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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

<  Session 1476 (Private/Phone)  >

“Allowing an Energy Exchange”

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Don (Allard).

Arrival time is 16 seconds.

ELIAS: Good morning!

DON: Good morning, Elias. (Elias chuckles) How are you today?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

DON: I’m doing well, I think. All my questions seem to be flying away from me this morning. I’ll start with some questions for Soloron.

ELIAS: Very well.

DON: He wondered if James K. Polk, the president, is a focus of his.

ELIAS: Observing.

DON: And how about Sid Caesar?

ELIAS: Also observing.

DON: Graham Chapman?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

DON: And Imogene Coca?


DON: Is one of the Marx brothers a focus of his?

ELIAS: Also counterpart.

DON: Speaking of focuses, of other focuses, I asked you some time ago what my brother’s relationship was to Philip K. Dick, and you said that he was a focus of an associate. But I didn’t ask you what my relationship is to Philip K. Dick, if I have one. While I’m sure it’s true to say we have some relationship with every other focus and every other essence, I feel that I have one with him, but it’s one that I just can’t pin down. It feels like there’s a complexity to it that takes it out of the category of counterpart or observing essence – me observing – or him being a focus of mine. But it may be that just because I’m feeling it, for some reason it fits quite well in one of those.

I remember that once you were talking to Sung and he asked about a future focus of his that he thought, if I recall correctly, was a focus being directed by both himself and another essence. He thought it was Allesander. You said no, Allard. He feels a lot of my tone in that focus, but it was just because of a mergence we had that that focus took advantage of. I wonder if I have some relationship like that with the essence of Philip K. Dick.


DON: Could you talk about it a little bit, or do you have anything to say about it? What is the nature of that relationship?

ELIAS: I may express to you that there is another individual that incorporates a relationship with that individual which is a focus of you, but also there is a mergence of these two essences for a time framework during that individual’s focus. Which, in that mingling, is not quite what would be described as your essence observing that focus, but merging with that essence in that time framework and offering somewhat of an enhancement of the experiences of both individuals.

DON: I see, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. I couldn’t put it into words but it felt like something with more than one aspect.


DON: Now, he is one of these people – and I don’t know how common it is – that was actually a twin, conceived as a twin. He had a girl fetus conceived along with his. That fetus remained in his body throughout his life. (1) It got me to wondering, would you, in your terminology, would you call a fetus that never reaches birth a focus, still, of an essence?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, but there are different experiences that may be expressed in this type of situation with two essences, which would not also move into the category of an observing essence but would be a different type of mergence of two essences within one focus.

DON: By the way, what is the essence name or how would you translate his tone to give an essence name, that essence of Phillip K. Dick? (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Marshuk (mar SHEWK).

DON: Would you spell that?


DON: Thank you. Was the time that Marshuk and I had that mergence during his experiences he termed 2-3-74? (2) (Pause)


DON: Interesting. Well, that’s enough for that. I’m still trying to gather my thoughts here, so I have a question from Jene ... let me find it here.

This is a question she wrote before she read the recent Fresno group session transcript, and she’s asked me to tell you that she’s aware of what you said during that session but she’d like to ask this question anyway. “I have an impression that we generate many, many feelings or different aspects/expressions of emotions but that there are relatively few actual emotions we generate as communication. If this is correct, please offer a list of the emotions we generate as communication and their actual communication.”

ELIAS: In actuality, that question would be quite challenging and does not actually incorporate a precise answer, for it is not an absolute. Also, the communications associated with different emotions may be expressed differently by different individuals, for it is the individual’s communication to themselves, and their communication to themself is expressed in manners that they interpret and translate.

Therefore, it may appear surfacely that individuals incorporate the same emotional communications, but in actuality each individual’s emotional communications are unique to them. In each emotional communication they may incorporate certain signals that may appear to be the same, but the communication associated with those signals may be quite different in different situations, and also dependent upon what belief is influencing the individual in a specific moment or what they are generating in relation to themselves or in relation to other individuals or situations that they are creating. Therefore, the expressions are quite varied and diverse.

Even the signals themselves may not necessarily be isolated into specific numberings or listings of identifications of emotions, as you define them or as you relate with them in feelings, so to speak, for they also vary and are more diverse than you generally define within yourselves. You may be generating a list of what you term to be emotional signals or feelings, such as anger or frustration or disappointment or happiness or joyfulness or contentment. You may generate an extensive list of what you identify as feelings, but even that would be incomplete, for there are many more feelings or signals that perhaps may be classified as subcategories. They may be not quite one feeling but not quite another feeling either, and you incorporate a difficulty in precisely identifying what the actual signal is for you do not incorporate actual words or terms for many of these signals; you merely feel them.

