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Friday, May 14, 2004

<  Session 1558 (Private)  >

“A Significant Widening of Awareness”

Participants: Mary (Michael), Joe (Amiir) and Dan.

(Elias’ arrival time is 21 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

JOE:Good morning, Elias.

ELIAS: (To Dan) Welcome.

DAN: Thank you.

ELIAS: How shall we proceed?

JOE:In the interest of belonging to Sumafi, let’s proceed most efficiently. I’ll get some small questions for other people out of the way first. I’ll start with my mom and my aunt. They have asked if you have anything that you would like to say to them.

ELIAS: In what capacity?

JOE:General, I suppose.

ELIAS: You may express to each of them to be noticing of my energy, for it is being introduced.

JOE:My mom also would like me to ask, “What about Bob?”

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Clarify.

JOE:She has recently met this man on the Internet named Bob, and I suppose she’s just trying to maybe feel into if this a good thing for her or is it not a good thing for her. I’m sure she probably has a lot of different issues tied up with it, etcetera, etcetera. So I guess maybe she’s kind of wondering if this is something that’s more probable, would be my interpretation of it.

ELIAS: You may express to her from myself, not concerning more probable or less probable, but what is significant for her to pay attention to is her preferences, what she wants and how she chooses to be expressing herself, not looking to the other individual to provide some expression to her or for her, but rather to be aware of herself genuinely – what she wants to be expressing and what she wants to allow herself to express in her own freedom. That shall produce what she wants in association with the other individual.

JOE:Next question, my cousin Amanda would like to know her families.

ELIAS: And your impression?

JOE:I would say some Sumari maybe in there somewhere?


JOE:I’m getting Ilda.

ELIAS: Correct.

JOE:Probably Ilda belonging, Sumari aligned?

ELIAS: Correct.

JOE:Soft also?


JOE:Going along with orientation questions, I’ve had some recent experiences which you may or may not be aware of; I’m not certain, but we’ll talk about that a little bit more. I have had impressions that there are an unusually large number of intermediate and soft people in my immediate family. Is this impression accurate?

ELIAS: Accurate, although I would not necessarily express that that is unusual.

JOE:I would say more or less in the context of the number of intermediate, soft and common people that are in this physical reality being expressed.


JOE:My interpretation of it is about 11 or 12 percent intermediate, 20-some percent soft, the rest common. My impression is I have an intermediate brother, an intermediate sister, a soft brother, a soft sister, two intermediate aunts, an intermediate uncle, and my grandfather was intermediate. It just seems to me very unusual that there would be that many intermediates involved with one family, as we are less common than other orientations.

ELIAS: I am understanding, although this is also the choice of the individuals to be grouping themselves in this manner, which offers somewhat less conflict and somewhat more of an ease in understanding, and less of a tendency to be imitating the common orientation or less of a tendency to be comparing with the common orientation – not that that is not generated entirely, but there is less of a direction in the supportiveness of the group in their interaction and their understanding of their languages.

I may express to you also, as I have previously with other individuals, the soft orientation is somewhat easier to be interacted with by the intermediate orientation. Although there are some strong similarities between intermediate and common in how they express, the language of soft is somewhat easier to be interpreted by an intermediate individual.

JOE:Would that have a lot to do with what motivates decisions and choices in those two orientations?

ELIAS: Somewhat – not entirely, but somewhat.

JOE:Sticking with orientation, my ex-girlfriend Nicole, one of the recent experiences that I’ve had, I’ve had the impression that she has temporarily altered her orientation. Can you verify that, or is that something that I’ve misinterpreted?

ELIAS: First express to myself what you generate in assessment of that type of expression.

JOE:I’m not sure what your question means.

ELIAS: What influences you to generate that type of evaluation?

JOE:That’s a pretty easy question to answer. I suppose believing that if you are the same orientation it would be much easier to interact in an intimate relationship, so perhaps there was some influence there.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. This is a misconception associated with misinterpreting information concerning these orientations. Although individuals incorporating the same orientation speak the same language, so to speak, or view their reality through the same lens, this is not to say that the coupling of the same orientation is always more effortless, for it is dependent upon the individuals.

