the Elias forum: Digests of Essential Elias.










the belief system of sexuality; gender, orientation (common, intermediate, soft), and preference, pt. 1

Note: this is the first of two parts on sexuality. Go to sexuality; gender, orientation, preference, pt. 2.

Paul’s note: the concept of the three orientations (common, intermediate, soft) was introduced originally in the context of the ten fundamental belief systems in 1999. The orientations are thus subsumed by this larger organizing principle which includes gender and preference, hence the title for this Digest.

I have also bolded the three orientations in this Digest to make them easier to find visually.

Tip: you can use the search function on your web browser to go directly to any word on this webpage. Just press the CTRL+F keys, enter common, intermediate, or soft, then press the ENTER key.

Finally, the following are the ten primary belief systems according to Elias. He adds that there are many, many, many aspects to each belief system. However, these are not discrete, separated parts, but primary aspects that all work together seamlessly in the conscious mind of every individual. For example, aspects of the belief system of duplicity are present, in varying degrees, in each of the other nine.

Digests of Essential Elias relationships (interpersonal/intrapersonal = other/self)
Digests of Essential Elias duplicity (morality/ethics)
Digests of Essential Elias sexuality (sexuality/gender/orientation/preference)
Digests of Essential Elias truth (relative truths/Absolute Truth)
Digests of Essential Elias emotion (emotional/feeling)
Digests of Essential Elias perception (perceptual/attention)
Digests of Essential Elias the senses (inner/physical sensing)
Digests of Essential Elias religious/spirituality (exoteric/esoteric)
Digests of Essential Elias scientific/elements of physical reality (scientific/rational)
Digests of Essential Elias physical creation of the universe, including accidents and coincidences (creation mythos)

Here’s the excerpt from the session in which Elias delivered this important information (I have underlined each belief system for clarity, as Elias did not originally instruct for this to be done):

JAMES: “Would you tell me what the belief systems are?” (12-second pause)

ELIAS: “You are inquiring of the belief systems in conjunction with this blocking of action?”

JAMES: “No. I was inquiring in general; the belief systems in total that we hold; the bird cages.”

ELIAS: “Ah! You are inquiring of a listing of all of your belief systems!” (Grinning)

JAMES: “Yes, correct.”

ELIAS: “I shall express to you that you hold fewer belief systems than you think, although within these belief systems, you hold many more aspects than you think.

“In this, (pause) you hold belief systems of relationship. You hold belief system of duplicity. You hold belief system of sexuality. You hold belief system of truth.

“... This being also those in conjunction with emotion, and perception. You also hold the belief system of certain senses. You hold religious belief system, which we shall identify as spirituality, and you hold scientific belief system, which shall be the designation of physical reality and the elements of it.

“These are the basic belief systems that you hold within this particular reality.

“You hold one other belief system also, which may be viewed to be more encompassing, and this would be the belief system of your physical creation of your universe, which is slightly different from your scientific belief system or your religious belief system. In this, that particular belief system involves the aspects of coincidences and accidents.

“As I have stated, these are the basic creations of your belief systems within this dimension, but each of these expressed holds a tremendous amount of aspects within them. Therefore, although the designation of the belief systems – the cages themselves – may be few, the aspects or the birds within them are very many, and many of these birds may appear in manners that you do not even associate with these particular belief systems.” [session 364, February 24, 1999]

Elias “gems”

VICKI: “I have a question. You were talking about duality. I didn’t really catch everything you said, but you were talking about duality and how there are no opposites, but then I think you also said something about why we have ... we’re double? If you could just reiterate? I didn’t really ... I missed it.”

ELIAS: “You hold belief systems of opposites. Therefore presently, they are reality to you. In actuality, this is merely a perception within a lack of understanding. As you move into your shift you shall be widening your awareness, and therefore understand that the idea of opposites is merely a perception which is created within a lack of understanding objectively.

“As to the doubles: The entirety of your physical creation within this dimension is based on duality, objective and subjective. Therefore, all of your creation mirrors this. In this particular dimension and this reality, as I have expressed to you many times, you have chosen to create this reality within a sexual orientation – male and female. You have created genders, this also being an element of duality – the doubles. You hold this within your own self. You have created your own form in this manner.” [session 193, July 13, 1997]

ELIAS: “The five elements of your reality, concerning sexuality in this dimension, are two genders and three orientations. This is five.

“Gender is a physical body type, male or female, which holds a specific function for the design of reproduction.

“Orientation is your perception of yourself, your world, your universe, and how you are interactive with it.” [session 361, February 12, 1999]

ELIAS: “The designation for these [orientations] shall be soft, intermediate, and common. These may be associated with what you term to be homosexual, female, and male, but I wish not be reinforcing the existing belief system and your identification with it. Therefore, I am designating new terminology for these three types of orientation within your physical focus, that you may not necessarily identify orientation with gender, for they are quite different expressions.

“Gender is merely your physical manifestation of body type and function. It is not that element which is creating or affecting your perception and how you view yourself and how you view your world, or how you process information. It is merely a function and a designation of type of form.

“Orientation is quite different, in that this is the element which is underlyingly, all-encompassingly affecting of your perception, which is your reality. This is how you view yourself, how you interact with yourself, how you view other individuals, how you interact with other individuals, how you perceive your world and how you interact with it, your societies, and all of your reality. THIS is your orientation.” [session 377, March 23, 1999]

ELIAS: “... let us be clear in our identification of what sexuality is.

“There is one element of your creation of sexuality which is gender. You have created two genders for your species within this dimension. In actuality, all of your species are within the realm of two genders. This is defined by male and female.

“The definition of gender within male and female is a body type and function. This is all. This is your designation of gender. It extends no further. This is the beginning of your confusion within this belief of sexuality, for you attach gender to all aspects of your reality and you define many elements of your reality within the context of gender. Gender is merely a body type and function.

“There are three other elements of your sexuality which compose the wholeness of sexuality. These three other elements are your orientation.

“Orientation is quite different from gender. Orientation is your perception: how you view yourselves, how you view your world, how you interact with yourself, how you interact with all other individuals, how you interact with your environment. It is the most influencing element which creates your perception. Your perception creates your reality. In this, there are three orientations of perception.

“Now; you – within your beliefs attaching to gender – define these three orientations as male, female, and other, or your terminology being homosexual. Now; how may you be presenting male/female gender, male/female/homosexual orientation? Male and female may not cross to orientation. These are body types and functions, not orientations. They are not perceptions.

“Therefore, I designate to you – as you do not hold terminology within your language to identify your orientations – new terminology to be identifying your orientations, and I shall offer comparison within your belief system ONCE merely, as to not be reinforcing the ongoing of your belief system in this area.

“The terminology that we shall define orientation with shall be designated as soft, intermediate, and common. These shall designate the three different types of orientation within your sexuality which create your perception.” [session 378, March 26, 1999]

ELIAS: “You hold two genders within this physical dimension. You create your vegetation with genders, you create your creatures with genders, you create yourselves with genders. These genders are male and female.

(Firmly) “Gender is a physical function and body type. Period. It extends no farther.

“Now; view the extent of your belief system involving sexuality, in that you identify much of your reality with relation to gender: male elements, female elements; left male, right female; moon female, sun male; certain constellations female, certain other constellations male; gods and goddesses. You attribute male and female to qualities that you hold: intellectual, rational, masculine, male; intuitional, emotional, female. You identify very much of your reality within the context of gender.

“Gender is one element of sexuality. As I have stated, it is merely a body type and function. It refers to no other element of your sexual orientation or your sexuality in general, so to speak.

“Beyond gender, the other element of your sexuality is orientation.

“Now; I have expressed to you previously – within our last meeting – that you may view your sexuality as holding five elements: two genders, three orientations. This is five elements, in like manner to five outer senses, and I shall repeat once again, they may NOT be interchanged. You may not place a triangular peg into a round hole. It shall not fit. You may not interchange gender with orientation. You may not substitute taste with hearing. You may not identify orientation with gender. They are very different elements.” [session 381, April 09, 1999]

ELIAS: “Now I shall express to you your identifications of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual. These are choices. These are objective choices of expression and experience. They are not associated with gender; they are not associated with orientation. They are merely choices that you create objectively, and may apply to either gender. These are gender definitions that you have attached to your belief systems in identifying different mannerisms, associating those choices and those mannerisms – or preferences – with gender and defining them as orientation, and they are not.

“I shall also express briefly that your intent – as associated with families and alignment with families – is also not your orientation. Therefore, do not confuse these qualities either, for individuals are already confusing intent and qualities of their essence families and alignments with essence families to the qualities of orientations, and they are not related.” [session 381, April 09, 1999]

ELIAS: “Now; in conclusion, I wish to be expressing quite definitely to you each, and to all individuals that shall be connecting with this information: no one orientation is better than any other orientation! They are merely different, and you each experience them all.

“Therefore, you may relieve yourselves of your automatic action of moving into areas of expression that one orientation is more desirable than another orientation, for you all experience them all in different focuses. One is merely different.

“Therefore, if you are identified as common, you are not ‘less than’ intermediate. You are no less spiritual or enlightened! If you are soft, you are no less connected to essence or your manifestation than be you intermediate. They are merely different. They are not better or worse. I have merely chosen this word common, for it IS common. Therefore, it is efficient, and it is descriptive in the manner that it is intended to be descriptive.

Soft is descriptive in the manner of its intention also. These individuals, in your identification of the word soft, may be identified as this. Soft is not necessarily a negative term. It is merely pliable, and these individuals of soft are very flexible.

Intermediate is what you would term to be in-between. They function within your physical universe – they interact within your physical world – but they create not physically. Therefore, you may express that they are here and they are there, wherever ‘there’ may be!” (Chuckling) [session 381, April 09, 1999]

ELIAS: “Water is water, and earth is earth. And you may mix these together, but water shall not be earth, and earth shall not be water, for they are different elements. And you may mix together your orientations with each other, and you may mix together orientation and preference, but they are different elements. You may incorporate them alongside of each other, but they are not each other.” [session 387, April 24, 1999]

ELIAS: “The influence of your belonging to and aligning with these families in consciousness is that of intent. This is the element within your reality that designates the direction of your intent within an individual focus, the direction that you choose. Your orientation holds its own qualities that are specific to each of the orientations, and this is how you PERCEIVE.” [session 387, April 24, 1999]

ELIAS: “Let me express to you, each expression of these three orientations move in a direction with regard to your officially accepted reality and express different types of frustrations as you bump against the officially accepted reality, for within the officially accepted reality, you have collectively created a very narrow margin for expressions, which leans more in the direction of accommodation to those individuals holding the orientation of common. But even these individuals at times rail against the officially accepted reality, for they may experience certain elements of uncomfortableness and assuming personal responsibility and guilt in being the more acceptable expression ... which I am understanding may appear surfacely to be contradictory or confusing.

“But look to your individual thought processes and experiences within your everyday reality. Individuals that are viewed as privileged within your reality also many times experience uncomfortableness in that privilege, and are also quite opposed by the other individuals that do not view themselves as being privileged also. Therefore, I express to you that each of the orientations holds its individual challenges.” [session 406, May 28, 1999]

ELIAS: “This subject of orientation is concerning the subject matter of perception and how you are creating your reality, how you are interpreting, how you are translating all of the imagery within your reality.” [session 433, July 28, 1999]

ELIAS: “Now; let me express to you, as you are aware, there is a distinction that we are expressing between preference and orientation.

“In this, I express to you, yes, your preference is influencing of your perception, just as your belief systems are influencing of your perception. Many, many elements of your focus, of your reality, are influencing of your perception. This is not what we are expressing in the subject matter of orientation. Orientation is different.

“Your preferences are affecting of your perception. Your belief systems are affecting of your perception. Your orientation is an element that is FORMING your perception. It is not influencing of it. It is an element of it.” [session 446, August 15, 1999]

ELIAS: “Many times individuals may be offered an essence name and family within one time framework, and within a different time framework, the essence name may be offered differently.

“One of actions which occurs in conjunction with that information is the action of fragmentation. Another action which may be occurring is the expression of the focus itself, in conjunction with the manifestation of that focus, with more than one essence.

“Within one time framework, so to speak, the individual may be focusing their attention in the direction of one essence family and alignment and their participation with a particular essence, and within another time framework, their attention may be in alignment with a different essence, and also essence family and alignment.

“Now; let me also express to you, in these situations, at times but not often – and I shall emphasize that statement; not often – an individual may even be experiencing momentary alterations in orientation, although this may be viewed as quite rare.” [session 570, February 22, 2000]

ELIAS: “As I have stated previously, generally speaking, orientation is the choice of the individual focus, and although a fragmentation or any other action within essence occurs and may be altering of tone and even families, the orientation of the individual focus does not alter ... although I shall express for clarification, once again, this also is not an absolute.

“But generally speaking, this action is not occurring. The individual focus generally is not altering of that orientation, regardless of the alteration of other elements within the focus, and within that particular focus of which I am speaking, the orientation is also not altered. It has been merely a momentary expression in a type of transition.

“But this is also information that you may be allowing yourself to be incorporating within your familiarization with self. Generally speaking, regardless of the alteration of tone of essence, which may be affecting of your focus, your orientation is the choice of this particular attention, this particular focus, for a particular experience, in conjunction with the choice of manifestation.” [session 571, February 25, 2000]

ELIAS: “I may express to you, you do incorporate many similar beliefs to many other individuals in mass beliefs in association with certain aspects of sexuality.

“Now; one of these aspects of sexuality concerns gender and the association that you hold with this subject matter of gender, how you perceive genders. For in this, you quite align with a belief that the two genders of male and female are quite different and in that difference you associate certain qualities with male and certain qualities with female. This creates an obstacle, for you are attributing qualities to a gender which are not necessarily expressed in association with the gender itself.

“Gender is an expression of physical body consciousness in form and function. It is not a designation of specific types of behaviors or intuitive or intellectual qualities. It is not also associated with expressions concerning emotion, for emotion is a communication and all individuals incorporate this, but there are very strongly held mass beliefs which do express associations of specific qualities that are attributed to the male or female gender. This becomes confusing to many individuals with respect to relationships.

“Now; within the movement of the societies in which you participate in what you view as your previous century, in time factor including now, there have been specific movements and associations in alignment with the mass beliefs concerning qualities and behaviors of specific genders which reinforce these beliefs. The reason this has been expressed in greater strength in this previous century and incorporated in this century is actually associated with this shift in consciousness, but in a misinterpretation.” [session 928, October 16, 2001]

DONNA: “I had a feeling I was soft when I was younger, and then at some point I changed to common, and now I sort of have an understanding of both, or maybe I have like a soft ... I don’t know, like I’m switching back to soft.” (Pause)

ELIAS: “Quite perceptive!”

DONNA: “Oh! That explains a lot of things!”

HOWARD: “Make up your mind!”

ELIAS: “It is not an action that is incorporated very frequently. In actuality, it would be an action that is quite rare. Most focuses do not change orientation throughout the entirety of the focus. Even if there is a fragmentation or alteration of some other type with the focus, generally speaking the focus maintains one orientation throughout.

“But as I have expressed previously, it is not a rule and it does occur occasionally, dependent upon the exploration of the individual and the direction of their experiences and also in association with the intent. It may be an action that one focus may choose to incorporate.”

DONNA: “So I feel like I’m moving in the direction of switching back to soft, or I’m kind of on the cusp.”

ELIAS: “Have already.”

DONNA: “Thank you.”

ELIAS: “You are quite welcome.” [session 1574, June 05, 2004]

ELIAS: “... Within one day – each day – not to concern yourself with subsequent days but in the present day, evaluate what you are doing. If you face yourself with what you perceive to be choice in ANY expression, whether it shall be to participate in this conversation or to participate in a socialization with other individuals or whether you shall consume water or whether you shall consume another beverage, whatever you perceive as choices that you are engaging, it is a matter of listening to you.

“The manner in which you listen to you is you pay attention to your communications and signals emotionally. If you hesitate in relation to a choice, the likelihood is that that choice is NOT your preference. If you experience ease in a choice, it generally IS a preference.

“Preferences are not enormous expressions that are solidified. Individuals become confused in relation to preferences, for they do not recognize that they are engaging preferences or not preferences in many different mundane actions. You may incorporate a preference of what type of shoes you choose and the shape of them. That is a preference that influences your choices.

“Paying attention to what you are actually doing and how you are responding to yourself in relation to your choices, THAT is how you evaluate what are your right choices. There are no absolute right choices.

“But in association with what we are discussing this day, we are not incorporating the idea that there is no right and wrong. For within each of you, you do express right and wrong, which is quite associated with the subject matter of this discussion of your greatest fear and your greatest irritation. For were you not to incorporate the association of right and wrong, you would not incorporate the greatest fear or the greatest irritation.

