It’s interesting to hear it, too.

Well, our time is up. It went fast! (Elias laughs) It was accelerated time.

ELIAS: Of course it was! Ha ha ha! For this is what you are generating now!

FRANK: As always, I thank you so much. It was a pleasure and very beneficial.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next discussion. And perhaps you shall discover a manner in which you may be altering your configuration of time!

FRANK: That’s the challenge for the next few weeks.

ELIAS: Very well! And I shall continue to be expressing my energy with you in playfulness. (Laughs) To you, my friend, as always in great affection and fondness, au revoir.

FRANK: Good-bye.

Elias departs at 11:06 AM

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