DON: It almost seems as if you could say there would be as many types of signals as there are things to communicate.

ELIAS: Yes. In this, it is not actually necessary to be attaching a word or a term to the signal. But what is important is to recognize that a signal is being expressed, and allowing yourself to interpret the message that is associated with that signal.

DON: On another subject, you said in one of the recent group sessions, I think it may have been Fresno, that – I’m paraphrasing here – you try to respond to what we ask of you but we’re not always aware of what we’re asking. (3) (Elias nods in agreement) When I read that, I thought of the last session I had with you, where I was trying, through the example of my interaction with Michael before the session, I wanted to ask you about co-creation beliefs. Instead you talked about how I can generate interactions with other essences or similar information myself. (4) I realize, I think, I was asking exactly that, in a way. Would you say?


DON: I’ve become very aware of that since the last session I had with you. I think that at least in part, the more skeptical examination I’ve had of you is really a movement within me to start generating more information myself. Would you agree?

ELIAS: Yes, and to generate more of a trust of yourself and your abilities, which I may express to you an acknowledgment, for this is the point. Ha ha ha ha!

DON: Thank you. Since the last session, I’ve had a few experiences, but I tried autotyping, I think similar to – I don’t know – but maybe similar to what Olivia does with Patel. (5)


DON: It was not easy. I felt like I was forcing the action to a large extent and inhibiting it, and it didn’t really feel like there was a clear connection between the information and my fingers. It felt like I would translate and then type. But I did come up with three simple lines. First, I wonder, in those lines, the typist identified him or herself as Ayla. I hesitate to trust that because I may have been responding to expectations I had or something else. I’m not sure. But first, do you have any comments on that, with regard to was Ayla’s energy present?

ELIAS: Yes. And what is your skepticism or your doubt, rather? It is not actually skepticism that you are expressing, but more of an expression of doubt and disbelief.

DON: Yes. So at least figuratively, I could say that was Ayla?


DON: I got the sense that she was absolutely delighted with that little exchange. Was that an accurate translation?

ELIAS: Yes, in a manner of speaking.

DON: Well, yes, given that that’s an emotion.

ELIAS: Correct. (Laughs with Don)

DON: Don’t have any words for non-emotion translations of them, I guess.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Appreciation.

DON: Appreciation, yes. I feel a strong inhibition in me with regard to things like this, and I have a hard time understanding what these inhibitions are. I can see that partially I levy expectations upon myself, and I have a fear of doing it improperly or badly. I do have the doubt itself. I’m wondering if there are other factors involved, such as actually a fear of the unfamiliar. I don’t feel that within me, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a resistance in association with fear. It is not concerning fear, but there are many other factors which generate the resistance and what you term to be inhibitions.

Now; many of these are associated with beliefs, and as I have stated not necessarily fear, but embarrassment, which at times may be a more powerful expression than fear. There are expectations and there are doubts. For let me express to you, my friend, generating this type of allowance does require exposure and a trust of yourself, and a genuine trust of your ability and of yourself in a manner that is expressed strongly enough to override the doubts and the embarrassment and the anticipation – which is also not necessarily a fear but more of an anxiety in anticipation of how you shall be perceived by other individuals, and whether you are right or not.

This element of rightness plays heavily in this type of an action, for there is an automatic expression of personal responsibility, which initially is experienced and expressed by all individuals that engage this type of action. For it is common to their beliefs that there are certain expressions that are right and better, and there are certain expressions that are not. I may express to you, even individuals that have engaged an action, such as Michael engages, for extended time frameworks continue to express those beliefs in some capacity in association with what they do.

I am aware that Michael continues to incorporate assessments of this energy exchange in association with what type of information is offered. Now that has relaxed considerably, through time, and there has been generated much more of an allowance; but I am also aware of his beliefs and what would be considered quite unacceptable. If tremendous hurtfulness were to be incorporated by an individual that engages conversation with myself, Michael would assume personal responsibility for that action, for those are his expressed beliefs.

DON: I was going to ask you what suggestions you might have to facilitate overcoming these inhibitions I have towards something like that.

ELIAS: I may express to you, in suggestion, to not be viewing this type of action so very seriously. That may be genuinely helpful in facilitating the action much more easily and clearly. For if you are allowing yourself to engage the action in a playful manner as a game and you are not incorporating such seriousness, it shall matter less what information is being expressed and your concentration shall move merely to the interaction rather than the quality or the quantity of whatever information is being expressed. As you become more familiar and more relaxed and comfortable with the interaction itself, you generate more of an allowance for information. If you are expressing pressure with yourself to perform or to produce, you are correct, you force energy and you resist, for that becomes more important.