“What the right choices for you are what allows you your freedom. What the right choices for you are what expresses your preferences. What the right choices for you are those that acknowledge you, that allow you to experience, express and be aware of your own freedom, of your own strength, of your own power, and not denying yourself. What the wrong choices for you are those that deny you. That is the most significant.” [session 1742, April 02, 2005]

ELIAS: “... Remember, your preferences are merely preferred beliefs. Therefore, they are your beliefs that you prefer, and that constitutes your guidelines in association with your truths. Within your truths, there is some element of preference also. They are what is right for you, for this is the manner in which you set your guidelines of how you shall behave and what you shall express. Preferences change, which is also your indicator that they are not absolute and that your truths are not absolute, either.

“What is significant in this type of situation is to recognize what YOUR truth is, your guideline for you, and not to discount that, to recognize what your preference is and not to discount that either, and not to prevent yourself from expressing your preference but not to match energy in opposition with other individuals that you express their unfairness – which generates an energy of matching energy with the other individuals, which is another form of opposition.

“That is the point. It is unnecessary to be opposing. It is unnecessary to compete. In generating that action, you generate an irritation within yourself for you are holding absolutely to your preference and your opinion.

“Your opinion and your preference are not wrong. As I have stated, they are your guidelines. I have expressed from the onset of this forum that although you are shifting and although you are accepting your beliefs, you are not eliminating them, and in not eliminating them, you shall continue to incorporate your own preferences and your own opinions. They are not wrong, for they are YOUR guidelines, but that they do not necessarily apply to other individuals.” [session 1742, April 02, 2005]

Elias “gems”

ELIAS: “You have chosen, within physical manifestation, elements to be expressed. You have chosen to manifest within sexes. It is unnecessary for you to be manifesting with sexual orientation if you are only viewing essence. If you are viewing experience within physical focus, you have chosen to separate out elements of essence, and experience these elements within their purity physically. Therefore, you choose to manifest with regard to sexual orientation.

I will express to you that if you are viewing male and female to be identical, other than your physical-appearing appendages, you are incorrect; for within the psyche of male and female, you incorporate differences. This you have manifest intentionally, for the purity of the experience of different aspects of essence.

If you are viewing small children and allowing these children to be expressing freely within their play, you will view female children, separate from incorporated belief systems, to be exhibiting what you view to be female behavior. You may view male children that have not been inundated with your male belief systems, and they will exhibit what you view to be male behavior.

This, as I state now, is not accidental. It is not environmentally influenced. Although you encourage this action, it would exist regardless; for within your expression into physical focus, you have chosen to be expressing within male and female psyches. In this, you exhibit different behavior, different emotional expressions, different thought processes. You allow yourselves the opportunity to be experiencing a purity of an aspect of essence, within an individual focus.

Just as we have expressed previously, you mirror mass events within your individual expressions. In this, your mass events of your religious period, and now your approaching shift, also is mirrored by your expressions of male and female. In this, you tend to view too small, expressing that you view your world to be moving into a more female-oriented mode. In actuality, your globe is moving into this type of intuitive expression of essence, which you identify as female.

Just as we have expressed previously, if you are a wealthy individual wishing to experience poverty, you shall not experience the purity of this expression by removing yourself from your wealth, for you incorporate the experience of the wealth; therefore the purity of the poverty is tainted. In like manner, you chose a purity of expression in manifesting as male or female, allowing yourselves physical, emotional, mental, and also spiritual differences.

Each sexual orientation holds its own experience that you benefit from; this being also the reason that if you are engaging the agreement to be manifesting physically, you shall agree to be manifesting three times, to the least, within your expressions. This affords you the opportunity of viewing and experiencing one male orientation, and all of the psychological, physical, and emotional elements involved in this manifestation, one female, and one ‘other,’ (grinning) incorporating a blend; although to this time period present, you have not understood the expression of the other, for the incorporation of the manifestation of the other is to experience the mesh of both.

In this, you allow yourselves the opportunity to partially, individually be viewing the manifestation of your shift, not within its beginning throes, but in its later development; for within the beginnings of this shift, you are ‘swinging’ to the female expression, realizing within your focus that you incorporate a necessity for valuing the intuitive self. You have allowed yourself an understanding that there are other elements of yourself, objective and subjective, that you do not view. You have learned, through your expression physically, that you are also more than the sum of your parts. Therefore, you hold a desire to experience more of yourself. As you move into the beginnings of your shift, you experience the quieter, more intuitive self. You allow yourself more of a connection with individual and also mass consciousness.

Mass connections within consciousness have always, within your manifestations physically, occurred. Your awareness of these mass connections has not always occurred! Presently, you begin to view the interconnectedness of all individuals. This is not to say that there have not been isolated groups of individuals throughout your history that have held an awareness of the interconnectedness of all of you, but within a global recognition, this has not occurred; this being part of the manifestation of your shift. Therefore, you may communicate, yes, you move into a more female-oriented area of consciousness in engaging this shift, although this is not to say that the females shall now be ruling your planet! (Grinning) You shall not be moving into your stories of science-fiction, in which the males are now dominated by female dictatorship! (Laughter) That is, unless you are choosing to be manifesting this, but I will venture to express that you will not be choosing this expression, for you are realizing that it is unnecessary.” [session 100, June 16, 1996]

ROB: “We have spoken in our other conversation about my tendency not to interact with others, and how this extends to my sexual experience. (1) This has produced inner confusion. Could you comment on my sexual orientation in this focus, please?

ELIAS: I am aware that there are confusions within certain individuals as they choose to be manifesting within this dimension of physical focuses. In this, let me express to you that the belief systems which are held en masse are very strong and they are quite influencing, not merely in mass expressions, but very influencing within individual expressions. The belief system of duplicity is intertwined with all of your other belief systems. Therefore, it also is quite influencing.

In this, duplicity is the belief system that influences much of your judgments in aspects of your other belief systems, expressing to you that aspects of the belief systems are good or bad, and this is quite influencing.

Now; I have expressed many times that you manifest within this particular dimension to be experiencing physically the manifestation of sexuality and of emotion. In this, you create genders to be experiencing more fully different aspects of sexual orientation and events. The confusion in many individuals, and yourself also, arises in the situation that you are quite influenced by the mass belief systems that certain orientations within sexual areas are acceptable, and certain orientations are not acceptable.

I am not expressing to you that there is a difference in the manifestations of individuals within this time framework as opposed to other time frameworks within this dimension, for individuals manifesting within this particular dimension have always manifested within these three types of sexual orientation for the experience, but there IS a difference of quality and understanding within the manifestations of sexual orientation within this time framework presently, for you are within the action of this shift in consciousness. Therefore, there is a new influence which is occurring.

(Grinning) I am well aware that you are viewing this is not quite answering of your question (Rob laughs) and that I am becoming quite long-winded in this area, but this is quite purposeful to your understanding. In this, I am offering you explanation that shall be coupled with the definitive answer, that you may more efficiently assimilate the answer and not automatically move in the direction of the mass held belief systems and be more accepting of your own choices, for I shall express to you that within this particular physical focus, you have chosen to be experiencing ‘other.’ You merely have moved through this particular focus not acknowledging this to yourself objectively, and in this you have been attempting to be aligning with the massly held belief systems, and you DO, in certain aspects, align with the mass held belief systems. Therefore, they are quite influencing of you.

Let me also very clearly express to you that although certain individuals move into much of a physical exploration of this particular orientation within physical focus, this is not to say that all focuses choose these particular probabilities or this particular line of experiences, in a manner of speaking. What I am expressing to you is that there are many focuses of essences that manifest into this physical dimension with the choice of experience of the sexual orientation of what we fondly term as ‘other,’ as to be not offensive to any individuals. (Grinning)

This is not to say that these focuses may necessarily be choosing certain physical experiences, but to be allowing themselves the orientation of sexuality in this direction for the emotional quality of that particular sexual orientation, that they may hold more of an understanding of the emotional workings and functionings, so to speak, of themselves within a physical focus – and of other individuals – in their incorporation of both genders simultaneously. For in choosing the sexual orientation of ‘other,’ you choose to be experiencing aspects of emotional orientation that is farther removed from individuals that focus within a male or female orientation singularly. Are you understanding?

ROB: Yes, I am.

ELIAS: I am quite expressing to you that I may not emphasize enough to you, in opposition to the influences of mass held belief systems and duplicity, that this particular type of sexual orientation is an opportunity and IS NOT BAD. Therefore, DO NOT be discounting of self, but in a manner of speaking embrace this information, that you may be more fully experiencing your physical focus and allowing yourself more of a freedom within your expressions and eliminating more of your conflict, for you have held to your own energy very tightly within this physical focus.

Other physical focuses of your essence lend much energy to you and have bled through, but you also push away this energy to not be viewing aspects of this particular focus that you experience within this present now, for it is not in alignment with the officially accepted belief systems and this is creating of much conflict throughout your focus, for it is very reinforcing of your own lack of acceptance of self, and in this it also lends to your own isolation, which is creating of great conflict and is in opposition to your individual intent, which is also creating of much conflict.

I have anticipated this particular encounter between myself and yourself, in your allowance of myself to be offering you this information, and have held an understanding that within our last meeting, you did not hold a readiness for this information, and also, the objective setting, so to speak, was inappropriate for the offering of this information to you.

I hold great affection with you, and I am quite understanding, as I have been expressive to you previously, of the turmoil that you present within your own conflicts of your own struggles inwardly, and the fearfulness that you have created in attempting to be addressing to your own creation within this particular focus. I also express GREAT acknowledgment to you within this present moment, in moving through a fearfulness and allowing yourself to be objectively presenting this line of questioning to me within this day.

ROB: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. I offer to you much energy and much affection, for I hold great understanding of this inner conflict and of the influence of these belief systems. There is great struggling that has occurred for much time framework within your focus, and I have held an awareness of this for much of your time period and welcome the opportunity to share with you information, that you may eventually move into the probability of accepting and therefore offering yourself new freedoms.

I express to you, in great lovingness also, that I am quite encouraging in the direction that you may be within communication of Michael [Mary], for he may also, in objective terms, be quite helpful to you in what you may find to be much of a surprising area within this particular subject matter.

You may also, if you are so choosing, hold this particular session within what you term to be confidence of myself and yourself physically, until such a time framework that you are holding more of a comfortability with this.

Be assured that I am lending energy to you always and that my presence is with you, and I shall be encouraging of you within your movement and am quite encouraging of your new movement that you are engaging.

ROB: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

ROB: I think perhaps what I have in mind now links with what you have been saying. In my dreams at various times, there are boys of various nationalities who are not known to me, and there are various expressions of affection. The feelings are not those which are accepted within mass belief systems. Is this a part of what you have been speaking of?

ELIAS: Yes, and this is your imagery that you present to yourself that this is not bad. It merely is a choice of manifestation within a particular sexual orientation of this particular dimension.

Be noticing that within your dream imagery, the belief systems are quite relaxed, and in this you do not feel the sting or the bite, so to speak, of the negative in this area, but you may look into these soft faces and you may find a lovingness and a compassion and also an excitement that you do not allow yourself within your objective imagery and expressions.

Many times individuals move in the direction of presenting imagery to themselves within dream state that they do not allow themselves to be addressing within their objective waking state, for within their objective state and the influences of their belief systems, they do not feel an element of safety ... which is another aspect of belief systems! But nonetheless, it is quite an element of your reality within physical focus. Within your dream state, this becomes a non-issue, so to speak, for you may allow yourselves many expressions and hold that element of safety that you do not allow yourselves within your objective awareness.

Notice that you may hold misgivings or uncomfortableness as you awake and you create your translation into objective terms, but within your dream state, you experience quite a different expression and are not holding fearfulness or that aspect of uncomfortableness, for you are not incorporating the strength of the objectively held belief systems. This is an acknowledgment to you. It is an offering to you. I have expressed many times, in conjunction with the dream mission, that your dream state is your communication with essence which you translate into objective terms, so to speak, terms that you may understand within your knowing of creations in physical focus.

In this, essence is communicating to you that this is acceptable. It is merely a choice, and this imagery offers you the opportunity to view a positive aspect, for you ALL move in the direction of comparisons of positive and negative, and you create these judgments. This is the movement of belief systems, creating positive and negative judgments: good and bad, right and wrong. And in this, within essence there is no gender, and as you move into the action of this shift, look about you! Although there continues to be the mass held belief system of sexual orientation in the area of right and wrong and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, this is moving in the direction of a relaxation also, for all of the belief systems are becoming more and more relaxed as the action of this shift gains momentum, and individuals singularly and en masse are addressing more and more to these held belief systems.

I have expressed previously that the action of this mass expression of disease of AIDS is a mass expression of a collective agreement to be addressing to the judgments and the focus upon the belief system of sexual orientation and the movement in limitations in this area. As I have expressed, within essence, within consciousness, there is no gender. This is a manifestation of physical focuses merely for experience within physical form, but as you move more into the action of this shift, there is also more of an acceptance of all of the expressions of sexual orientation, for there is more of a recognition that these are merely physical expressions of physical experience, and that you all hold all of these aspects of sexual orientation within you, for you ARE ESSENCE.

In this, gender is merely a manifestation within physical form, an expression, a choice. It is not an absolute. Therefore, although many individuals within this present time framework view, in your terms, that you hold ‘a long way to go,’ so to speak, within your addressing to this belief system, I shall express to you that within a very, very small time framework, there has been great movement into the expression of acceptance in this area. This shall serve as a very good example of acceptance of a belief system, for you may view objectively en masse the extreme of expression for centuries in one direction with this particular subject matter.

‘Other,’ so to speak, as a choice of sexual orientation for centuries has been unacceptable within your officially accepted reality as influenced by the mass belief systems. Within this present time framework, you move more and more and more into an acceptance of this orientation, for your attention moves in the direction of addressing to these belief systems and a recognition that this is merely a physical expression and not an absolute. It is not a truth. It is a belief system expressed within physical focus.” [session 326, September 29, 1998]

LYNDA: “… the other biography, the George S. Kaufman biography by a man named Howard Teichmann, really evoked a lot of imagery for me. I have read another biography by this same man on a man named Alexander Woollcott, and both of these gentlemen, Alexander Woollcott and George S. Kaufman, were part of something called the Algonquin Round Table, which was a society of very brilliant, at the time, writers and dramatists, of an era that is most significant in American theater and journalism, and the George S. Kaufman biography triggered some impressions, and I want to ask you about the possibility of ... could Beatrice Kaufman, George S. Kaufman’s wife, have been a focus of mine? (Pause)

ELIAS: You are correct.

LYNDA: Ah, interesting! And now I have the 64,000 dollar question! Could George S. Kaufman himself have been a focus of yours?


LYNDA: No. Aha! Well, that’s good. I was close. Did you have any ... well, let me get back to the experience of Beatrice Kaufman.

Part of my imagery in my dialog was, I guess, on occasion, with her, because of her relationship with her husband, which was: they were very, very good friends, and they had an unusual relationship for their time, which was quite against the belief systems of the day, in that they each had other sexual relationships, but they did not have an intimate relationship with themselves, and her experience with him is like many of the experiences I’ve had myself in this focus, and that’s the reason, that was the trigger that identified me to her in the first place, and in fact that thread has been a commonality throughout my life, of having conflict in the expression of intimate relationships with a guy, to say it plainly, and born out of this experience with Beatrice, which triggered all this other stuff, I am feeling now that I am going to have such an expression of intimacy that has always eluded me in this focus, and it seems to have eluded me through many focuses now, and I got some strong impressions about that. But am I on the right track so far?

ELIAS: Let me express to you that this is a choice of experience. Within the line of probabilities that you are creating presently, you introduce to yourself an insertion of new probabilities that influence this type of direction, in the choice for your own experience within this focus. In that, I express to you that it is more probable that you shall be moving in this particular direction.

And also, this line of probabilities lends energy to an expanded awareness and understanding, in a manner of speaking, of the element of your reality in this dimension of orientations, allowing you more of an undistorted understanding, as you widen your awareness, of the reality of this aspect of your creation within this dimension.

I shall be moving into discussions in this area futurely, for this holds much confusion for many individuals within physical focus.

Your definitions of your choice of orientations within this dimension holds much distortion, but within the movement of this shift presently, this is becoming a new wave in consciousness. I have expressed previously that these waves shall be increasing and shall be being created more frequently as the momentum of this shift in consciousness increases in this time framework. In this, I shall be addressing to many of these waves in consciousness, that individuals may hold an objective understanding of their own experiences and movement as they are participating within these waves.

This expression that you are speaking of presently moves in the direction of connecting with this wave in consciousness that is now merely beginning its movement, and in this, you allow yourself the exploration of new experiences to be offering yourself more information, and this shall allow you the opportunity to widen your awareness and address to more of the birds within the cages of belief systems. (2)

This particular issue and wave is being set into motion en masse within your societies, addressing to the issue of sexuality and orientation and defining more clearly the difference between orientation and choice of expression, so to speak, for they are not the same.