Now; as I have expressed previously, there are some snares, as you may term them to be, with the soft and the intermediate orientations in coupling with another individual of the same orientation. They may understand each other’s language, but there are some qualities or some expressions of each of these two orientations that may generate some friction between the individuals. As I expressed initially that if individuals within a relationship are coupling themselves together with another individual of their same orientation and that this shall create or generate an ease in their interaction, that also incorporates a prerequisite. The prerequisite is that each of the individuals within the relationship incorporate a genuine awareness and familiarity of themselves and are genuinely holding their attention upon self.

Now; generally speaking, most individuals have not quite moved into that type of an expression yet, in most couples. Individually perhaps so, but in relationships this is a very unfamiliar expression. Therefore, most individuals have not quite moved into that type of an awareness in association with romantic relationships.

Now; at times incorporating two different orientations, dependent upon the combination and the individuals, may generate more of an ease. For in the incorporation of those differences, there is also an allowance. The allowance is expressed in that the different orientations recognize that they are not entirely familiar with the other individual’s language. Therefore, there is more of an allowance of flexibility and compassion. There is more of an allowance in supportiveness, for there is less competition.

In coupling with the same orientation, many times there is a significant opportunity to generate competition and comparison, for there is an awareness of the similarity. But this also many times generates expectations.

JOE:Like who is expressing better?

ELIAS: Somewhat, or it may be expressed in recognizing your own expressions and expecting the other individual to express the same, which may not necessarily be conducive to the other individual. For, your orientation is one aspect of you, your beliefs are another, your personality is another, and your focus type is another. Although your orientation quite strongly influences your perception, there are other factors that create you as you and how you express yourself. Your beliefs are quite integral in these expressions, and your expressed beliefs may be somewhat different from another intermediate individual’s.

JOE:Let me get this question right. We’ll make it a two-part question. Was my impression of that particular situation correct as far as her altering her orientation temporarily, and if so, interactions that I have had with her since that time... I have noticed, even if her orientation is the same as mine, that there are still some very large differences in expressed beliefs and preferences between her and me.

ELIAS: I may express to you, to the first element of your question, no, she has not altered her orientation, and to the second element of your question, yes, you are correct, you do incorporate differences in preferences and in expressed beliefs.

Now; that may not necessarily generate conflict. That is dependent upon you.

JOE:That was one of the things that I really took the time to sit down and talk with her and listen to what she was saying as far as her direction that she wanted in life and things that she wanted to do. I really felt like for the first time talking to her that I actually heard what she was saying as opposed to hearing it and immediately trying to figure out how I could change what she wanted.

ELIAS: Which is significant. That is significant widening and allowing yourself to genuinely be paying attention to yourself, which allows you to pay attention to her also, and to recognize that differences are not absolutes and that you may be cooperating with another individual in association with differences and not incorporate judgments or the threat within yourself that if you are not generating sameness you shall be expressing conflict. These are strong truths, but they are not true. It is significant that you allow yourself to recognize your preferences, your expressed beliefs, your choice of directions, but also to recognize that the difference expressed by other individuals is not threatening.

JOE:I really felt like, okay, this is what it is and that’s just fine.

ELIAS: Acceptance does not require agreement.

JOE:It’s weird too, because I kind of felt like... I guess agreement’s not the right word, but I kind of understood why she wanted to do the things that she wanted to do, and I never really understood that before. So, it was a very freeing feeling.

ELIAS: And this is an expression of evidence of your own widening.

JOE:We’re kind of moving along here with time, so in the interest of efficiency, are you aware of any questions that have been posed to me that I’m not recalling at this time, so I don’t forget somebody that I need to be asking a question for? Not that I need to be, but any agreements that I’ve expressed that I have forgotten at this time?

ELIAS: It matters not. Allow yourself to express what you want to express.

JOE:All right. Let’s get into the meat of the session, then!

ELIAS: Very well.

JOE:I guess we can start at the beginning of my recent experiences. I’ll tell my version of it, and then you can give me your impression of it and see if we can come to more of an understanding so I can understand it.

ELIAS: Very well.

JOE:I really felt that I had reached a point where I no longer really had any genuine choices. I really felt like I had almost forced myself to a point where the only thing, the only option I had left was to find some way to let myself relax.

Subsequent to that, using various methods – which for my own reasons I really don’t want to share with people; I know some people do know what they are, but there are other people which I have specifically not shared my methods with – I had some very interesting, also scary experiences. As far as my interpretation, it would be my essence Amiir speaking through me, and basically feeling very threatened by that in some ways, fascinated by it in other ways.