I may express to you one bit of information that I have recently expressed similarly to another individual, which applies in your situation but is being expressed in a different capacity than I have expressed it to the other individual. But in this, if you allow yourself to alter your perception and concentrate upon the process rather than the outcome, you shall change the energy that you are expressing and that shall generate much more of an allowance. In that, rather than generating an end point or a goal, you generate an action to create a beginning of a movement. Are you understanding?

DON: Yes.

ELIAS: This generates quite a different perception. If you are concentrating upon the goal or the outcome, you generate difficulty in the motivation of the process, and the process is the point. For any process may incorporate many different outcomes, but the outcomes are not an endpoint; they are a beginning point. Therefore, if you are allowing yourself to engage the process in a playful manner such as a game, you relax your energy and you allow yourself to generate the outcome, which creates the beginning point, and the beginning points are always movements into new expressions.

DON: Your saying this reminds me of my usual way of receiving impressions, and that’s just getting them through what seems like my imagination. I think I’m freer there because the process is fun and I don’t know where it’s going. But anyway, I think I see what you mean.

ELIAS: And you allow yourself to practice and to actually allow yourself, not express pushing with yourself, and also not expressing expectations, for you merely accept whatever impressions you offer to yourself and you are playful with that action. Therefore, in that playfulness, you know you shall express an outcome. But what that outcome is matters not, for whatever the outcome is shall be satisfactory.

DON: I think because it’s not objectified in the same way, I’ve tended to be a lot freer with it.

ELIAS: Yes. But this also has served as a practice in trusting yourself. In that, now you choose to move into a different type of expression and explore a different allowance. If you are generating that allowance in a playful manner and not concerning yourself with what the outcome may possibly be, or in your assessment whether it shall initially make sense to you or not or whether you may be translating in a manner to make sense to other individuals or not, you do not put the constraints upon yourself that you would necessarily if you are merely focusing upon the outcome and the production. Also, do not concern yourself with the rightness of it.

DON: Another experience I had recently somehow feels related at some level. About three weeks ago or so, I was in a group meditation. I don’t normally do things like this. At one point, the facilitator said the words “surrender, surrender.” I felt as if I were suddenly being turned inside out, energetically. It surprised me so much and it excited me enough that I stopped that action and wasn’t able to continue it again. I get the sense that when I listen to what you’ve said about engaging Ayla or another essence, the same advice would apply to trying those types of actions also. Do you have anything to add?

ELIAS: That would be an accurate assessment in association with your beliefs, your associations, how you perceive and your energy, for I am aware in your energy that you do not generate an association with this term of “surrender” as a giving over to. Therefore, in more of a direction of merely letting go and allowing, you are substituting this word of “surrender,” which is acceptable.

DON: It hadn’t even occurred to me that there was any other definition of it other than it being equivalent to “allowing myself.”

ELIAS: Yes. Were it to be expressed by another individual, my response may have been different in association with their beliefs and their association with that term, for there are many different associations with the term of “surrender.”

DON: Oh yes, of course. When I spoke to a woman recently, who does channeling herself, about this autotyping experience, I didn’t mention Ayla to her, but I asked her if she had any thoughts on it. She said quite definitely that she felt that I was channeling, in her terminology, a name I don’t quite remember now – Soloden, perhaps – who she said was a name of the female aspect of Jesus. What would you make of that?

ELIAS: An interpretation associated with the other individual’s beliefs. It is an interpretation of a type of energy which is strong. In that, it is quite understandable that there are certain focuses that individuals automatically generate an association with strength, and they also generate an automatic association that the entirety of the essence is that one focus, or expressing an energy which is entirely generated in the manner of that one focus. Therefore, the interpretation of certain energies and the strengths of those energies, or the qualities of those energies, are automatically associated with certain personalities of certain focuses being generally associated with the entirety of that essence.

I may express to you that that manifestation of Jesus is one focus of attention and is not the expression of the entirety of essence, is not the entire experience of that essence. It is one focus of attention. As I have expressed previously, much of the evaluations and the ideas and philosophies that are generated – and even the accounting of experiences that are generated in relation to that particular individual – are stories. They are not actually the experiences of the individual. They are experiences that have been generated collectively within a time framework and have been attributed to one individual, but they are not actually the experiences of that one individual.