In this, you are beginning to move also in this direction, offering yourself new experiences, recognizing that the experiences are merely a choice.

LYNDA: Right. I understand what you’re saying ... I think!

My observations or my impressions from reading specifically Beatrice Kaufman’s little bit of the story did not necessarily lead me to ... how do I explain this?

I was interested in the information. I felt an affinity or a dearness or a dear connection with her, and so you are confirming that by saying she is one of my focuses, and I see more clearly how the experience did show me similarities, and I want to also establish that now that I’ve seen them, I am making more of an informed choice. Is that a good way to say it?

ELIAS: This focus lends energy to your focus in addressing to the mass belief systems which involve orientation within this physical dimension. Just as you hold what you would term to be five outer senses within this particular physical dimension, you also hold five different expressions that are basic to this creation of this physical dimension.

In this, you create two physical genders and three orientations, but the orientations are not the same as the genders. They are quite different in expression.

What I am expressing to you is that this other focus is directly influencing and lending energy to you within this focus presently, in addressing to the belief systems surrounding these creations and their expressions and allowing you to be moving into the exploration of not merely the belief systems, but also the experiences concerning these elements of your physical creations.

In this, you identify with this individual in fondness and offer yourself a partial understanding of that individual’s experiences, and in allowing yourself to be identifying, in a manner of speaking, with her experiences, you offer yourself permission to be exploring the expressions of these elements within this focus.

Are you understanding?

LYNDA: Are you saying ... let me see if I’m seeing what you’re saying. You’re saying, in intimate relationships, in a sexual expression within a relationship ... are you saying that this expression could expand and become like an expression of ‘other’ ... or not, according to my choice? You’re saying the choice is mine to make, if I choose it.

ELIAS: The choice is ALWAYS yours to be creating. I am not expressing to you that you shall be altering your orientation, for this is not within the line of probabilities that you are creating presently. But what you ARE allowing yourself is the opportunity to be exploring the reality of the differences of gender and of orientation, and the recognition that your choices within any of these expressions are merely choices for experiences, and not necessarily automatically associated with gender or orientation themselves.

LYNDA: Ah! I understand. Thank you. I do understand what you’re saying now....

ELIAS: These are the elements ... these are the elements of the belief systems which are attached to the expressions and the choice of experiences. These are aspects of the belief systems, but they are not necessarily the purity of the experiences themselves.

In this, as I have stated, there is QUITE a difference in these five elements of two genders and three orientations. They are NOT necessarily automatically associated with each other. This is an element that individuals within physical focus are not understanding of, for the belief systems are very strong and create a thickness, a cloud, so to speak, which is covering of your vision and your awareness of the reality of what you have created for your exploration of these physical elements.

As the shift progresses, you allow yourselves more of an opening. And as I have expressed within the onset of this forum – within the beginnings, so to speak, of these sessions – this shift is as a circle, so to speak, and in this circle, what you are accomplishing is the returning to the remembrance of what you have created within this physical dimension, and allowing yourselves the awareness of essence and of what you have created for your physical experiences outside of the thickness and influence of the belief systems that you have adopted, and in this, have subsequently distorted and narrowed many of your experiences and many of your choices.” [session 353, January 17, 1999]

RICHARD: “I have a question about a recent discovery. This is something that has been prophesied by Sumerian texts, as well as Egyptian. Recently, around the sun, they’ve spotted objects which they’re terming to be ‘sun cruisers,’ and prophesied by the Sumerians and the Hopi as returning at this time. NASA is claiming it’s the planet Mars, and it doesn’t look like the planet Mars. It’s not in the right place. I was wondering what you could share about these particular sightings of ‘sun cruisers.’ What are they doing?

ELIAS: These are bleed-throughs that you offer yourselves the opportunity to view, for as you move farther into the action of this shift, you also widen your awareness and allow yourself to open your vision, not merely physically, but also intuitively, and in this action, you also open yourselves to more of the reality of consciousness, and in this action, as I have stated previously, the veils become very thin, and you may easily pierce these veils. Therefore, individuals may view many more elements of your reality than you have allowed yourselves to view previously.

I have expressed many times within this forum to be watchful. You shall be viewing more of reality than you have allowed yourselves to view in millenniums, and now you open yourselves in your awareness to wonders of amazement, that is all of your reality and all available to you! You have merely hidden these elements of your reality from yourselves, in your singularity of your vision. You shall view more amazing stories futurely also! (Grinning)

I have expressed recently that you move now into the final year of this century and of this millennium. This holds significance, for you have lent much energy to this event. You have lent much energy to this time framework for much of your history. You look to this time period as a turning point, and so it shall be, for you are creating it!

You have already lent tremendous energy in this area, and I have expressed to you for much time framework now that it is your choice which probabilities you shall insert into your official objective reality. You view yourselves as you are inserting into your reality, and you ARE creating your movements, and you are creating more and more that you view and more and more that becomes accepted, not as unusual, but accepted and welcomed into your reality as ‘normal.’

JEN: It’s exciting!

ELIAS: Quite! You embark on a new adventure which gains in momentum upon a daily basis! This time framework of this particular year shall yield MANY changes.

JEN: This year, or the year 2000?

ELIAS: We concern ourselves with this final year of this century and this millennium, for this is what you occupy!

In this, you may view many alterations and many changes, which you yourselves shall be initiating and executing, for you ARE allowing yourselves wider awarenesses. Therefore, your unusual little sightings may become much more common as you move farther into the momentum of this shift. As you move into your new millennium, which I have expressed to you previously in preparing you, your momentum shall increase tremendously. The wave of this shift shall immensely move as you move into your new millennium.

RICHARD: The wave is still cresting?

ELIAS: Quite!

NATHAN: Is it still in the direction of relationships, or have we moved more out of that direction?

ELIAS: That particular wave continues, but it moves into a calming position. These waves in consciousness addressing to individual belief systems are beginning to overlap, and in this, you shall be addressing to more than one belief system within each time framework.

Therefore, as you continue – as the swell reduces in the area of belief system of relationship – you now move into new areas. What you are moving into presently and gaining momentum within are the belief systems of duplicity and also of sexual orientation.

... I shall be offering information in these areas of these two belief systems, which currently begin to be addressed within consciousness objectively and subjectively, en masse and individually.

The belief system of duplicity shall be moving quite strongly, and this shall be presenting itself over and over. This is a very large belief system. In actuality, this is your greatest belief system, and holds the greatest amount of energy and is the most affecting.

But simultaneous to the addressing to this particular belief system, you also incorporate your distortions and the belief systems that you have created in the area of sexual orientation, and this is based to this particular dimension, as I have expressed to you.

I shall express to you that orientation and gender are very different elements. They are not the same. You have created two physical forms – you have created two physical genders within this dimension – and you have created three orientations, and they are NOT synonymous.

In this, individuals have inquired in this area from the onset of these sessions, and I have reserved much information in this area to the time framework – within your linear time framework – that you engage these belief systems yourselves and that it becomes an objective awareness with you, for as you engage this, you also open yourselves to more of an understanding and a willingness to accept information in this area.

I shall express to you that in this area of gender and orientation, all FIVE are equally as different as all five of your outer senses, and may not be equated with each other any more than each of your five outer senses.

You have created five outer senses for perception and you have created five areas of reality for experience within this dimension, to be influencing of your reality and your perception, and in a manner of speaking, adding to how you are creating your perception, which is creating of your reality.

They are five very distinct elements – male, female, and three orientations – and your orientations are not gender-oriented, although your belief systems have quite efficiently merged these two areas and you have created a very strong belief system identifying gender and orientation, and they are NOT THE SAME.

This also is an element of your remembrance, and in this time framework futurely, I shall be offering information in this direction to be clarifying to you what you have created in actuality in this dimension concerning these five elements of your reality, with your three orientations and your two genders.

But I offer to you this evening that you merely remember that they are five very distinct elements and not necessarily interchangeable with each other or synonymous at all with each other, any more than your sense of taste is synonymous with your sense of hearing.

You may identify yourself as a girl, and you may be a girl, and you may not necessarily be female in gender. You may identify yourself as a boy, and you may not necessarily be a male in gender. They are not synonymous. They are very different. They are body type and perceptions, and perception is quite different from a body type.

And you have not even created a word for ‘other,’ although you believe yourselves to have created a word, which merely demonstrates the depth of your belief system, which you have created in your word of homosexual. How very inadequate! Singular sex! Very incorrect!

It is quite nondescript, would you agree? You do not even hold a word for your own orientations! ‘Woman, man, girl, boy’ are not designations for your perceptions in these areas any more than ‘other.’ The only definition that you hold objectively presently is male and female, and this merely refers to a body type and function, and not a perception.

NATHAN: Maybe this movie ‘Wilde’ is quite timely? Good timing?

ELIAS: And this is quite coincidental, is it not? (Laughter, and Elias chuckles) I shall express, quite an adequate lead-in, so to speak! This would be our promotional area that we offer to you all as a preliminary preview of coming attractions! (Much laughter)

NATHAN: The lead actor – I don’t remember his name – but would you say that he played the role quite well? Do you think that was pretty accurate?

ELIAS: I am aware of the energy expressed within this presentation, and I express that it has accurately and efficiently accomplished its purpose. (Laughing)

And I may also express to you that although you view myself, this essence, to be so very cosmically busy and so non-interactive with your physical dimension, I may choose to be popping in and out to be checking upon the local news, and as to this expression artistically, I am quite pleased with the portrayal!” (Grinning, and laughter) (3) [session 355, January 27, 1999]

ELIAS: “Good evening! This evening we shall begin addressing to the belief system of sexuality and coupling this with your belief system of duplicity, as these are two waves in consciousness which are occurring presently.

I have expressed at our last session that I would be addressing to this subject matter, for it is presenting itself in many different areas with many individuals, and as this particular wave in consciousness gains momentum, many more individuals shall be affected also. This particular wave shall surface itself not merely within individual experiences, but also in mass experiences and examining mass belief systems.

I have stated that this, as your final time framework, your final year of this century and of this millennium ... you have lent much energy to occurrences within this particular year. Therefore also, many more waves in consciousness shall be occurring within this particular time framework of this final year, as you prepare your entrance into your new millennium.

There are many prophecies that have been projected in association with this time framework. Therefore, much energy has been lent to this time framework, and in this, as this shift in consciousness gains momentum, it also draws upon the energy which has been lent to this particular time period.

In this present now, the wave in consciousness addresses, as I have stated, the belief system of sexuality in this particular dimension.

Now; what I am addressing to is an explanation and a definition to you of what you have created in this particular dimension, that you may understand how you have converted your actual creation into belief systems which you now accept as your reality, but they ARE belief systems, and they are quite different from what you have originally created as elements of your reality in this dimension.

Now; let me initially restate to you what I have offered within the onset of these sessions. In this, I have stated the information that this shift in consciousness is as a circle.

You are completing a circle in consciousness by initiating this shift and accomplishing this shift, returning yourselves to the remembrance of essence, the remembrance of no separation, and the identification of the belief systems that you have developed throughout your ages in conjunction with your physical reality.

In this, I offer this information as significant – coupled with addressing to the belief systems of sexuality in this particular dimension – for you deviate far from your original creation in this dimension.

Now; let me express to you that you have created five outer senses. You are all familiar with each of these five outer senses, and you are quite efficient in your usage of them.

In viewing these five outer senses, one may not be exchanged for another. They hold completely different functions. They function in harmony to each other, but they are not interchangeable with each other. You may not see with your hearing. You may not smell with your touch. You may not hear with your taste.

Now; as I have stated, these outer senses work in conjunction with each other, in harmony to each other, and are complementary of each other, but they hold very different functions.

In very like manner, you have created five elements of what you may term to be sexuality in this dimension. You have created two genders and three orientations, none of which are interchangeable. They are five separate elements of your reality, in like manner to your five outer senses.

You create two genders of male and female. These are physical forms. They are physical reproductive systems. They are not orientations; they are merely functions. They are physical bodily functions, and they do not hold orientation within themselves.

Orientations are a very different element of your reality. Your orientations are your perceptions. They are how you create your reality in specific directions.

Now; I have stated previously that all that you create mirrors yourselves, and within the area of sexuality, you create all of your reality to be mirroring in this area also. Now let us view elements of your reality that you have created in like manner to these five different elements of your sexuality.

Look to your creatures. You create the genders of male and female within all of your creatures, but you create three different types of orientation within your creatures. You have created your vertebrates, you have created your mammals, and you have created your marsupials. All three express themselves very differently, and one may not be interchanged with another.

Now; as you may view within your creatures and within yourselves, these orientations are not the same as gender function. All female creatures produce eggs. Not all female creatures produce offspring in the same manner, for their orientation is different. Your physical function as female is the same. Therefore, this is one element, female. All male function in physical form is the same. The orientation is NOT the same. You have created very strong belief systems in these areas, to be interchanging your identification of gender with orientation, and they are NOT THE SAME.

Within this discussion, we shall not be expressing male/female/other as to referencing orientation. We shall confine male/female to gender creation. You have created your male and female genders, and all of your reality is reflective of this. Even your vegetation reflects in male/female.

Orientation is an entirely different creation. Within orientation, you have chosen within this dimension to be creating three very different types of orientation, and it matters not which gender you create within body type; it may not necessarily be in conjunction with your orientation. Your orientation is how you perceive your reality; how you interact with other individuals, how you view yourself, how you view other individuals, how you view your reality overall. This also is not necessarily coupled automatically with sexual preference. Preference is a choice, an objective choice.

Now; let me interject momentarily. Each of these elements is a choice, but the choices of gender and orientation are different types of choices than the choice of preference. Preference is a choice that you allow yourselves objectively within your physical focus. Your gender and your orientation are choices that you create before manifesting within physical focus. As you enter physical focus, you have already chosen the gender type that you shall manifest within, and the orientation that you shall follow throughout that focus.

In this, as I have stated that there are no rules and there are no absolutes, there exists, in a manner of speaking, the possibility of altering your orientation within one focus, just as there exists the possibility of altering your gender within one particular focus. The likelihood of you accomplishing this action within one particular focus is very small, for your belief systems do not allow you movement in these areas.

What I am expressing to you is that you may be moving outside of your belief systems and you may alter your physical gender without your medical sciences, but generally speaking, you do not. You remain one gender throughout an entirety of one focus. In like manner, you may alter your orientation within one focus, but generally speaking once again, you do not accomplish this action any more than you accomplish altering your physical gender. These are very strong choices that you create in manifesting into this physical dimension.

Within other dimensions physically focused, there are some dimensions that hold many more than three orientations and more than two genders. There are also physical dimensions that hold one orientation and several genders. There are physical dimensions that hold one gender and several orientations. Therefore, you may view yourselves as not so very unusual, that you have chosen these five elements of your reality, in choosing two genders and three orientations. There are particular physical dimensions that need not hold two genders to be procreating. They may reproduce within one gender, but they hold more than three types of orientations.

Now; let me express to you, I shall designate what YOU identify as man as ‘B.’ I shall designate woman as ‘G.’ I shall designate ‘other’ as ‘R.’ These are very different types of perceptions.

Now; you may introduce B into an entire culture of G. All of the reality within this culture is produced by G. B is introduced into this culture and may assimilate all of the ideas, all of the events, all of the actions, and may imitate all of the creations of the society of G, but it shall continue to be B. Regardless of the influence, regardless of the input, B shall remain B. It shall function as B, it shall hold a thought process as B, it shall hold an emotional quality of B, and it shall not become G. You may introduce R into an entire society of B, and R may know objectively no other reality, and it shall continue to be R, and it shall not convert itself into B.

Let us use shapes: your square, your circle, your triangle. Try as you might, each of these shapes shall continue to be the shape that it is, and you may not convert one into another. You hold your own sayings within your physical language, that you may not be forcing a round peg into a square hole. It shall not fit.

In this, your three creations of orientations are different, and they shall not fit into each other.

This be where you have created your belief systems, for you associate with gender. Therefore, you attempt to fit these three orientations into the molds of two genders, and they do not fit, for they are not synonymous. One is not necessarily in relation to the other.

I have spoken of the third orientation as ‘other,’ for you do not hold a word that you identify with this third orientation. You have attempted to label this third orientation, but you have quite inefficiently created terminology for this third orientation.

You identify two orientations in male and female, man and woman, and within your thought processes, you understand the identifications of these words, but DO you understand the identification of these words? Do you understand the identification of the orientation of ‘other?’ I express to you that you may not understand these differences in orientations if you do not identify what they are and what your orientation is.