Through that experience, I think that I have genuinely recognized for myself the true value of what it means to be human. At this point, I’m really just trying to piece that all together so I can understand what was the point of that, because I’m in a place now where I’ve had this experience, but what was the point?

ELIAS: The point, quite simply, was to allow yourself to experience genuine appreciation.

JOE:For myself?

ELIAS: Yes, and what is meant in genuine appreciation, to actually experience what we have defined as love, which is genuine knowing and appreciation.

Many, many, many individuals within your reality incorporate an intellectual idea of love. They incorporate an intellectual idea or theory of appreciation and of knowing, but do not genuinely incorporate an actual experience. Without experience, you do not generate a reality.

What you know in reality is what you have experienced, and without the experience, what you think you know is concept. Experience is powerful; that is what generates the knowing. It is also quite significant, for without experience you cannot generate the remembrance. As I have expressed many times previously, remembrance is not memory, it is being, and that beingness cannot be expressed without actual experience.

In this, you have offered yourself an experience of yourself as essence, which I am understanding may generate some confusion and also some conflict and even some elements of trauma. For in these types of experiences, in a manner of speaking it shakes your identity and it threatens your identity, for there are strong beliefs associated with the concepts of you as a focus of attention and essence. There are separations in those beliefs, and in those separations, in a manner of speaking you protect your individuality, your identity.

In generating a type of experience in which you experience yourself as essence in that vastness, in many different capacities and many different types of expressions that are entirely unfamiliar to you in this physical manifestation and in this identity, there is an automatic association that is generated that you recognize as you in your identity in this now, in this physical manifestation. That becomes lost, and it is difficult to find that identity in the strength of its identity.

Essence is not a thing that is beyond you or that is beside you or that you are a part of. You are essence. You are merely streamlining and focusing an attention in such concentration that you do not allow yourself to pay attention or to notice the blinks that are occurring continuously. They occur so rapidly that your focus, your attention appears to you objectively to be uninterrupted. It is not uninterrupted. You have generated a physical manifestation and a physical perception, and have focused your attention in association with the blueprint of this physical reality and generated your expressions of separation, which are natural in this physical reality and somewhat purposeful, for they allow you a continuous purity of your experiences and your exploration in association with physical reality. But you are much more vast than the one attention.

In allowing yourself an experience in which you do not necessarily view yourself but you experience yourself in that vastness, there are many elements that are not associated with this one particular physical reality. Individuals objectively may entertain the concept that they are much more vast, they may entertain the concept that they are essence, but the knowing of that is not realized for the most part, for they have not allowed themselves these experiences – which is the point of this shift in consciousness, expanding your awareness and recognizing what otherwise may be viewed as paradoxes or impossible.

How may you be essence in its entirety and also be this individual? How may you be holding your individuality, your uniqueness, the wondrousness of yourself as you in your identity and not be absorbed or assimilated into this vast thing that is essence? But you are not; you continue with your individuality. But you may be distracted in the incorporation of an experience as you continue within your physical focus, experiencing other expressions of yourself as essence, which does not feel familiar. It does not FEEL as you or yourself, for you are familiar with this individual that you are now, and therefore other aspects of you are unfamiliar.

You may incorporate a similar experience were you to be allowing yourself to generate some talent that you have never experienced previously. As an example, hypothetically, perhaps you may be an athlete. In one moment you allow yourself to tap into another aspect of your energy, and at once you may be expressing playing a concerto in which you have never incorporated any musical instrument previously, or you may write a symphony but you have no knowledge objectively of music. That would be quite overwhelming in the experience. To materialize an object, which you have never incorporated the action of previously, would be quite overwhelming for you are allowing yourself to experience your abilities that you were previously unaware of.

The experience that you have incorporated is quite similar, for it allows you to generate an experience of essence, and although it may be somewhat frightening and overwhelming and very unfamiliar, it has generated purposeful expressions. It has allowed you to widen your awareness, which has allowed you more of a flexibility in your interactions with other individuals. It has allowed you more of an openness with yourself. It has generated an inspiration. It has allowed you to genuinely experience an appreciation of yourself but not merely of yourself – of all of your reality and the wonderment of this physical reality that you have chosen to participate within. It has allowed you to move outside of the expression of victim and moved you into an expression of wonder and curiosity, and a motivation to explore. This experience has been beneficial to you in many different manners. Therefore, it has been quite purposeful.