But this is quite commonly expressed that an individual allowing themselves to tap into an energy expression that you are presenting may generate an association with a powerful symbol such as Jesus; but they go no further or beyond that association to recognize objectively that there are many powerful expressions of energy associated with essences, and every essence incorporates a powerfulness. They are expressed in different manners.

But in association with this particular essence of Ayla, the choice of its natural energy expression is generally expressed in association with individuals within your physical reality in what you would term to be a powerful manner in different types of expressions. This particular essence does not express energy in a manner translated into your physical reality that would be assessed by you, as individuals, as gentle.

DON: Interesting. Well, she’s felt gentle enough to me at times.

ELIAS: But also continuing to incorporate what you would assess as strength, a powerfulness of energy. This is the reason that many individuals that experience that essence’s energy choose not to continue to incorporate that, for many of them experience that energy in palpitations of heart. Many individuals associate that with uncomfortableness and therefore choose not to continue to be interactive with that particular essence objectively.

DON: That reminds me of an experience that I’ve wondered about. It doesn’t really matter, I suppose. Maybe 15 or 16 years ago I was lying in bed quietly and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. Because I was quiet, I didn’t lose consciousness. It was incredibly silent, and then it started beating again with a huge roll in my chest, shaking my whole upper body. I’ve wondered in the last year, since learning objectively of Ayla, if she was objectively introducing her energy to me at that time.


DON: The purpose of that would be, given that I didn’t have any easy way of associating a name or even the concept of an essence with that, is it more of a subjective introduction? What is exactly happening there in that kind of...

ELIAS: Subjective and objective. It matters not that you do not necessarily attach a specific identification to the experience in association with another essence. What that type of interaction creates is a preparation for what direction you are already choosing. Therefore, within your process, eventually you recognize different experiences that have been associated with a direction that you had already begun to incorporate, but may not be expressing it in the beginning throes as defined as you are subsequently, for it is a process also.

DON: Recently I went to a small Sufi gathering. Actually I surprised myself with it, because I have a resistance to objective expressions of religion. I don’t mean to say that I don’t align with religious beliefs...

ELIAS: I am understanding.

DON: ...because I certainly do align. But I was quite surprised because I found that what was being said resonated with me very strongly. In fact, it sounded to me very like much of what you say, although I could certainly see the influence of beliefs, which you don’t have. It was so similar that I thought that the person leading it is somebody that you’re in contact with.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. But this also proves to be a valuable experience, my friend. For especially within this time framework in which you are all addressing to truths, a very strong movement in this wave of truths is addressing to differences and how you interact with differences. In this, you have offered yourself an opportunity and an experience in which you may incorporate differences and view the similarities.

Recognize that regardless of whether you prefer not to be engaging what you term to be religious establishments or rituals, that is not to say that there is not information being expressed in those rituals and customs and religious establishments also. It is not to say that they are wrong. It is merely a choice of different avenues to offer information in different capacities. They may incorporate different terms, but they may in some manners be actually expressing quite similarly in beliefs and in truths and in information.

DON: Yes, actually I’d call it astoundingly similar. Even concepts such as thoughts not creating but rather being a translation of our other signals was right there.


DON: It was quite interesting.

ELIAS: And this is the point, that individuals offer themselves information in many, many, many manners, and you are ALL participating in this shift in consciousness. Not all individuals shall be drawing themselves to interactions with myself, for it is dependent upon their beliefs and their directions and their personalities and their beliefs in association with their truths. Regardless of what their truths are, regardless of their direction, they shall present information to themselves in some manner that is associated with this shift in consciousness, widening their awareness and offering themselves information concerning the nature of their reality and its expansion, and their beliefs and how different mechanisms in their reality operate, such as thought.

DON: A small question – is “Sufi” a name that you would give to a subdivision of the Sumafi family?


DON: Does that have any association whatsoever with Sufism as we know it here?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

DON: Somewhat, yeah. It felt to me that perhaps it did.

ELIAS: There is an influence, yes.

DON: For the last few months, maybe two or three months, I’ve had a curious thing happening with my dreams. We spoke some time ago about the strange I’ll call it non-linear wordplay that I was engaging in in Framework 2 for a while, only for a couple of weeks. It’s very, very hard to bring back that wordplay objectively. Now, in the last couple of months, it seems like my dreams in their entirety have felt similar to me. Somehow, something’s happening and I don’t even have words for it, except that it feels similar to the wordplay except for all the imagery. I can’t bring it back objectively, but if I close my eyes and attempt to remember it, instead it feels like I go back to that world or that dimension. I don’t really know what to ask about it, but it’s interesting and I thought I’d see if you have any comments.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Allowing yourself to be aware objectively of subjective expressions and movement more objectively. But you are correct, you do not incorporate actual terminology or words that would accurately define that action, for it is a subjective action. But how you translate that is in experience and feeling – not feeling/emotion but feeling.