This orientation of ‘other’ presents a fine example to you of the orientation that does not fit the sexual gender, for within the orientation of ‘other,’ it matters not which physical gender is chosen, for neither is identified with completely. This orientation of ‘other’ may be likened to your marsupials, the unconventional creatures, those creatures that choose to be reproducing in a very different manner and not following the officially accepted guidelines of all of your other creatures. They do not fit the picture, but they also do not hold belief systems. Therefore, they hold no conflict in their choice of orientation, and other creatures hold no conflict in the acceptance of the marsupials’ choice of their orientation. They merely reside together, and no judgment is placed upon their choice of their orientation.

You within your belief systems have created a tremendous expression in energy in this area. You identify by form. If you are holding female form, you are female. Therefore, your orientation is female, woman, and this is how you shall perceive your universe. How does woman perceive her universe? What is the difference in your perception from man’s perception? There IS a difference, and may you identify what this difference is? (Pause, grinning)

How is it that you know that you are female? Merely by your physical form? How is it that you know that you are male? Simply by your physical gender? No. It is your perception. It is your view of yourself; how your objective and subjective consciousness interacts with yourself and with your environment – with all of your reality – and how you interact with your physical form.

Within the orientation of G – or that which you identify as female – if you are identifying yourselves as this choice, you shall also exhibit certain qualities in how you create your reality. You shall similarly create your reality. You shall hold similar thought processes, you shall hold similar emotional qualities, and the officially accepted reality shall be very similar between you all. You shall magnate to certain types of expressions.

This is not to say that there are not very many variations of expressions within each one orientation, but there are underlying qualities that are accepted as this one orientation, just as within B, or male, there are underlying qualities that are influencing of how you are perceiving your reality, which is not necessarily in conjunction with a physical form.

In the orientation of ‘other,’ their perception of their reality is equally as different as what you identify as male to female. Therefore, as the triangular shape, it shall not fit in either the square or the round hole, and the round and the square shall not fit within the triangle. But you each hold the belief systems that you are creating only two genders. Therefore, you are also only accepting two orientations.

This wave shall be creating of much trauma. Many essences have already moved in expression of bringing to the forefront of your attention [and] addressing to this element of your creations of orientation.

In this, essences have created this dis-ease as a statement to you all, to be noticing that this is unacceptable to be placing these judgments in conjunction with your belief systems. Many individuals have inquired of myself as to this dis-ease which sweeps your planet, that you term to be AIDS. I have addressed to this several times previously, and I have expressed that this is a mass statement.

Previously within your history, essences have collectively created other dis-eases to be gaining the collective attention, addressing to certain situations. Once again, within this time framework, essences collectively choose to participate in creating this expression to be gaining your attention in this area. Now, within this time framework, you move into this wave of consciousness which addresses to the belief system of gender and orientation, your sexuality.

You are sexual creatures within this dimension. You look to all of your creations in this manner. You identify in this manner, but you also are merely identifying in two directions, which is quite limiting and is eliminating of the third direction, which is also equal in its reality, in its expression within this dimension, and may not be discounted in its reality any more than you may be discounting your marsupials as existing. They are not egg-layers, but they are not mammals either. Their choice of orientation holds equality in reality, and in like manner, all three of your orientations in this dimension hold equality in their reality.

An individual that has chosen the orientation of ‘other’ may not be entirely identifying with body form or gender as may an individual that identifies themself as male or female, B or G.

In this, this choice of ‘other’ is the choice to be exploring this physical dimension holding the sexual orientation and interaction, but choosing less separation.

Now; understand that individuals choosing ‘other’ also move in the direction of creating tremendous judgments within their belief systems also, and are creating objective separations. Therefore, no individual is expressing less in their lack of acceptance in this area, for individuals within the orientation of ‘other’ express much lack of acceptance also.

In this, I offer this information to you, that you may begin to examine what you each have chosen as your particular orientation. Allow yourself to examine this orientation, and understand what your reality is within your particular orientation. As you allow yourself this exploration and this understanding, you shall also allow yourself more of an understanding of the other two orientations, and this shall allow you more of a movement into acceptance in these belief systems.

Be remembering that these ARE belief systems. You have created a male form or a female form, and this is not in conjunction with your orientation. They are as separated, in a manner of speaking, or as different from each other, as your taste to your sight. But as you allow yourself to be understanding these differences, you may also allow yourself more of an acceptance.

One of the reasons that this particular belief system holds much difficulty in acceptance is that you do not identify your own choices of your own orientations. You do not understand your own choices and what you have created. You may not identify to me presently what it is that you are! I inquire of you, ‘What is man?’ and you hold no response. I inquire of you, ‘What is woman?’ and you hold no response. What is ‘other?’ You hold no definition. As you do not define yourselves and understand what you have created within your own reality ... how may you be accepting of any other reality if you are not accepting of your own reality? And you may not be accepting of your own reality if you do not understand or know what your own reality is!

There are many wondrous elements in this particular dimension to be explored, and this is the offering of this shift in consciousness, but there are also many very strong belief systems which may be creating of great trauma if you are not looking to these belief systems and addressing to them. Already within the beginning throes of this particular time framework of this final year, individuals are beginning to be experiencing trauma. I am not expressing conflict or confusion or distress. I am expressing that individuals are beginning to experience trauma.

In this, I offer you this information that you may be allowing yourselves to not be experiencing trauma, for as these waves in consciousness increase and gain momentum, their strength increases, and they shall be slapping upon the shores of your realities, and this shall be creating of trauma if you are not paying attention.

You shall be viewing many individuals surrounding you that are experiencing tremendous elements within their focuses – much fearfulness, much trauma, much conflict – and in addressing to yourselves and in knowing yourselves and allowing yourselves the acceptance and trust of self, you shall be not merely providing yourselves with the elimination of this trauma, but providing lending of energy to other individuals within consciousness to lessen the element of trauma with them.

BETSY: ... Elias, I have a question about the trauma. What do you really mean by trauma? Can you give us a definition or an example?

ELIAS: Trauma incorporates tremendous conflict, but also holds an element of shock. You experience shock when you are confronting yourselves with extreme situations and unfamiliarity. This may be in emotional areas, or mental, or physical. Any area that you present yourself with tremendous unfamiliarity, which may also be triggering of fearfulness, you experience exaggerated conflict in an extreme manner, and this would be designated as trauma.

BETSY: Thank you. I have one other question. In reference to trauma and individuals experiencing trauma collectively, I have a question about females experiencing breast cancer, and if that’s collective trauma, and we’re noticing the perception of what it is to be female and feminine. What is the belief system that’s being challenged in that?

ELIAS: This is not an expression of collective trauma. This is an expression that is quite in alignment with your creation of your dis-ease of AIDS. This is another collective expression which the gender of female collectively chooses to be expressing to draw attention to these belief systems concerning the association of gender and orientation. (15-second pause) And you all continue to hold confusion in this area! (Grinning)

Let me express once again:

The five elements of your reality, concerning sexuality in this dimension, are two genders and three orientations. This is five.

Gender is a physical body type, male or female, which holds a specific function for the design of reproduction.

Orientation is your perception of yourself, your world, your universe, and how you are interactive with it.

CAROLE: Does that fit in with John Grey’s book, ‘Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus?’ Or that like our interpretation of it now as it filters through into this reality, that the world views are so different, the two different perceptions?

ELIAS: Within TWO orientations.

CAROLE: Within two. That would exclude the ‘other’ orientation?

ELIAS: Correct. Within two orientations, this may be an example of the differences of qualities of thought and emotion – which is influencing of perception – of two of the orientations.

CAROLE: Now, the ‘other’ orientation, the world view on that one, how would that correlate or interact with the other two perceptions? Is it a combination, or totally different, or some of each?

ELIAS: There are certain elements of this third orientation that are unique to itself. There are also elements of this third orientation that incorporate both of the other two orientations. Therefore, this third orientation holds less separation in its perception than either of the two that you identify with.

Male/female; these are the orientations that you identify with; man/woman, girl/boy. These are the two orientations that you identify with as a perception.

The ‘other’ incorporates some aspects of each of those, but also holds qualities that are unique to itself. In this, there is an openness to both of the other orientations. Therefore, there is an aspect of understanding of both of the accepted orientations, but not an entire understanding; a partial understanding, in objective terms.

There is a greater understanding of its own quality, which is different from the other two orientations, in like manner to those two orientations themselves. They are quite different in their qualities. Their perceptions are quite different. This third orientation is also unique and different in its own qualities.

CAROLE: Are there qualities of it that are asexual, similar to essence? Is that why there’s more of a lack of separation?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, but this also does not fit into the gender separation. Therefore, it is not accepted within your officially accepted reality.

CAROLE: Can you explain a little bit more about the creatures? The marsupials and the mammals and ... what is it?

TOM: Vertebrates.

ELIAS: I use this term intentionally. These are your egg-layers. This may be what you term to be fish or birds or reptiles, any creature that is egg-laying, in which the offspring shall be produced outside of the physical form. This is a distinction and a choice.

There are other creatures that are creating offspring in like manner to yourselves, these being your mammals, or what you term to be your warm-blooded animals.

There exists your third creation of your marsupials. These creatures choose, in their orientation, to be gestating of their offspring differently from the other two orientations.

Now; these are, in a manner of speaking, generalizations, for I am aware that YOU are aware that you create many other types of expressions of what you term to be life upon this planet, within this dimension, and there are many variations of the expressions. But generally speaking, you have created a reality in which the majority of your expressions move in these directions. They choose these types of orientations.

You look differently to your creatures that you designate as animals, from plants or insects or any other type of life form, so to speak, in your terminology. In this, I have offered the example of these creatures, for you hold an awareness clearly of their differences. They choose three different types of gestation. This is an obvious difference that you may assimilate. In like manner, you within your species create three very different orientations. These are three different types of choices of perception, and they are not to be confused with gender, for gender is merely a choice of body form and function, which is different.

Your perception, your awareness, and the direction of your awareness within each focus is that which identifies you as you; not you as the entirety of essence, but you as this individual focus, this focused attention that you are aware of, that you know – or that you think you know (grinning) – that you identify as yourselves.

You hold a perception. You hold an identification. You hold an orientation, and that orientation is not necessarily dictated by your physical gender form. It is a different aspect of your reality, but your belief systems dictate to you that they are synonymous, and I am expressing to you that they are not.

CAROLE: So these things are present as we manifest in this physical focus? They’re not just produced by mass belief systems and the inculcation of the new focus? They’re actually there, present at birth, these perceptions and these orientations and this world view?

ELIAS: Yes. You have chosen, prior to your manifestation within physical form, a specific gender and a specific orientation. Therefore, as you enter into physical manifestation within this dimension, you choose two elements of your reality that you shall experience within a particular focus in conjunction with your sexuality. Those two elements are chosen from five, and those two elements are gender and orientation.

CAROLE: This element of orientation, it seems to me, is one of the things that causes a lot of the conflict, brings about a lot of feelings of duplicity, and also brings into play the emotional aspect of this reality. It seems to be all very closely intertwined.

ELIAS: Correct. You have created, as I have stated, very strong belief systems in these areas. You have, in your separation, forgotten the beginning of the circle. You have forgotten the creation of these three expressions, these three orientations or perceptions, and you have equated perception with gender. Therefore, any expression outside of the equation of gender is unacceptable.

CAROLE: It seems, though, that the world has a lot of things that it finds, in mass belief systems, unacceptable.

ELIAS: Quite!” [session 361, February 12, 1999]

KATIE: “In terms of gender, would I be categorized as ‘other?’ (4)


KATIE: Oh, okay....

ELIAS: You would be aligning with that aspect of gender or that choice of gender as female, and your orientation follows in your definition of this expression also.

This is difficult to be addressing to in terms. I shall be moving into the direction of creating terms for these three different expressions of orientation, for you, in actuality, within your physical focus, do not hold actual terms to be defining of these three different types of orientation.

But as to gender, you are experiencing and have created the gender of female. There is little question in the areas of expression of gender. You have physically created a female form, and it is functioning in the capacity reproductively as female. Therefore, the expression of ‘other’ is not applicable to the expression of gender.

But as to the questioning of your orientation, this also follows the expression of orientation that – within your understanding – you designate as woman.

KATIE: Okay. Well, I had thought of myself as bisexual.

ELIAS: Let me also clarify in this area. You have many different types of terminology for different aspects of beliefs in this area concerning orientation.

Now; as to this particular expression or terminology of what you have offered presently, you express the word of ‘bisexual.’

Now; this is not an orientation. This is a choice of experience and action. This is quite different from the expression of orientation or gender.

As I have stated, gender is merely the choice of body type and function – male or female. Orientation is an entirely different expression and is not interchangeable with gender.

Now; let me offer to you a brief explanation which I have offered within our most recent past session, so to speak, within this forum.

As to the designation of gender and orientation, these are five very separate and different expressions of your reality.

You have chosen two physical body types within this physical dimension, with two physical different functionings within its physical expression.

Now; as to orientation, these are three different expressions in perception, and how you view yourself and your reality and how you interact with yourself and other individuals – how you view yourself.

In this, it is no more interchangeable with gender than your outer sense of hearing is interchangeable with your outer sense of taste. They may be moving in expression of harmony with each other, and they may at times – as outer senses – move together in complement to each other, but they are not interchangeable. They are very different expressions.

In this, the terminology of bisexual or heterosexual or homosexual are exceedingly inadequate to be expressing any element of your choice of orientation, for these are merely expressions of your choice objectively, of want and preference within action.

You choose objectively an experience within sexual expressions, and THESE may be classified as bisexual, heterosexual, and homosexual, but these are merely choices.

In this, your choice as defined by those types of terminology in objective manners may be no different, in comparison, to your choice in which garment you shall choose to be wearing. It is an objective choice of experience and preference.

There is a very precise difference between this type of choice of preference and the choice of expression of orientation within an individual focus.

Your orientation is that color, in a manner of speaking, which you view the entirety of your reality through within a particular focus. It is your perception. It is your reality. This is a subjective choice which is chosen prior to your manifestation within physical focus and continues throughout that particular physical focus.

You may alter your choice of expression quite easily and objectively throughout any given physical focus. Your choice to be altering your orientation is an entirely different matter.

This is not to say that you do not hold the ability to alter your choice of orientation within a particular physical focus, but the choice to alter your orientation within a particular focus would be the same, in its presentment of difficulty to you physically, as your choice to alter your physical gender.

Now; I may express to you, you do hold the ability to be altering your physical gender within a particular focus, and I am not expressing that you are altering your gender with the aid of your medical technologies. I am expressing that you yourselves hold the ability to be altering your physical gender to a different expression of gender entirely yourselves, but you do not believe that you hold this ability. Therefore, this is not quite as easily accomplished within a particular physical focus.

In this same manner, it is not quite so very easily accomplished altering your orientation, for this is equally as strong of a reality – and ‘set’ within your reality – as your physical gender.” [session 362, February 16, 1999]

ELIAS: “Now; as to the other expression which is being incorporated simultaneously: you, Michael [Mary], and many, many other individuals are experiencing an alignment and participation within this wave of consciousness which is occurring presently. As I have begun discussions addressing to this particular wave in consciousness, this wave addresses to the belief system of your creation of sexuality in this dimension, which incorporates the creation of gender and of orientation.

Now; I hold an awareness that within your understanding, this may seem to hold no bearance upon your experiences objectively, for you associate this subject and this belief system as merely incorporating aspects of sexual activity or physical gender function.

(Intently) What I express to you presently is that within the area of orientation, this is affecting of you in every aspect of your focus, for orientation concerns perception and how you view and create the entirety of your reality. Therefore, it is all-encompassing of your reality. It is quite affecting physically, emotionally, and mentally within your objective expressions, and enters into all of your interactions. Presently, it is quite affecting of emotional expressions with many individuals.

Be remembering, I am expressing that this particular belief system concerns itself with your perception. Your perception is that with which you view and create the entirety of your reality. Therefore, your emotional qualities are quite involved with these expressions.

Also, how you view yourself and your interactions with other individuals, and how you view other individuals’ interactions with YOU, and how you are responding to them with relation to your perception of your reality, also is being involved and addressed to in this wave.

This particular belief system holds many, many more aspects than you realize. I have expressed previously that each of these belief systems – that I move into the addressment with – hold[s] many more aspects than you are aware of objectively.

This particular belief system, being a base creation and foundational creation of this particular reality, holds a tremendous amount of aspects within it. Therefore, it is VERY affecting, and the energy projected within its expression may be viewed as extreme.

Therefore, you may be noticing extreme expressions within other individuals, and you may also be noticing extreme expressions within yourself. You may also be noticing aspects of your own expressions that may seem to be inconsistent with your normal creation of your expressions, in a manner of speaking ... for normal is quite a relative term!

In this, you may notice yourselves expressing behavior that is surprising to you, and not usual. You are allowing yourselves to be exploring all of the different aspects of your own expressions.