JOE:I had a conversation with C9 some months back – I’m not sure how many months ago it was – and I had a discussion with him about my intent. He was very elusive about it – actually, I guess “she” would be the reference – but she was very elusive about my intent. Finally she said that if I were to be recognizing my intent, I was fearful that I would disengage. Could you possibly offer me maybe some clarification of that whole thing, or maybe more of an idea of what my intent is in this focus?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment? (Joe sighs) Remember, your intent is the general theme.

JOE:The only general theme that I can really seem to identify is that generally I have a very, very strong dislike for conflict, and I seem to have a knack to assist people in dissipating conflict. That would be my assessment of it.

ELIAS: I would be somewhat in agreement. I would express to you that the intent would be the exploration, and the exploration that you generate in this focus is that of not merely conflict, so to speak, but exploring the different expressions of conflict, trauma and frustration, and how energy may be manipulated to dissipate that energy.

JOE:I have to honestly say I feel like for as long as I can remember those are the three elements of my life: conflict, trauma and frustration, just one heaped on top of the other. So I do have that experience, that’s for sure.

ELIAS: Now; I may express to you somewhat of a disagreement with C9. But as I have expressed previously many times – and there is an awareness of the individuals that participate with C9 – there is some elements of distortion, for there are some interjections of beliefs associated with the individual that engages the exchange. In this, I would be in disagreement as to the assessment that you would disengage were you to be recognizing your intent.

JOE:I don’t think he or she put it to me that I would disengage, but that I was fearful that I would.

ELIAS: Correct. I would be in disagreement of that, for you have been aware of your intent throughout your focus. It is not necessarily that you incorporate a fear of the intent, but there is an expression that you do incorporate somewhat of a doubtfulness at times with yourself, which may be interpreted as a slight fear.

JOE:Doubtfulness in which direction?

ELIAS: In your ability to accomplish in your exploration, the dissipation.

JOE:I feel like I’m moving along in the development of those abilities.

ELIAS: And I am acknowledging of you. I may express to you, subsequent to this experience that you have offered yourself, you have, in widening your awareness, generated a significant alteration of your energy and have significantly altered your perception, which is to be acknowledged – a genuine significant widening of awareness – which you may also be appreciative of within yourself, for this is generating much more of an ease with you to be much more accepting of yourself, of your reality and of other individuals.

JOE:I just feel a little bit alien, still.

ELIAS: I am understanding. But also be aware that you are not the only individual that has incorporated these types of experiences. Therefore, you are not alone. There are other aliens among you! (Laughs)

I may also express to you one other identification in recognition of an element of your fear that you are expressing now in association with your experience, subsequent to your experience and in relation to other individuals. What you have generated is expressing personal responsibility for other individuals, which is entirely unnecessary and is limiting you. Other individuals shall generate their own experiences. Let me express to you, it is unnecessary to be protective or secretive, for whatever method you choose to incorporate to generate the types of experiences that you have, other individuals may incorporate similar method and may generate very different experiences.

JOE:Can you expand on that a little bit? I’m not sure what you mean by that.

ELIAS: I am aware that you are expressing within your energy somewhat of an apprehensiveness and concern.

JOE:Because I have a genuine concern that I may be creating some intrusiveness.

ELIAS: But you are not.

JOE:Have I been at any time?


Now; let me express to you, it is your choice whether you incorporate sharing your experience with other individuals or not. But if you are denying yourself sharing your experience with other individuals in association with fear or apprehensiveness concerning what the other individual shall create, this is a hindrance to you. You do not create other individuals’ reality, regardless of what you share with another individual. Although you all incorporate the ability to generate the types of experiences that you have incorporated, that is not to say that you will. That is not to say that another individual shall choose, and it is not for you to be...

JOE:Are you referring specifically to my methods?

ELIAS: That, and at times your hesitancy to be expressing your experience freely.

JOE:With whomever I choose?

ELIAS: Correct. It is a matter of noticing what is motivating your expression or your lack of expression, and being aware that it is not for you to be incorporating personal responsibility for other individuals. You shall not be intrusive in sharing. Individuals that do not choose to be interactive or receiving what you share shall not draw themselves to you.

JOE:Basically, if the people are around, then they’re around for a reason?

ELIAS: Yes. In that, you recognize already you are not attempting to instruct another individual; you are merely sharing your experience. Do not be afraid to express yourself, or do not assume protection for other individuals. It is not necessary. What is significant in what I am expressing to you in association with this subject is that in that action of expressing protection in relation to other individuals, you are merely contributing energy to the expression of protection en masse.