DON: Would you say that my dreams themselves are not substantially different? Is it more that I’m trying to translate them differently or more directly?

ELIAS: You are allowing yourself more of an awareness of the subjective action, therefore not incorporating the interjection or the interplay, so to speak, of the objective with that, not attempting to translate into objective imagery – which would be the actual images of the dream, for that is the objective translation. Rather than incorporating that translation, you are allowing yourself merely to experience with an objective awareness but without the translation. In a manner of speaking, what you are doing in association with your dreams and feelings is quite similar to what your surrealists attempted to capture in words and pictures in their philosophy. It was not necessarily the words or pictures, or outcome once again, that was significant in that movement, but the philosophy.

DON: I had an experience maybe two weeks ago related to this aspect of my dreams. I had a severe headache and it felt as if the pain pushed me there. It didn’t feel like it was under my conscious control, but I felt myself shift part of my awareness or attention into this other realm, and part of it remained here. While part of me was shifted over there, the pain was absolutely gone. Yet I was still to some degree present objectively unlike, say, if I were dreaming. It seems like it could be practical! But it felt again like the pain pushed me there. I don’t feel like I can get there at will right now.

ELIAS: That is a temporary expression, for there are actual physical occurrences which are being generated in these movements in widening your awareness. There are actual neurological pathways, which I have spoken of previously many times, that open and generate new avenues for activity within your physical body consciousness that change and allow you more flexibility and more mobility; but that eventually does and will discontinue in the expression of a painfulness. That is a temporary expression. Once you become relaxed with your experimentation of different movements and once you have created these new avenues in association with your physical body consciousness to allow those movements, the physical feeling, so to speak, discontinues.

Now; you may also generate another sensation, but it may be deemed by you to be much more pleasant.

DON: We’re getting close to being out of time. Sophi’s pretty good at using tarot cards, I think, to allow herself her impressions. A couple or three weeks ago, maybe less than that, maybe a week ago, she told me that she felt – I’m translating for her a little bit – that on a subjective level some fairly major decision had been taken by me about a week ago. I have the sense what she was picking up was a decision on my part subjectively to be more allowing of these types of experimentations we’ve been talking about.

ELIAS: Yes, and that is in actuality a significant movement. For as you are already aware, as we have expressed in this conversation there are many beliefs and expressions that are challenging in allowing that type of action.

DON: In the moment that remains, I’d like to ask you about an impression of Sung’s regarding a shared focus of ours. He picked up a focus of us being brothers during Medieval times, where there was a code of family or blood that was very important between us. Would you confirm that?


DON: Well, I have a lot more questions today, Elias. (Elias laughs) They’ll have to wait.

ELIAS: Which shall merely produce another excuse for you to engage in our conversations, my friend! Ha ha ha!

DON: Yeah, it’s convenient for that. It’s been a pleasure, as always.

ELIAS: And with you also. As always, once again, I express my affection to you, and offer my lovingness to you in friendship.

DON: Thank you.

ELIAS: In fondness, my friend, au revoir.

DON: Au revoir.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 5 minutes.


(1) Don’s note: Historically, this is incorrect. Dick had a female twin, but she was carried to term and died not long after birth. I can’t remember where I got this idea; Dick may have himself imagined or speculated on this and I read of it in his biography “Divine Invasions” or in his “Exegesis” (a collection of his philosophical speculations); perhaps it was true of a character in one of his books. Or perhaps I imagined it, generating a story of Dick, as Elias later discussed stories of Jesus.

(2) Don’s note: “2-3-74” is the term Dick used to refer to the intense mystical experiences he had during February and March of 1974. He grappled with these and his continued mystical experiences for the rest of his life; they are the basis of his semi-autobiographical VALIS trilogy.

(3) From the Fresno group, session 1468, November, 08, 2003: “What information is presented in any particular session is determined by you; what you request is what I am responsive to. I am aware that you are not necessarily objectively aware of what you are requesting – although you are, you merely are not paying attention, but you are aware – and in this, as you generate your request collectively, I respond and address to your questions and your desire for information.”

(4) See session 1456, October 17, 2003.

(5) Ron/Olivia engages an energy exchange with Paul/Patel, one of the essences facilitating Mary/Michael’s energy exchange with Elias. Some of those transcripts are available at

Digests: find out more about Paul/Patel.

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