In this, you offer yourselves the opportunity to address more fully to all of the aspects within this particular belief system, recognizing that it encompasses ALL of your reality.

Just as with the belief system of duplicity, this particular belief system of sexuality enters into all of your expressions within your focus. Therefore, you shall be noticing extreme affectingnesses and behaviors and expressions as this wave in consciousness continues.” [session 367, February 28, 1999]

FRIEDA: “I understand that we have at least three focuses that we go through. Am I correct in that understanding?

ELIAS: Correct. If you are choosing to be manifest within this particular dimension, you agree to be manifest at the least three times, for the experience of three different orientations.

FRIEDA: I see. Can you tell me which orientation I am in?

ELIAS: Yes. Now; I shall express to you that soon, so to speak, futurely, I shall be offering information concerning gender and orientation as elements of your creation of sexuality within this particular dimension, which shall offer more of an explanation to you. In this, what I shall be addressing to is what you are inquiring about now.

Presently within your physical societies, you do not identify with these orientations with defining words. Therefore, I am offering new words to be defining these three orientations, for the idea that you hold within physical focus as to the identification of these three orientations is incorrect. It is a manifestation or what you may term to be an aspect of the belief system, and is not an accurate identification of the orientations in themselves. But I shall offer you a slight explanation, that you may understand what I offer to you in response to your question.

Your question is, which orientation have you chosen to be manifest within in this focus. I express to you that the orientation that you have chosen, I will be designating as intermediate. This, in your belief system – underline in your belief system – you would identify as feminine or female.

Let me explain that female is the definition and designation of a gender, but within physical focus you have created an extensive belief system with respect to your creation of sexuality. In this, YOU designate the three types of orientation as male, female, and homosexual. I have expressed previously, for the benefit of the understanding of individuals, the designation of male, female, and other. I choose now – as we are addressing to this particular belief system within this wave in consciousness which is occurring presently – to be altering those terminologies and introducing new terminology that you may define these different orientations with.

The designation for these shall be soft, intermediate, and common. These may be associated with what you term to be homosexual, female, and male, but I wish not be reinforcing the existing belief system and your identification with it. Therefore, I am designating new terminology for these three types of orientation within your physical focus, that you may not necessarily identify orientation with gender, for they are quite different expressions.

Gender is merely your physical manifestation of body type and function. It is not that element which is creating or affecting your perception and how you view yourself and how you view your world, or how you process information. It is merely a function and a designation of type of form.

Orientation is quite different, in that this is the element which is underlyingly, all-encompassingly affecting of your perception, which is your reality. This is how you view yourself, how you interact with yourself, how you view other individuals, how you interact with other individuals, how you perceive your world and how you interact with it, your societies, and all of your reality. THIS is your orientation.” [session 377, March 23, 1999]

ELIAS: (Chuckling) “This evening, we shall engage a discussion.

JEN: Oh, good!

ELIAS: And I shall be offering questions, and you may be responding to these questions ...

JEN: (Laughing) Okay....

ELIAS: ... as a difference in our usual delivery. I shall be addressing to a subject matter this evening specifically, and this shall be the reason that I shall be engaging YOU, in questioning you as to your perceptions and your understandings of certain elements, for within this time period, much movement is occurring.

In this, I have expressed within this forum previously to you that there is a wave in consciousness occurring presently, and has been for a time period. Also, I have expressed to you that within this particular time period of this final year of your century and your millennium, much energy has been lent to this time framework. Therefore, energy is what you would term to be very intense – very high, in your terms – which lends to an ease in all of your expressions.

Now; this ease may be lent in the direction of conflict as easily as in the direction of fun. Therefore, you shall notice – within yourselves and within all individuals that you encounter in this time framework – individuals are experiencing extremes. Energy is very intense, and in this intensity, you all automatically draw upon all of this energy which is being lent to you within this time framework.

Therefore, if you are moving yourselves in the direction of creating fun, you shall be creating this easily. If you are creating movement through issues, you shall be moving more efficiently and more quickly through issues and offering yourselves imagery to support this. If you are creating conflict, you shall be creating extreme conflict. If you are creating stressfulness with yourselves, your stress shall be extreme. All of your expressions shall be heightened and more intense than you normally, so to speak, would be creating within your experience. Some individuals are experiencing extreme calmness. Whichever your expression, it shall be created more easily, for much energy is lent for you to draw upon within this time framework.

Now; also within this time framework there is a wave in consciousness occurring – which we have already introduced – addressing to the belief system of sexuality. This is an intense belief system itself, apart from the intensity of energy which is lent within this time framework. Therefore, you are experiencing twice the intensity.

In this, I have expressed to you previously, sexuality in itself is not a belief system. It is a base line, a building block of your creation within this particular physical dimension. You create within this dimension in the expression of sexuality and emotion for the experience.

In this, these two particular elements of your reality – sexuality and emotion – have also been created into massive belief systems. I use this terminology intentionally, for being that these are the base elements of your reality, the belief systems attached to them are very large. They also may be quite camouflaged or hidden from you, for you – within your beliefs in these areas – express to yourselves that the elements of these beliefs are not beliefs. They merely are your reality.

You express to yourself, ‘Male is male. Female is female. This is not a belief. It is merely a creation within your reality.’ This is correct, but there are many, many, many other aspects of this particular belief that you also assign that reality to, and remove from your awareness that it is attached to a belief system. ‘Your physical function is your physical function. This is not a belief. This is merely the reality.’ Incorrect. Your physical function is very influenced by your beliefs. ‘Your perception is your perception. This is a reality.’ Incorrect. This is also very influenced by your beliefs. In this particular area of sexuality, your beliefs are very narrow, and you have confused yourselves in extreme with this particular belief system.

Now; in initially addressing to this belief system, we shall demonstrate your own belief, and I shall inquire of you: How do you define sexuality? (Smiling, and a pause)

JEN: Hmm. Wanna take a shot at this, babe? (Laughing)

TIM: No. (Elias chuckles)

JEN: Sexuality ... well, I certainly think of male and female, as well as ‘other,’ or homosexual, in our terms. Hmm ... sexuality is bringing people together, and clearly, procreation is a belief that we engage in, but also for a feeling of pleasure, of touch. I guess that’s the act of sex, though.

TIM: Sexuality to me is all-encompassing, including the sex. I mean, it does seem basically that the base elements are broken down into male and female, but that does seem very narrow, and I can see where sexuality would be more than just that, and....

JEN: It also seems like it draws people together too, like even female to female. There’s a sexual draw sometimes.

TIM: Yeah.

JEN: It’s not necessarily, ‘I want to have sex with you,’ but there is an attraction there that is more than just, ‘I’m interested in what you have to say.’ There’s an underlying....

TIM: It doesn’t even have to be with another person. It could be with objects. I mean, it’s obviously in today’s advertising. It’s with cars and whatever, alcohol. They all use sexuality. It seems like sex is everywhere. Even though it’s not right out in the open, it’s everywhere behind everything, even if people don’t admit it.

JEN: Yeah. A lot of people don’t allow themselves to admit it.

TIM: Right, because they still feel that there’s something wrong, that it’s dirty or whatever.

JEN: Yeah. You’re taught not to. You’re taught to repress that.

TIM: Right.

JEN: It’s religious beliefs, or just the way you were brought up.

TIM: Right, religion is a big part of it.

JEN: Huge ... major!

ELIAS: As you note within yourselves within your discussion, you view that your beliefs cross over each other and are intermingled with each other, as you identify with your introduction of religious beliefs intermingled with beliefs concerning sexuality.

In this, let us be clear in our identification of what sexuality is.

There is one element of your creation of sexuality which is gender. You have created two genders for your species within this dimension. In actuality, all of your species are within the realm of two genders. This is defined by male and female.

The definition of gender within male and female is a body type and function. This is all. This is your designation of gender. It extends no further. This is the beginning of your confusion within this belief of sexuality, for you attach gender to all aspects of your reality and you define many elements of your reality within the context of gender. Gender is merely a body type and function.

There are three other elements of your sexuality which compose the wholeness of sexuality. These three other elements are your orientation.

Orientation is quite different from gender. Orientation is your perception: how you view yourselves, how you view your world, how you interact with yourself, how you interact with all other individuals, how you interact with your environment. It is the most influencing element which creates your perception. Your perception creates your reality. In this, there are three orientations of perception.

Now; you – within your beliefs attaching to gender – define these three orientations as male, female, and other, or your terminology being homosexual. Now; how may you be presenting male/female gender, male/female/homosexual orientation? Male and female may not cross to orientation. These are body types and functions, not orientations. They are not perceptions.

Therefore, I designate to you – as you do not hold terminology within your language to identify your orientations – new terminology to be identifying your orientations, and I shall offer comparison within your belief system ONCE merely, as to not be reinforcing the ongoing of your belief system in this area.

The terminology that we shall define orientation with shall be designated as soft, intermediate, and common. These shall designate the three different types of orientation within your sexuality which create your perception.

Now; in this once offering of your identification or comparison with how you identify presently, I express to you that the designation of soft shall be compared to what you identify as homosexuality. The designation of intermediate shall be what you consider to be female. The designation of common shall be what you consider to be male.

Now we shall view how these cross over gender and are not related, so to speak, directly with gender, although they are influencing of each other and are harmonious with each other, in like manner to your physical outer senses. As I have expressed to you previously, you hold five outer senses which may not be exchanged with each other, but may move in conjunction to each other, in harmony with each other, to be offering you differences in your perception and in your information intake.

You may be accessing and implementing your outer sense of sight and touch together to be offering you a combined perception. They move in harmony with each other. But you may not exchange sight with touch. Your fingers may feel. Your body may feel in the sense of touch, but it shall not see. You may not exchange taste for hearing. They are not interchangeable. Male, female, soft, intermediate, and common are not interchangeable either. They move in harmony and complement each other, but they may not be exchanged for each other, and one does not define another.

(To Tim) Therefore, as you sit before me and hold the gender of male, this does not define your perception, and your definition of man, boy or any terminology that you identify with male also does not define your perception. What is it that creates your perception? What are the qualities of this perception that defines you as male? It is quite different from your gender. Another individual may hold the same gender, body type, and function as you, and their perception shall be quite different, and you shall not identify them as a man. You shall identify them differently, and you shall recognize that their perception is different.

(To Jen) You hold the body type of female. This does not define your perception. Another individual may hold the body type of female and function the same, and their identification of themself and their world and their interaction with all that they create and all that is created shall be quite different. The perceptions are not interchangeable either. They are not combinations of each other, and they are not interchangeable.

Common – as we identify as your definition of male – is common, for there are manifest more individual focuses that hold this similar perception than there are of the other two types of perceptions. It matters not that you hold male or female gender; you may hold the perception of common.

This is not defining, in your terms, of homosexual or heterosexual or what you term colorfully as bisexual. These are merely objective choices that you create within physical reality. They are choices of wants. They are choices of attractions, and they are not defined by perception or by gender. They are merely wants and choices.

JEN: What do you mean by wants?

ELIAS: There is a difference between desire and want.

JEN: Want! Okay.

ELIAS: Objective is the definition of a want. You may term this to be a desire, but a desire is what motivates you within your intent. This is a subjective movement. Therefore, I am distinguishing within objective terms what you create within your waking reality.

In this, you may notice many individuals that hold the gender of female, and you may identify them as heterosexual female, and you shall assign qualities to them that appear more male. They are less emotional; they are more rational; they are very logical. They are expressive in manners that you identify with male. They also occupy their attention with elements that you identify as associated with male. Conversely, there are male individuals holding male gender that you perceive to be more female in quality. These individuals may not be necessarily designated as what YOU term to be homosexual. They merely hold qualities that do not fit your identification of gender.

Now; the qualities of common: Your perception of this shall move in the direction of more rational thought processes. You shall draw yourself, as common, to interests which involve physical elements. Common perception holds fascinations and interests outside of self, in a manner of speaking: what may be created physically, how you may project the inward self outwardly. This may manifest itself in artistic forms, it may manifest itself in technological forms, it may manifest itself in mechanical forms. There are identifications with the creation of physical elements. This is a very strong base line of the perception of common.

Intermediate – that which you term to be female – occupies much of its perception in its engagement of inner senses: intuition, viewing inner creations. Therefore, it also is quite occupied in its attention with emotion, which is not an element which may be projected outwardly to be creating a thing. The creations of intermediate are not necessarily visible, for they concern themselves more with the inward creations.

Soft is the designation of perception which occupies its attention in expression of interaction, involvement. It may express inwardly and outwardly, but it is more concerned with exchange, involvement. The involvement may be interaction with other individuals, with that which you term to be nature, with your planet, with your universe, with ideas, with concepts. It matters not. Their attention focuses in interaction.

Now; let us view – (humorously) within your NARROW perceptions of your belief systems – your identifications of these three perceptions or orientations, and you may draw a comparison. You may view your comparisons ... although you may also view the narrowness of your perceptions!

In your identification of male, you view these individuals to occupy themselves much with outward expressions and outward creations. You express that they hold inclination in mechanical areas, technological areas, scientific areas. They interest themselves as leaders/outward projection, as inventors/outward production, as creators/outwardly projecting. You express that they are left-brained male, for you identify right/female, left/male. They are logical, they are rational, and less emotional.

You view your females to be quiet, demure, emotional; inwardly seeking identification of self and understanding ... spiritual!

Look to your history. What is your view of a male image? Strong, solid, outwardly projecting. What is your view of your female within history? Small, fragile ... fainting! (Grinning) And what be your view of what you term to be homosexual? Ah!

Now we begin with different types of diversity, for you identify subdivisions within your identification of homosexual. You divide between the male and the female in this area of homosexual. You identify the males as holding female qualities, and you identify the females as holding male qualities. Very incorrect!

You identify males as flamboyant – the flamboyant expression of a female. You identify the females as rugged – the male expression within a female. And you express to yourselves, all of you, that you are all confused!

The homosexuals express that the heterosexuals are confused, and the heterosexuals express that the homosexuals are confused, and you are all confused within your gender, for you merely hold two genders, but you hold three orientations! Therefore, NONE of you fit within your genders, and these genders cross over with perception.

Common may be a female which exhibits the qualities of outward creation. Many artists are what may be designated as the orientation of common, regardless that they be male or female. They are outwardly creating their expressions from within. They view their world to be ordered and logical and rational. They do not process their information in the manner of inner senses. They process their information – which allows them their perception – through outer senses.

Intermediate – that which you designate as female – is less common than common. There are fewer focuses manifest, within your physical dimension, of intermediate.

These individuals would be likened to those individuals within your history as the frail females, those that you look to within your stories as being so very fragile and lending energy to the perception that they are requiring other individuals to be providing for them, for they may not necessarily, within your beliefs, be providing all of their needs for themselves. The reason that you hold this perception or this belief is that these individuals do not concern themselves with outer creations. They are more concerned – in their perception – with themselves, with inner movement and creation.

They process their information through their inner senses. They hold great interest of other individuals, but in a very different manner. Their attention moves in the direction of connecting with the inner senses and emotions of other individuals. They may be designated as highly sensitive in these areas. They do not concern themselves with outward creations, for they are occupying their focus with inner creations and the exploration of these. These individuals are less interactive with other individuals than common or soft.

Soft is very interactive. They are interactive with each other, they are interactive with other individuals, they are very active in aligning with movements. They are very passionate individuals, which creates your perception of flamboyant behavior.

They are not necessarily concerned with outer creations, physical productions, but they are quite attentive to their own creations outwardly. They may be expressive in dance, in their own creation of their own music ... not necessarily with an instrument. They are expressive in their body movements and creations. They are quite attentive to interaction. These individuals find their greatest creations and ease within interaction of other individuals. Their attention moves in the direction of themselves and other individuals. You shall not perceive many of these individuals to be moving through their focus quite alone. They are unhappy alone.

Now; in difference, common and intermediate may function quite efficiently singularly. Their interest, their movement, their creations may be translated in singular manner. Soft functions most efficiently interactively.

In this, examine within yourselves – what is your perception? This is your view of yourself: how you define yourself, your world, your interactions, your creations, all of your reality. This is your perception. It is how you think, how you feel, how you interact. These are all elements of your perception, and it IS your reality.

(Looking at Jen, and then at Tim) YOUR perception is very different from YOUR perception. You may express to each other and share ideas and concepts and feelings – you may exchange thoughts – but your perceptions are very different.

This be the reason that individuals confuse themselves so very often in the area of relationships. Ease in relationships shall be to couple yourselves with another individual of your similar orientation. It matters not – be remembering – which gender they hold, but that their orientation is the same.