JOE:Maybe we can work with an example here that would help me to understand what we’re talking about by “protection.” I find myself oftentimes in situations where there is a lot of conflict being generated but I purposely don’t involve myself in that. Is this something along the lines of what you’re talking about?

ELIAS: No. That is a preference. That is a choice to be following your preference and to allow yourself to participate or to not participate.

What I am expressing is associated with what you expressed previously and what I am aware of in your energy, which you continue to express in generating an apprehensiveness in association with what you share with other individuals, that being motivated by your automatic expression of protection of them. The example of your methods which you incorporated to generate your experience is one.

JOE:It’s various forms of ingesting marijuana in different quantities, sometimes much larger than others. I just felt like if I shared that with people, people would be out there trying to repeat the same methods that I did, and I wouldn’t want anybody else to experience some of the things that I did.

ELIAS: Or an underlying motivation beneath the expression of the protection is the automatic association that if you are expressing and exposing that information, that other individuals may perhaps dismiss your experience, which is more significant than the protection.

JOE:Yes, definitely.

ELIAS: I may express to you, as I have many times previously with many other individuals, your method matters not. It is merely a manner in which you choose to streamline your attention and to facilitate experiences.

Individuals incorporate different substances, for their beliefs that are expressed allow them to generate more of an allowance of themselves, more of a flexibility. Some individuals incorporate other methods. Some individuals incorporate focusing their attention upon crystals. Some individuals incorporate substances. Some individuals generate experiences that many individuals would term to be psychosis. It matters not. They are merely methods in which any individual allows themselves to focus their attention and relax their attention to an extent in which they shall allow themselves to experience. It is not the substance that generates the experience; it is your belief concerning the substance.

JOE:Here’s an interesting question I have for you. Subsequent to my experience, I have kind of drawn this line: I will not smoke marijuana or incorporate it in any manner at any point in the future. Would you assess this as necessary?


JOE:Would you say that it would be continuing to be beneficial for me?

ELIAS: This would be your choice. It is not detrimental.

JOE:It wouldn’t automatically regenerate the experience that I had?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

JOE:Were there certain steps that I took within that experience of using marijuana that kind of set that experience off?

ELIAS: No. Those are your beliefs in association with the substance. In itself it is neutral and does not produce any effect without your beliefs. Your beliefs are what generate the influence of your perception, and that generates the allowance of those types of experiences. But this may also be offering you information in association with the strength of beliefs and what they may produce. Not that they are bad; they are not.

JOE:Was there any particular point in my experience that acted as a trigger for the experience?

ELIAS: Not necessarily a trigger.

JOE:I don’t feel like I was very aware that that was going to happen when it did.

ELIAS: I am understanding. But I may express to you that you generated an intensity in energy prior to this experience, which motivated the experience. For the intensity that you were generating prior to that experience was moving in an expression of uncomfortable and also somewhat trapped, which was the motivation to be incorporating the experience. Initially your idea was merely to relax your energy, but that was what was expressed in the translation of thought – not necessarily what you were doing, merely what you were thinking. In this, as you allowed yourself to begin to relax, you also allowed yourself to move more fully in that experience.

JOE:We only have a few minutes left here. I can tell that I’m going to have to have another session, because I still have a lot more questions. But very quickly, I would like to ask just a few more quick questions, and then if Dan has any questions that he wants to ask, you can finish up. That’s up to him.

As far as impressions that I have, have I fragmented?


JOE:I guess that kind of answers a lot of other questions! (Elias laughs) So none of my basic fundamental information has changed?


JOE:What would be the motivation for this misinterpretation of events?

ELIAS: That is quite understandable. You have allowed yourself to generate an intensity in experience, and subsequent to that experience your perception has dramatically altered, which is understandable that you would generate an interpretation of that alteration in its dramatic-ness to be an entire alteration of your focus. Altering your perception alters your reality. Now you may recognize the power of perception. It genuinely does change your reality, if you are altering your perception.

JOE:My impression is that I did experience very briefly the soft orientation. Is that valid?


JOE:I’m feeling now that no, I didn’t experience the common orientation.

ELIAS: No. But you may, if you are so choosing.

JOE:Towards the end of my experience I had a very, very foreign disturbing experience where I felt like a complete lack of emotion, that kind of thing.