This is the offering that I have delivered within a previous session in the explanation of your creation of mammals or live-bearers, egg-layers, and marsupials. You may not couple an egg-layer with a marsupial. They shall not function together. This shall be creating much conflict. You may not couple an egg-layer with a live-bearer. They do not function the same. Their perception is different. You may not be exchanging a marsupial for a mammal and you may not force a marsupial to be a mammal, for it is not. In this manner, you may not force one individual to be what it is not.

Within your belief systems, you have been attempting for very much time to be forcing yourselves into roles that you do not fit within based solely upon gender, and your gender is not defining of your perception, your orientation. But you continue to attempt to fit.

This be your very simple example of your square, your circle, and your triangle, and regardless of your effort to be placing the triangle into the square, it shall not fit, and your effort to be placing the circle into the triangle shall not be accomplished either. They do not fit. They are different.

These choices are created before you manifest within physical focus. These are NOT objective choices.

Your identification largely with sexuality is sex: an action, an attraction, what you are attracted to, an act of physical sexual intercourse. These are objective choices. You choose objectively to be engaging these actions with another individual – or not! – or with another element of your creation within your reality, which your species has engaged many times! (Grinning)

These are merely choices. You hold strong belief systems in these areas! (Grinning)

Look to yourselves presently (chuckling) as you squirm within your seats! Ha ha ha ha! I have entered an area of forbidden ground! (Laughing) They are merely choices! They are influenced by your very strong hold in your beliefs.

Certain aspects of sexuality are right and certain aspects are wrong, and you hold these very strongly. A perception is right if it moves in the officially accepted belief. It is wrong if it does not, and you have designated very strict rules in these areas.

A woman that you designate as heterosexual is not very acceptable if she is behaving in the manner that is expressive of a man. A woman which is expressing in what you identify as homosexual behavior is less acceptable. A man expressive in very female qualities is unacceptable.

JEN: That’s changing, though. It’s loosening.

ELIAS: It is, and it shall be increasing rapidly, for this is the wave that is engaged presently.

JEN: But there’s another wave that’s forcing it back into the box, so to speak.

ELIAS: No. This is the same wave, for as you move into acceptance, you also automatically move into holding to the familiar. The acceptance is unfamiliar. Addressing to belief systems and allowing yourselves to be trusting and accepting of self and accepting of your belief systems is unfamiliar. Therefore, you retreat to the familiar and hold temporarily very tightly to your expressions of your beliefs, but this is also temporary, for the wave addresses to this, and you begin to view these actions all about you.

There is much affectingness which is occurring, and you are all moving into the area of less definition, more of an acceptance of each other, more of an understanding that you DO hold differences in orientation, in perception; that although you may be the same species, you are quite different within your species.

You have expressed to yourselves for many, many, many, many years that you are the same, and you have created testing and evaluations to prove that you are the same, and what you have proven to yourselves is that you are different!

It is not your environment which creates your perception and creates you as you are. YOU create you and your perception in relation to your orientation that you have chosen as you have entered into this dimension.

Now; I shall also express to you once again, you DO hold the ability to alter this. You hold the ability to alter your physical gender, and you hold the ability to alter your orientation. Altering your orientation is as easy – or as difficult (grinning) – as altering your physical gender!

(Grinning) I may express that it is easy. You shall perceive that it is quite difficult, and I venture to express to you that you shall not be altering your gender within one focus. You shall continue to be holding male or female within one focus. This is not expressive of your engagement of medical procedures, but to be altering your gender merely yourself with no helpfulness of outside influences, so to speak. You do hold this ability.

JEN: From one focus to the next.

ELIAS: Within this focus!

JEN: Oh!

ELIAS: You hold this ability. You also hold the ability to walk on water! (Grinning)

JEN: And fly!

ELIAS: And fly!

JEN: I’d rather fly than change gender!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) And these accomplishments shall be as easy or as difficult as you perceive them to be! Therefore, I express to you, you may also alter your orientation, and it shall be as easy or as difficult as walking upon water or altering your physical gender or flying! (Chuckling) Not that it is an impossibility, but I wager to express that you shall not be creating of this! (Still chuckling)

In this, there is great importance that you be understanding of these elements. These are the base elements of your creation. ALL of your reality is affected by these elements.

Your sexuality, your perception of yourself and your world, is all-encompassing and is affecting of ALL that you create. There is no element of your reality that is not within your sexuality. How you place your shoes upon your feet is influenced by your sexuality, for the reason that your sexuality is creating of your perception, and how you perceive your feet is part of your reality!

ALL of your reality is encompassed by your creation of your sexuality. It is who you are within your physical focus. Therefore, this particular subject matter holds tremendous importance in your understanding, for this lends to your movement more efficiently in the area of altering your perceptions, widening your awarenesses.

JEN: When you say perception, you say orientation. The two are not the same. (Pause)

ELIAS: Your orientation is not synonymous with your perception, but it is very influencing in creating your perception, for your beliefs are very influencing of your perception also, but your orientation is different from your beliefs, for it is an element of your perception.

JEN: Okay ... okay. (Inaudible)

ELIAS: It is an ingredient of your perception.

JEN: As our beliefs.

ELIAS: Your beliefs are influences. They are not your perception. They are influences upon your perception. These are the pushes. Be remembering of our stick and our ball. (5) The stick is what is pushing your ball. It is not the ball; it is pushing the ball.

Therefore, the beliefs are influencing, which IS creating of your reality and is creating of your perception, but they are not your perception in themselves. They are not an ingredient. They are not an element of your perception. They are an influence.

JEN: Okay.

ELIAS: Your orientation is an element of your perception.

JEN: So we could say it is influencing your perception, then.

ELIAS: It is also influencing of your perception, and – in a manner of speaking, in your terminology – it is a part of your perception, as are your emotions. I shall not express to you that it is your perception in its entirety, for another aspect of your base element of this reality are your emotions. In this, they are another element of your perception, another ingredient.

JEN: Okay. (Pause) Okay, thanks.

ELIAS: You are welcome. Are you wishing of questions? (Chuckling)

JEN: Well, it’s a lot to absorb here, but there’s a part of me that feels like, okay, one may not be necessarily, I’m thinking, deemed to be just intermediate. I shouldn’t say ‘just,’ but ... (inaudible). One might seem to have qualities of common as well.

ELIAS: You all have similar qualities in your expressions, for you have been taught many qualities of your expressions, but your orientation is not what you would term to be a learned element within physical focus.

JEN: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, you may be expressive outwardly and seem to hold many of the same or similar qualities as each other. These are your expressions. But within your orientation – the basic elements of your perception and how you view your world and how you view yourself – this is a different element. This is not acquired. This is not learned. This is not influenced with your environment. It is not influenced by your gender. It is another element in itself.

Therefore, no, it is not interchangeable with each other, and you do not hold more than one orientation within one focus. This be the reason that you agree to manifest within this dimension at least three times, to be experiencing each of these different orientations.

JEN: But you said you can change your orientation within a focus.

ELIAS: It is possible.

JEN: But highly unlikely.

ELIAS: Quite.

JEN: You wouldn’t bet money on it, or whatever.

ELIAS: Quite.

JEN: So by understanding our orientation, we can become a little more aware of what’s happening in general. (Elias nods) I don’t know ... I’m not sure the right way to express this. The whole purpose of having a clearer understanding of one’s orientation....

TIM: Do you want to think about that while I ask a question?

JEN: Sure.

TIM: Elias, earlier we had discussed a little bit about left side and right side of the brain, and the right side being more creative or emotional and the left side being more logical. Does that relate to ... we talked about common and how they were more outwardly expressive and building things, and intermediate is more internal. How would that relate to left and right side thinking, or does it?

ELIAS: And it does, for as I have expressed previously, you have created the entirety of your dimension within the base line of sexuality, and you have divided MUCH of your dimension into the designation of male and female, even within inanimate objects, as you term them to be.

In this, what YOU term as the right side of your brain/the left side of your body, this is what you designate as your female side.

In this, as you choose a particular orientation, you have also chosen an officially accepted reality which IS divided into genders.

As you choose a particular orientation, as in your identification of intermediate or common, you shall lend more energy to the expression of the development of these sides.

Now; you shall also notice that individuals that manifest as soft, for the most part, lend energy to both sides and are not expressive of one gender or another. This also lends to your confusion, for you identify that they are part of both genders. This is incorrect.

As I have stated, gender is not interchangeable with perception, but they DO move in harmony and they do complement each other.

(To Tim) Therefore, you, as common, shall lend energy and express more of your attention of energy to the left brain/right side body. (To Jen) You also.

JEN: So, in understanding this, we can be watching ourselves for labeling people as male or female, and when we see these particular qualities, which ... I mean, they’re great, the common, intermediate, and soft, in terms of seeing that in people. I’m certain of seeing it in saying that a person is gay or very male or whatever, but absolutely seeing those qualities in females that might be common.

ELIAS: Quite, or male individuals that may be intermediate!

JEN: Okay. So on some level, it seems very intuitive and very okay. Huh! Maybe I’m missing some larger point in terms of....

ELIAS: This is helpful to you all in widening your awareness, in allowing you to recognize that you cross over many lines that you have defined to yourselves as absolutes, and they are not absolutes! And this lends much to the movement of your acceptance of each other and of yourselves, that you are not confining yourselves so intensely into these labeled areas.” [session 378, March 26, 1999]

GINA: “What issues are my husband and I trying to show ourselves? There’s been a lot of conflict between us lately, and I’m just wondering how I can try to change that and what I can do to not experience conflict on my part between us.

ELIAS: Let me express to you that this is directly related to this wave within consciousness which is occurring presently, addressing to the belief system of sexuality.

Now; I have expressed previously, recently, explanations of this creation and belief system of sexuality, and that it is far more expansive than you view it to be. In this, it is also much more camouflaged than many of your belief systems within this physical dimension, for there are many elements of this particularly belief system that you do not identify as an element of a belief system.

In this, as this particular belief system is being addressed, it is creating responsiveness within many individuals – yourselves also – and may be creating of much conflict.

Your creation of sexuality involves your perception: how you view yourselves and how you view your world, how you interact with yourselves and how you interact with your world.

In this, you and your partner share the same orientation within this particular manifestation presently, but you also are influenced by different aspects of belief systems.

Now; in this influencing of different aspects of belief systems, you find yourselves projecting to each other in the expression of conflict, for each of you holds to your own perception of your own aspects of beliefs.

What you are creating is – as I have expressed the analogy of the stick and the ball previously, the stick being the beliefs which are influencing or pushing of the ball which is your perception – you are pushing your ball with your stick and he is pushing his ball with his stick and you are pushing your balls into each other, colliding with each other. In this expression, you may identify to yourself that neither of you is seeming to be choosing to give, in flexibleness.

Now; the reason for this situation is that you are holding very tightly to your own perceptions, and you are not allowing for the reality of each other’s perceptions.

Let me express to you that your perception creates your reality. Therefore, it IS your reality and it is real, but each individual’s perception is reality. They may be different, but they are all reality.

In this, I express to you that as you turn your attention to self – as I have expressed within the response to the previous question involving the situation of conflict – as you are looking to self and examining your own participation and perpetuation of your own beliefs and of your own lack of acceptance of self, this shall be helpful to you within your interaction.

Couple this with the understanding that your partner’s perception is their reality also. Therefore, it matters not that you may be expressing many times of any particular idea or situation. This may not necessarily be influencing in the other individual’s reality, for he also is holding very tightly to his own energy and his own beliefs and the influence of his own beliefs.

Now; I shall express to you in this that you may be moving through these types of expressions and accomplishing what you seek to be accomplishing in eliminating this conflict in relation to the relationship, for you do hold the same orientation.

This is not to say that you may not move through these types of situations were you to be holding different orientations, but it would be exceedingly more difficult, for in holding different orientations, you also – in a manner of speaking – hold different languages, for you hold very different types of perceptions.

YOUR perceptions are merely different as influenced by your beliefs. This is much easier to be moving through and eliminating conflict with than would it be were you holding different orientations.

In this – viewing yourself singularly and addressing to YOU, not to the situation of your partner – I express to you that if you are allowing yourself to move more deeply into self, you may be quite affecting of this situation of conflict.

GINA: ... I’ve been trying so hard to do a lot of different things, a lot of different exercises that my brother has given me, so I’ve just got to keep on trying them. Is there anything else that you can tell me about any more of my focuses, anything at all besides the information that you’ve given me?

ELIAS: Let me offer to you that you hold a future focus which is lending energy to be helpful to you in widening your awareness within this present now and lending energy to you in the design of being helpful in addressing to these types of situations that are being created presently, as they are being influenced and enhanced, so to speak, within the action of this shift.

Individuals are aligning with these waves in consciousness, and this emphasizes the situations that they are already creating within their individual focuses. You also are participating in this type of action. Therefore, in an understanding of this situation, this future focus is lending energy to you quite objectively, for this future focus holds an awareness of you, and in this, there is an intentional lending of energy to you that may be helpful in easing you more efficiently into the accomplishment of addressing to these issues and a letting go of your hold upon your own energy. This also is and shall be helpful to you in your own movement into acceptance, not merely of self but within your belief systems.

This future focus holds the gender of male but holds the orientation of soft, and in that orientation is quite interactive and holds a tremendous interest in certain focuses of essence and lending energy to them, of which you are also one.” [session 380, April 02, 1999]

ELIAS: “This evening, we shall be continuing our subject matter of your sexual orientation as it relates to this wave in consciousness which is occurring and has been occurring for a time framework. In this, we shall be approaching the subject matter this evening in like manner to our most recent engagement of group session. In this, I shall pose to you an interaction of discussion. We shall deviate slightly from my dissertation, and I shall engage you each in discussion with me concerning this subject matter.

First of all, I wish to pose to you the inquiry of your concept, your definition, and your ideas as to this subject of sexuality and sexual orientation. This is purposeful. I have inquired within our most recent group session this same question, and I pose this question to you now, that you may each view your own beliefs in this area. For as I have stated previously, sexuality and emotion are foundational elements of your reality in this particular dimension. Therefore, in one respect they are not belief systems, but you have created very large belief systems concerning these elements of your reality.

In this, you have distorted your thinking and your perceptions as to your identification of these elements of your reality. You have narrowed your identification of these elements of your reality to the point that you encompass a definition of sexuality solely in relation to physical elements. Therefore, in these discussions, we shall be expanding your awareness of the reality that you create within this dimension: what and who you are. In this, as you allow yourselves to become more familiar and acquainted with yourselves, you also open much more fully to your own creativities and your own potentialities. This is one of the points of this shift in consciousness.

Therefore, I pose to you this evening, what is your definition presently concerning sexuality in your reality? (15-second pause) (To Kaan, grinning) Define!

KAAN: I think sexuality holds a collection of emotions and orientations and directions. It’s like a package within this reality. I guess our belief systems also center around what sexual orientation needs to have, what emotions or qualities. I don’t know in essence, outside of belief systems, what those really are, but there’s a lot of conflict I’ve experienced in my own life in understanding various religions or thinking, social systems; looking at what a woman’s role is, what a man’s role is, what the role of the homosexual is, and what kind of qualities they hold.

ELIAS: Quite. (To Joanne) Respond!

JOANNE: I’m in agreement that it’s a very large package, in the way I see it. It’s not just man and woman, but there’s emotions, there’s expectations, there’s a certain way that I perceive everyone’s role, although I feel that for myself lately, I’m much more open-minded and it’s changed a lot, much more open-minded about what’s acceptable or not acceptable, like more starting to shed a lot of the belief system and kind of see that, you know, ah! What does it matter? Whatever.

ELIAS: (To Betsy) Define!

BETSY: Define what?

ELIAS: Sexuality.

BETSY: Sexuality? Whew! If I knew that ... (laughing). Oh god, Elias! Sexuality. (Pause) Sexuality is more than the physical being or the physical reality, in my mind. Sexuality permeates life on all different levels, not just for human beings but for everybody, for all species and plants and animals. It’s interesting that even the moon is referred to as female. In different religions, the Sun God is male. Because of the physical choice of manifestation of essence in this reality, it seems to ... because of the belief system, I feel like it directs a lot of my life, and what I choose and what I choose not in this role.

ELIAS: Now I shall define to you. You are correct that sexuality influences all areas of your focus. You identify all areas of your reality in terms of sexuality. One element of sexuality is gender. We shall be specific in this, this evening.

You hold two genders within this physical dimension. You create your vegetation with genders, you create your creatures with genders, you create yourselves with genders. These genders are male and female.

(Firmly) Gender is a physical function and body type. Period. It extends no farther.

Now; view the extent of your belief system involving sexuality, in that you identify much of your reality with relation to gender: male elements, female elements; left male, right female; moon female, sun male; certain constellations female, certain other constellations male; gods and goddesses. You attribute male and female to qualities that you hold: intellectual, rational, masculine, male; intuitional, emotional, female. You identify very much of your reality within the context of gender.

Gender is one element of sexuality. As I have stated, it is merely a body type and function. It refers to no other element of your sexual orientation or your sexuality in general, so to speak.

Beyond gender, the other element of your sexuality is orientation.

Now; I have expressed to you previously – within our last meeting – that you may view your sexuality as holding five elements: two genders, three orientations. This is five elements, in like manner to five outer senses, and I shall repeat once again, they may NOT be interchanged. You may not place a triangular peg into a round hole. It shall not fit. You may not interchange gender with orientation. You may not substitute taste with hearing. You may not identify orientation with gender. They are very different elements.

This being said, I shall move into the position with you this evening of expressing to you temporarily to be creating a separation within your thought process from gender and to be NOT associating the explanations that shall be offered with gender AT ALL, for I shall be offering information as to orientation, and this holds no bearing upon gender.

As you enter physical focus and physically manifest within this dimension, you choose a physical body type and function, a gender. You also choose an orientation. The orientation may fit to either gender. All three of the orientations may fit with either gender. Therefore, they cross over each other, and one does not dictate the other. This is another element of your belief system that creates great confusion within you, for as you DO identify so very strongly with genders, you confuse yourselves with orientations, for the orientations do not fit with one particular gender. They are not associated directly with each other.

Orientation is your perception. It is what is creating your perception. Your beliefs are influencing of your perception and therefore create your perception also, but your orientation is an ingredient of your perception.

Your perception is how you view yourself, how you view your world, how you interact with your world, how you interact with yourself, with each other, and HOW YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY. You create your reality through your perception. Perception is not visual seeing. Perception is not limited to your thought process. It is not limited to emotion. It is all-encompassing, and that element of yourself that you do not identify as a thing, for it is not your body and it is not your brain. It is that element of yourself that creates your reality, that places you in the awareness of reality within this physical dimension. It is your awareness, your objective awareness.

Now; the elements that create this physical objective awareness are your sexuality and emotion. Your sexuality creates what you may term to be the solidness of your reality, the physical elements, the energy movement within your physical reality. Your emotions color your perception. Your emotion adds the hues. You may view your sexuality to be – in a manner of speaking – the color blue, and your emotions are all of the variations, all of the hues of that color. There are countless colors of blue within the color of blue. All of the shades are the emotion. The color itself is your sexuality. It is what you have created to be you in this physical dimension.

This be the reason that this particular subject matter holds great importance for you, for how shall you be addressing to you and understanding you and addressing to your beliefs and all of the aspects of your beliefs if you do not know who you are or what you are? You may identify that you are the species of Homo sapiens – you are human – but this does not offer you much of an identification of what you are or who you are.

In this, I have identified the three orientations of the element of your sexuality with new terminology, for you do not hold terminology to be identifying. I shall explain.

You have offered yourselves, in conjunction with gender, an identification of orientation. I have expressed to you that gender is separate from orientation. Therefore, your identification of orientations shall not fit.

I have identified these three orientations as common, intermediate, and soft. In this, you may be choosing either gender, and you may be any of these three orientations.

As you manifest within this dimension, as we have expressed previously, you agree to manifest three times, that you may experience three different orientations – not three genders, but three different orientations – three different manners of perception, three different means to perceive yourself and your world and interact with them.

In the orientation of common, individuals express their perception in what you may term to be an outward manner. Their perception – how they are interactive with their world and themselves and each other – is seen through the view of physical reality in producing things, so to speak: objects, matter, any element of your physical reality that you may visually see.

Now; this also is how these individuals process, in your terminology, information. In speaking with individuals that hold the orientation of common, you shall notice – if you are paying attention – that they shall discuss with you any subject matter and shall lean in the direction of expressing comparisons. This offers a means of communication that is, in physical terms, an example of one action or one creation which may be compared to another action or creation. This sets what you term in physical focus to be a mental image, and this allows you an understanding in your communication. You shall identify and understand the communication with another individual in this manner, for they offer you an outward projection.

Common is the most common of these orientations, thus my choice for terminology. More individuals within physical focus manifest in this dimension with the orientation of common – within any given time framework – than any other orientation.

Intermediate is an inward expression. Individuals holding the orientation of intermediate focus their attention – within their perception – upon inward creations. Now; these may expressed outwardly, but they are not creating of things. They are creating of actions. They are creating of interconnectedness. They focus their attention upon those elements of your reality that you do not see: understanding, compassion, nurturing, supportiveness, child-rearing, offerings to other individuals in helpfulness, but not necessarily in the helpfulness of an object. They are the individuals that offer themselves as the creation.

There are fewer individuals that manifest with the orientation of intermediate than any other orientation. This particular orientation holds the least amount of physical manifestations in any given time framework.

These individuals do not look outside of themselves physically for their own curiosities, fulfillments, or contributions, in a manner of speaking. You may look to individuals that you view within your existence presently that you identify as monks. These individuals do not focus their attention upon physical outward expressions. It matters not to them. Their attention focuses within. It may be expressed outwardly, but it holds little importance to these individuals to be creating of any actual product ... even children, for children also is a participation in production outwardly.

Now you may begin to view the complexity of your sexuality – and the extensiveness, in a very small expression – in that your sexuality expands far beyond your physical gender and what you identify as actions concerning sexuality, for it is all of your reality, all of your perception.

Intermediate may be involved with other individuals and may be interactive with other individuals, but may also choose to be quite singular in their focus, and may function quite well singularly without interaction of other individuals.

Common may be interactive with other individuals and may also create their reality singularly, although in the orientation of common, individuals may choose time frameworks to be experiencing singularity or what you term to be ‘alone’ ... although you are not alone, even when you are alone! (Chuckling) But in this orientation of common, individuals may choose temporarily to be singular and exploring their own creativity not within interaction of other individuals. But generally speaking, they shall not be creating their focus to be entirely singular. They may move back and forth, or they may choose to be interactive throughout their focus. Intermediate may choose quite comfortably to be singular throughout an entire focus.

Soft are the interactors. The individuals that manifest within the orientation of soft, you shall generally not view them to be singular, and if they are creating singularity in their focus, they shall be experiencing much conflict, for this is an expression outside of their orientation and shall also be outside of their intent in alignment with their orientation ... although I may also express to you that your intent is different from your orientation.

In this, individuals that we classify as soft view their perception outwardly and inwardly. They are creating outwardly, and they are also focusing inwardly. Their focus inwardly is slightly different from intermediate. Intermediate focuses its attention through its perception inwardly objectively. Soft holds an element of its attention in creating its reality quite subjectively. Its inward focus is not entirely objective, but is subsequently translated into a type of objective awareness ... not entirely.

These individuals shall experience quite commonly elements of their reality that are quite surprising to them, for they are creating subjectively – focusing an element of their attention subjectively – and they are allowing a translation objectively, without necessarily creating a communication objectively between the objective and the subjective. Therefore, in their creations, they seem to be creating elements in their reality that ‘pop into’ their reality. They appear before them. They surprise themselves!

These individuals are very interactive. Now; let me clarify in this area. Individuals that hold the orientation of soft shall be interactive throughout their focus with other individuals. They shall also experience a draw to nature, as you term this to be, and all other elements of your reality, your universe, for they ARE so very interactive.

In this, you may not necessarily identify them by the relationships that they choose. Some individuals that choose the orientation of soft may not choose to be within a romantic relationship.

Therefore, you may confuse yourselves in your thought process as you are identifying these three orientations to yourselves, and you may express to yourself, ‘Ah! This individual is obviously intermediate, for this individual has not held a romantic relationship with another individual throughout their focus. Therefore, they are singular.’ But that same individual may hold many relationships that you term to be friendships, and may also hold a relationship in the area of family that is continued throughout the focus.

I am not expressing that these individuals are creating of merely one type of interaction, but that they shall be interactive continuously with other individuals throughout their focus. They shall not be the individuals that you identify as hermits.

They are quite playful. They also are quite expressive. They may be emotionally expressive; they may be creatively expressive. But as they are so very interactive, it holds importance to them that their expressiveness is appreciated and noticed by other individuals. They shall not be your wallflowers! (Grinning)

Intermediate may be quite to themselves, in your terms, and shall hold no conflict in not being interactive with other individuals or creatures. They may move through their focus with ease in their singularity, and focus their attention upon themselves to the point of exclusion of much else within your world.

Now; be remembering, all three of these orientations may be associated with either gender.

Now I shall express to you your identifications of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual. These are choices. These are objective choices of expression and experience. They are not associated with gender; they are not associated with orientation. They are merely choices that you create objectively, and may apply to either gender. These are gender definitions that you have attached to your belief systems in identifying different mannerisms, associating those choices and those mannerisms – or preferences – with gender and defining them as orientation, and they are not.

In this, we shall break, and we shall continue, and you may engage your questioning, and we shall discuss this subject matter further.

I shall also express briefly, prior to our disengagement of break, that your intent – as associated with families and alignment with families – is also not your orientation. Therefore, do not confuse these qualities either, for individuals are already confusing intent and qualities of their essence families and alignments with essence families to the qualities of orientations, and they are not related.

Very well. We shall break, and we shall continue.

BREAK: 8:29 PM.
RESUME: 8:52 PM. (Arrival time is 11 seconds)

ELIAS: Continuing. Now you may present your inquiries this evening. (12-second pause) Ah! You have assimilated all of this information and have no questioning! (Grinning, and laughter)

JOANNE: No questions, Elias!

ELIAS: (Chuckling, and then to John) Yes?

JOHN: The intermediate sexuality – do you consider that unhealthy?

ELIAS: No. I shall express to you that this also would be another aspect of the belief system that encompasses this element of your reality.

This belief system, as I have stated, is very expansive. This particular bird cage holds very many birds! You place many judgments upon the ideas, concepts, thoughts, emotions, identifications of all aspects of this particular element of your reality. There are many elements that you view to be unacceptable.

THIS is the area that I have expressed to you in opening with this session, that we present the information to you that you may assimilate and allow yourselves to move from this narrowness of perception into a wider awareness, which lends to your acceptance of yourselves and your acceptance of all other individuals. This also lends to the acceptance of the creation of your reality, your world in general, for as you become more aware objectively, you also loosen your hold upon your judgments of any element that does not fit into your own beliefs.

You have created your perceptions in this particular area to be very narrow, and there are many, many influencing factors. This is what I have expressed to you, that there are many aspects of this particular belief system.

Your religious beliefs enter into an influence. These, in many areas, are aspects of this belief system. Your scientific beliefs are influencing in this particular belief system. Your social interaction, your psychology ... all of these different elements of your reality that you accept are also quite influencing in perpetuating the narrowness of your perception in this particular subject matter.

You may speak to other individuals, and you may question their perception, and you may inquire of them what they identify to be acceptable and unacceptable. They may incorporate different words: healthy and not healthy, good and bad, right and wrong, acceptable and not acceptable. These are all terminologies that you use to be allowing yourselves to place judgments upon different expressions of individuals.

In this particular area, you place many, many judgments, for you have narrowed your perception to be equating your reality with gender – male and female – and in this equation of male and female and the lack of association and identification with orientation, you attempt to fit qualities of different individuals into what you identify as male and female. What I am expressing to you is that male and female do not hold qualities of perception. They merely hold the quality of physical form and function.

You have created your reality quite specifically and purposefully, and it encompasses much more than you allow yourselves to view. You hold tremendous qualities and abilities within this manifestation in this dimension, but you limit yourselves tremendously, for you identify and define to yourselves quite expansive areas of your reality in very narrow terms. You attempt to fit behaviors and perceptions and choices into the identification of a physical form and function.

You hold machines within your present time framework. These machines may hold a specific form and perform a specific function. The color of the machine is not relevant to its function. Within this time framework, many, many, many individuals within your world own, so to speak – although you do not own any element, you merely create them – televisions. Generally speaking, this machine or this technological instrument holds a specific shape. Generally speaking, it is square. It also performs a specific function. It projects audio and visual qualities to you. Generally speaking, this particular devise shall hold a certain color. Generally, you create these devises within a narrow range of color spectrum, but you may be creating a purple television or a multicolored television, and its function shall remain the same, for the color is not influencing of the function.

(Vic’s note: Great analogy, Elias ... generally speaking!)

In this, you hold a creation that you identify as gender: male or female. This is a body type. Each of these body types holds a specific function. The functions of each are different from each other.

Now; in this, you also create different shapes of these body types and different colors of these body types, which would be likened to the shape of your television. It may be shaped differently, but you choose to shape this instrument commonly. You also choose to shape your physical forms commonly.

Your perception – unlike the television, which is programmed by you, by your perception – your perception is that element which IS you. It is the method, so to speak, to be incorporating your terminology, in which you create your reality.

Perception is not the you of you. Your orientation and your emotion, in this physical manifestation – not in all of essence, but in this particular physical dimension – your perception is created by your emotion and your sexuality. Those are the elements that are the you of you, the ingredients that are what comprises you, as you know yourself physically. Your perception is created by these elements, and is that aspect of you that therefore creates your reality.

You may liken yourselves to very highly technological, highly efficient machines, in a manner of speaking – perfect machines – for you are a physical manifestation of a non-physical essence, a projection into a physical dimension which you have created purposefully to be experiencing physical creations, physical experiences. And in this particular dimension – for there are many – you choose to be creating your reality through the building blocks or the base elements of sexuality and emotion.

We are not addressing to the element or the belief system of emotion presently, for presently this is not the belief system which is being addressed within the wave in consciousness which is occurring now. Previously, you have been experiencing another wave in consciousness which focused upon the belief system of relationships, and as that wave was occurring, I also addressed to all of you, in offering you information that shall be helpful to you, that you may understand what you are participating in and what you are creating, therefore also offering you some answers to your ‘whys.’

Now you engage in a wave within consciousness addressing to the belief system of sexuality, but this is not merely a belief system. This is in actuality also a foundational element of your reality in its entirety. Therefore, addressing to this particular belief system shall be more difficult, more extensive. It shall continue for more of a time framework, and there are more aspects of it to identify.

Much of what you believe presently, you do not even identify as beliefs. You have accepted the participation and the perpetuation of the belief so very strongly – and you have covered your vision in this area so very strongly – that you identify the belief and the aspects of the belief as not a belief.

I express to you, gender is not a belief. You are male or you are female. You do not believe yourselves to be male or female; you are. Your function within each gender is not a belief. It is a function. It is outside of beliefs, although you influence your function of your gender quite strongly through your beliefs.

Females function – within body type in that particular gender – in cycles and have created extensive beliefs in conjunction to these cycles, much of which is very unnecessary but is quite real, for you have created it to be your reality, and you have created this reality through your perception.

Males hold a specific function within the male gender and body type. The function of male may be quite affected in many different areas of performance, so to speak, entirely influenced by beliefs. Your function is affected by your beliefs of what you consume. If you believe you are consuming the wrong foods, you shall affect your physical functioning. If you believe you are consuming substances that shall enhance physical performance in any area, you shall create an enhancement of your physical performance. This is not necessarily your natural body function. It is quite influenced through your beliefs, and it is created by your perception.

As to any of these three orientations being an expression of healthy or not healthy, right or wrong, good or bad, no. They are all merely orientations. They are not good or bad, they are not right or wrong, they are not healthy or unhealthy. They merely are. They are a choice, a choice of a particular type of perception that shall be the lens in a particular focus in which you view yourself and your world and how you shall create your reality in that particular focus.

Now; I shall also repeat within this session that with all elements of your reality, as I have stated many times, you may alter any element of your reality. THIS is reality! (Grinning) You may choose to be altering any expression, action, element of your reality. This is not to say that you will! You hold the ability, but you do not exercise that ability. Therefore, I may express to you that you may physically alter or change your gender in one focus, and you may also as easily or as difficultly change your orientation. Now; you may as easily or difficultly change your orientation and your gender within one focus as you may physically jettison yourselves to another planet without a spaceship, or as easily or as difficultly as you may walk on the bottom of your ocean and breathe water! (Grinning)

Now you may view that this may not be quite as easily accomplished within your physical focus as you think! This matters not, for you shall not be choosing to be altering your orientation or your gender. It is unnecessary. You create as many or as few focuses within this dimension as you choose for your experience. It is unnecessary to be altering gender or orientation in any one focus, for you may experience the difference in another focus, but I do not express to you that it is impossible.

Now; I shall also reiterate one more element that I have offered recently concerning these three orientations, with respect to relationships. You may identify more easily if we are returning to our example of the egg-layers, marsupials, and live-bearers.

In this, if you are engaging a relationship with another individual in what you term to be closeness in a particular focus and you are holding different orientations, you shall be experiencing conflict and much difficulty. This is not to say that it is impossible for you to be engaging an intimate relationship with another individual that holds a different orientation from yourself, but it shall be intensely difficult, and in this difficulty, the likelihood of your continuation of that particular relationship is very small.