Now; that is associated with nonphysical expressions of essence, which, if you are so choosing, you may also incorporate interaction with Michael, for he is quite familiar with that. But that, I am understanding, is somewhat of a disturbing experience, for this is entirely unfamiliar in association with what you know within physical focus.

As consciousness, removed or outside of a physical reality, there is no objective awareness, there is no physical manifestation, there is no time, and there is no emotion, no senses. None of that which is intimately familiar to you is expressed within consciousness and therefore within essence, except in association with attentions that focus and manifest within physical dimensions, physical realities. But within consciousness, what you experience as familiar and normal is foreign.

JOE:One quick last question for me. During my experience, there was a brief session that I had with you where I asked you the question “have I shifted?” Your response was yes, but you would like to expand upon that yes. Within your definition, would you say that I experienced more of what it feels like to be shifted?

ELIAS: I may express to you, my response was yes and continues to be so. Not that you have incorporated inserting the entirety of this shift in consciousness into your reality, but that you have genuinely shifted your perception in a significant manner, which has allowed you to significantly widen your awareness, which is also motivating in your movement to be continuing to shift yourself in significant increments much more easily.

JOE:Anything real quick, Dan?

DAN: Just real quick, I’m a little curious about different consciousnesses that you keep speaking of. To what degree can you control those experiences and to what degree would you say they just occur? Is it more if you would like that to happen it happens, or more if you focus?

ELIAS: This is the purpose of this shift in consciousness, to be widening your awareness to a significant extent, expanding your objective experience – that which you express within your waking state – to a point in such familiarity with yourself, with your energy and with your beliefs, which are an element of the blueprint of this particular reality, to allow yourself to intentionally manipulate energy in conjunction with choice to generate experiences that you want intentionally.

You do generate experiences continuously, as you are aware. They are all choices, but you are not always aware objectively that your experiences are choices or how you are generating them. Therefore, at times they appear to be random, and you generate the automatic association of control, that you must be or should be controlling your choices and your experiences, and that if you incorporate experiences that you do not want or that you are uncomfortable with or that you dislike, that you are not controlling your reality.

It is not a matter of control. There is no control or lack of control. It is unnecessary, for you immaculately generate your reality. You merely confuse yourself in association with what you prefer and what you do not prefer, and that is generated also in awareness. If you are genuinely aware of what your preferences are, you afford yourself a greater ability objectively to create what you prefer and to generate choices that shall manifest what you prefer and what you want.

That is the point in this shift in consciousness, to be directing of yourself and not being directed by other individuals or authorities, to be allowing yourself the freedom of choice and intentional manifestations, to incorporate an awareness and a familiarity of self in acceptance and allowance, to be intimately familiar with your beliefs and generating an acceptance of them also, therefore allowing yourself to choose what influences you wish to express and what influences you do not wish to express in association with any belief, and to be thinning the veils of separation. These are the actions of this shift in consciousness, which you are all participating within.

JOE:One quick last question, and then we’ve got to get Mary back because we’re over time. As far as all the information that I delivered through myself as Amiir or what-have-you, would you say highly-distorted, somewhat-distorted, lowly-distorted? What would your definition be?

ELIAS: Somewhat; not much, but somewhat. But it matters not, for...

JOE:I was very aware at the time that the strength of my beliefs was greatly limiting that interaction.

ELIAS: But remember, you are participating in this physical reality. You are not eliminating beliefs. You are allowing yourself to view them, to recognize them, and therefore allowing yourself to choose what influences in association with those beliefs you wish to incorporate in relation to your preferences. Therefore, it matters not.

Let me express to you, my friend, there is distortion in all information. I may be expressing information to all of you with the least amount of distortion and it matters not, for each of you shall receive that information and shall assimilate it in your own unique manner in association with your individual expressed beliefs, and it automatically becomes distorted. But you are assimilating it, and it matters not.

JOE:Thank you very much. I had a great time.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall be offering my energy to you in the interim time framework in playfulness.

JOE:Sounds good. And I like your waving men.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Creative!

JOE:Yes, very.

ELIAS: Very well. I express to you great acknowledgment and great encouragement in your journey.

JOE:Thank you. I feel like it’s just beginning.

ELIAS: To you in genuine affection and genuine appreciation, and (to Dan) to you, my friend, also, au revoir.

JOE:Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour, 9 minutes.)

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