This also is purposeful. You are manifesting, as I have stated, three times at the very least within this dimension. Therefore, you are experiencing each of these orientations. It is unnecessary – with the influence and lending of energy of counterpart action, other focuses, and your creations – for you to be engaging an intimate relationship with another individual holding a different orientation. There are other avenues that you have provided yourselves to be experiencing all of the angles of your sexuality. Therefore, you shall draw yourselves and magnate to individuals that hold the same orientation.

Now; this is not to say that you do not engage relationships of all types with individuals of other orientations. I am specifically addressing to intimate relationships. In this, you may look to your relationships within your focuses and you may view that there are certain individuals that seem to be, in your estimation, continuously speaking a different language from yourself, and you hold much difficulty in your interaction with that individual.

Now; I am not expressing to you that this is blanketly always the situation that you shall hold different orientations, but many times you may be holding different orientations, for your perception is quite different in each of these orientations. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, you ARE speaking different languages, for you are perceiving your worlds differently.

Individuals approach this essence many, many times and inquire how to be creating of what you term to be (humorously) lasting relationships romantically. ‘How may I find my soul mate?’ (Laughter) ‘How may I be creating of a relationship with another individual intimately that shall be to my favor and shall be creating happiness?’ (Grinning) I shall express to you that this shall not be a likely creation if you are drawing yourself to an individual of a different orientation, for you shall be incorporating much conflict!

Your differences within a base layer of your reality are strong. Surfacely, you may view yourselves to be quite the same, but as you engage these intimate relationships, you also allow yourselves to share more of your opennesses with each other, and as you open to each other, you view more of your differences within your perceptions ... or more of your samenesses.

This is the comparison of the marsupials and the egg-layers and the live-bearers. They may inhabit the same area, but they shall be creating much difficulty in engaging relationship with each other, and you in like manner also.

Now; in conclusion, I wish to be expressing quite definitely to you each, and to all individuals that shall be connecting with this information: no one orientation is better than any other orientation! They are merely different, and you each experience them all.

Therefore, you may relieve yourselves of your automatic action of moving into areas of expression that one orientation is more desirable than another orientation, for you all experience them all in different focuses. One is merely different.

Therefore, if you are identified as common, you are not ‘less than’ intermediate. You are no less spiritual or enlightened! If you are soft, you are no less connected to essence or your manifestation than be you intermediate. They are merely different. They are not better or worse. I have merely chosen this word common, for it IS common. Therefore, it is efficient, and it is descriptive in the manner that it is intended to be descriptive.

Soft is descriptive in the manner of its intention also. These individuals, in your identification of the word soft, may be identified as this. Soft is not necessarily a negative term. It is merely pliable, and these individuals of soft are very flexible.

Intermediate is what you would term to be in-between. They function within your physical universe – they interact within your physical world – but they create not physically. Therefore, you may express that they are here and they are there, wherever ‘there’ may be! (Chuckling)

Are you wishing of questions?

JOANNE: I have a question. I can’t help but ask you, Elias, what orientation am I currently?

ELIAS: Within this focus, I express to you that you are soft.

JOANNE: That’s what I thought, maybe, from your explanation, that maybe that’s what it was, but I really have to say that you really have me thinking, like you opened up a whole....

JOHN: Can of worms!

JOANNE: Yeah, a whole can of worms, as we say, and my mind is very busy processing all of this. You really have me thinking!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) And this would be the point!

JOANNE: So I don’t know what else to ask you, because I’m just so busy processing!

ELIAS: Ha ha!

JOHN: Well if it’s acceptable to you, be happy! It’s healthy.

JOANNE: It’s actually kind of fun, when you start thinking about it.

BETSY: Elias, is it just this dimension that we’re experiencing sexuality, or do we experience other things? Is that why we’re here?

ELIAS: There are other dimensions that do create an element of sexuality as quite influencing of their reality, but this particular dimension has chosen these two elements of sexuality and emotion to be the base line elements of your creation within this dimension. All of your reality is involved with these two elements.

BETSY: Do we interact with other elements within this physical focus besides the sexuality and emotion?

ELIAS: There are many elements of your reality in this dimension, but they are all influenced by these two elements.

This is an exceedingly complex dimension and there are many facets of this physical reality – more than many other physical realities – but all of your reality is influenced by these two base elements.

BETSY: Well, when you talk about [essence] family and alignment with intent, then how is this colored? Which is more prominent, the sexuality and emotion, or your family and alignment with intent?

JOHN: It goes hand in hand.

ELIAS: Your orientation is a base line, underlying constant. Therefore, it is quite influencing and may be very affecting, even as you may be following your intent. Individuals experience conflict if they are creating their reality in conflict to their intent, which we have discussed previously. Many individuals move temporarily in directions of their creations to be contrary to their intent, and in this, they are also stifling their individual value fulfillment and shall not continue in that particular direction for an extended time framework. But an individual may be moving in the direction of expressing their intent and may be in alignment with their intent and NOT be acknowledging their orientation, and this shall be creating of much conflict, regardless of your alignment with your intent.

BETSY: What was the conflict part about?

ELIAS: If you are not acknowledging and moving within the natural flow of your orientation – if you are opposing your individual orientation as influenced by your beliefs, attempting to place yourself as the triangle into the square or round hole – it matters not that you shall be following your desire and your intent and accomplishing within your intent. You shall continue to be creating conflict within your focus, for the underlying base element ingredient of all of your reality is in conflict and is being blocked.

And as you move into the identification of yourselves and as you begin to be accepting of yourselves within your orientations and discontinue your very narrow definitions of choice ... which is not at all expressive of orientation! But as you discontinue your identification of choice – in which gender you shall participate in sexual activity with and identifying this as your orientation – you shall also open yourselves to yourselves, and you shall begin to place this triangular peg in the triangular hole.

Let us express one small example. You may be aligned with the Sumari family, and within your focus you may express your intent within an element of creativity; let us express, artistically. You may choose to be a painter or a poet within your physical focus and shall be producing in this manner, and in this expression you may be outwardly producing within alignment to your intent.

You may also hold the gender of male. You may hold the orientation of soft. But you may, as this male individual – influenced by the narrowness and the strength in energy of your beliefs, regardless that you are following your intent – be continuously trying to place yourself in the expression of common.

As you continue to attempt to place yourself in the expression of common and to fit your perception to match the perception of an individual or of individuals that are of the orientation of common, you shall experience conflict, for you are continuously moving yourself in a direction that does not fit to your natural flow of energy within your design of your perception within your particular focus. You shall be accomplishing within your intent – you shall be accomplishing your value fulfillment – but you shall also be creating continuous conflict, for you are not allowing your natural flow.

BETSY: Can you tell me which orientation I am in this focus, please?

ELIAS: Within this focus, you hold the orientation of common.

BETSY: I wasn’t sure. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome. (Chuckling, and a pause)

Are you wishing of more questions this evening?

AYSEQUL: Can I please ask about my – and my husband’s – orientation in this focus?

ELIAS: Within this focus presently, you each hold the orientation of common. (Pause)

In this, let me express to you that I hold an awareness of your quest in the area of your spirituality, so to speak. Do not confuse this with an expression being contrary to your orientation, for it is not.

As I have expressed, within the orientation of common, you are creating outwardly, but this is not to say that you do not identify with all of your reality or that you do not hold an awareness of self. This is merely your perception: how you view your world and how you view yourself.

Your creations are produced for yourselves to view, and for you to derive pleasure in and fulfillment in, and for other individuals to view and derive pleasure. As I have expressed, even the bearing of children may be an element of this type of expression, in a producing of a physical element that may be viewed.

Now; do not misunderstand, for each child which manifests within this dimension is also a manifestation of an essence which is choosing to be focused in this dimension, and it is their choice. But your participation is that of offering the manner of entry. Therefore, your participation within their manifestation is a production of another element. It is an offering outwardly.

I have expressed, within our recent group session previous to this session, that individuals that identify themselves as artists may also be of the orientation of common – although there are also individuals that identify themselves as artists which may be classified as soft – but they are producing an element to be shared that you may visually view, an element that you may connect with in conjunction with your outer senses.

Individuals that produce within the orientation of intermediate produce in conjunction with inner senses. This is not to say that you all do not engage inner senses, for you do, but individuals with the orientation of common shall produce outwardly in conjunction to be creating their reality for stimulation of outer senses, and your reality IS physical! Therefore, if you are not creating physically, why shall you manifest physically? Therefore, the individuals in this orientation are producing the physicalness of your physical reality.

We shall be discussing this subject matter much more, for there are many confusing elements of this subject matter, I am aware, and there are many areas that you shall begin to identify as crossing over each other, and these are many aspects of your beliefs that confuse you in this area. But as we continue our discussion, you also shall continue to become clearer in your vision and your understanding and your identification of yourselves, and in this, you offer yourselves more of an opportunity to widen your awareness.

And this, once again, is the point of this shift in consciousness. And how glorious you shall be becoming – as you ARE becoming – within this shift in consciousness!” [session 381, April 09, 1999]

VIVIEN: “This is for [my friend] Jim. He asked me to ask you about a dream he had. He had three dreams in a row. The first one, he doesn’t know what the dream was about, except he woke up very elated, and then it was followed by two dreams. In the first one, he was walking along a beach with a gaping hole in his foot. He could see the bones, but it wasn’t bleeding and he had no pain, and he was continuing along quite comfortably with it. In the second dream, he had a huge boil on the back of his neck. He found himself scaling a vine up to a doctor’s office, which he couldn’t get to. It was becoming too difficult, so he decided then that he would come down and fix it himself, the way he’d cured himself of the other problems he’d had. He just asked if you would comment briefly on that.

ELIAS: I shall express that this imagery – once again – is movement in conjunction with this wave in consciousness which is addressing to this belief system of sexuality, this addressing to the physical aspects of the belief system.

There are many physical aspects of the belief of sexuality. There are many more aspects that are not necessarily physical.

But in this, he is presenting himself with imagery concerning areas that seem in one dream image to be impossible, but is accepted as natural. This would be the viewing of the foot in this type of manner. It is not disturbing. There is merely a recognition that there is held a difference which deviates from what you have previously identified as the norm, but there is no draw to be fixing this situation. It is acceptable as it is.

This addresses to the situation of orientation. It is unnecessary to be ‘fixing’ any of these orientations. Although they may appear slightly unfamiliar to you initially, as you have forgotten what you have created within orientations, they are flowing quite naturally themselves without interference. Your conflict enters merely when you attempt to be altering the natural flow of what you have created.

As to the situation of the dream imagery [of] attempting to be connecting with a physician, but viewing the difficulty in this area and the ease of altering the creation himself, this also is imagery in conjunction with this belief, recognizing that you may be altering of your perception and allowing much more of an ease and natural flow within your focus if you are not fatiguing yourselves and attempting to be forcing situations through your beliefs that are not a natural flow to you.

VIVIEN: Like climbing those vines, which was so difficult.

ELIAS: Correct, and this also is directly related to the subject matter of orientation.

VIVIEN: Very good! What a good dream! (Elias chuckles) Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.” [session 382, April 12, 1999]

ELIAS: “This evening, we shall be discussing mass events, orientation and perception, energy, and action.

Within this time period presently, there are many events which are occurring and which are attaining your attention. In this, I have offered information recently as to the identification of a wave within consciousness which is occurring presently.

Now; as we move into this subject matter, you may begin to understand how all of these actions are connected within consciousness and are affecting of what you create within your world, individually and en masse. Presently, you view much turmoil occurring within your societies and within your world. I have also offered information pertaining to this present time framework.

Within this time framework now, you engage the final year of your century and also of your millennium. Much energy, as I have stated previously, has been lent to this time framework. Throughout your history, individuals have lent energy to this particular time framework. Therefore, there is much energy to be drawn upon, and you may easily access this energy to be creating within your realities any direction that you are choosing much more easily.

As I have also stated previously, you may choose to be moving in the direction of no conflict and ease within your direction or you may be choosing conflict, and if you are choosing conflict, you shall be manifesting this much easier within this time framework, for so much energy has been lent to this time framework. Much concentration has been offered to this time framework.

In this – as you are aware – you all lean in the direction of conflict and that which you term to be negativity. This attains your attention quite efficiently, and you are fascinated with these conflicts.

Therefore, you may express to me, ‘Why shall we not be creating wondrous beauty and harmony within this time framework, as much energy has been lent to the ease of our creation within this time framework?’ And I shall view you and express to you, you do not create generally in this manner, for you are FASCINATED with conflict! It is stimulating to you; it is stimulating to your senses and it is stimulating to your emotions and your thought processes.

You magnate much more often to the expressions of conflict. You do this individually and you do this en masse, and you are viewing presently mass expressions in like kind. Individuals are creating tremendous conflicts within your world presently.

Now; you each also are responding to these mass expressions, for you are not separated from them within consciousness. All that is expressed within consciousness is also felt – in a manner of speaking – or experienced by all of consciousness, [of] which you are a part.

In this, we may also tie these expressions to our present subject matter of the present wave in consciousness, which addresses to the belief system of sexuality; which also, this particular subject matter of sexuality moves beyond merely the belief system, but is in actuality an element – a base element – of your reality in this dimension. It is quite influencing of how you create your reality.

In this, we have been discussing one element of this belief system, which involves orientation. This is only one aspect of the belief system, and this is a very large belief system! Therefore, I express to all of you, this is a very large bird cage with very many, many birds within it, and many of the birds within this particular cage you do not even see, for they are quite efficient at camouflaging themselves, and even presenting trickery to be invisible! Therefore, they may be quite tricky birds within this particular cage.

You view this belief system not as a belief system. This is quite how these birds are so very efficient at being camouflaged! You do not even identify that they exist or that you hold belief systems in this area. Your reality merely is what it is, and it is absolute. No, it is not, for there are no absolutes!

In this, as we turn our attention to mass events, you may also correlate your responsiveness to these mass events in conjunction with your orientation. Individuals that hold different orientations shall respond differently.

Individuals holding an orientation of soft shall find that they are experiencing more of an emotional expression in conjunction with mass events. They may view themselves to be affected, in their terms, in varying degrees, but many times quite strongly, for this particular orientation lends itself – within that particular creation of perception – to involvement of the individual and all of your world. This particular orientation is very interactive. Therefore, it also is quite affected.

The orientation of common may not necessarily be as affected by these mass events and may seem aloof in their expression. They are not personally, individually emoting over the situations that are occurring within mass expressions. This is not to say that they are not noticing, but they are not involving themselves emotionally or creating responsiveness to these given situations, but appear to be more removed.

Individuals that hold the orientation of intermediate may be affected to an extent by mass expressions, but in similar manner to those individuals of the orientation of common, they may not necessarily move in the direction of identifying individually and allowing affectingness within themselves concerning these mass events, for their attention turns more to self than to the events which occur outside of self.

In this, you may allow yourselves more of an understanding of your own creations and your own expressions if you are understanding your own choice of orientation and how you perceive your world, how you perceive yourselves.

Many individuals express an emotional response to these types of mass events, and interact with individuals within a different orientation who may NOT be expressing the same type of responsiveness or affectingness, and subsequent to these types of interactions, you question yourselves. You express to yourselves, ‘Why are you being affected? Why is another individual not being affected?’ And you also lean in the direction of placing judgments, for you are creating different expressions. And of course, your individual expression is the correct and right expression, and everyone else’s expression is obviously wrong if it differs from yours! (Grinning)

As you allow yourselves more of an understanding and awareness of yourselves and how you are creating your reality individually and how you are perceiving your reality, and recognizing in your understanding that each of these orientations presents a different perception ... which is a different reality! In a manner of speaking, they are three very different languages and they are very affecting of all of your reality – how you respond to yourselves, how you respond to each other, how you respond to all that you create.

Your perception is that which creates the entirety of your reality. Therefore, as you allow yourselves more of an understanding of what your perception is, you also shall understand your reality much more, and as you allow yourself to be understanding that these are choices that you ALL participate within, you may also move more easily into acceptance of self and of other individuals.

You may choose one particular orientation within this one focus, but you are participating simultaneously in the other orientations also, NOW. You hold those experiences NOW in other focuses of your essence. Therefore, who and what shall you be judging of in your judgments concerning other individuals and their choices within their perceptions, as you are creating the same in other focuses? As you place this lack of acceptance upon other individuals, you also place this upon yourself, for you are NOT separated.

There is no separation within consciousness. What you express outwardly is affecting of all else, and is affecting of yourself also. Therefore, as you look to these situations that you are creating within mass expressions presently, regardless of your orientation, you are a participant in these mass expressions, be you actively involved physically or not. Within energy, within consciousness, you also are participating and involved within the movement of energy.

Presently, you view intense turmoil and conflict within your European states. Many individuals are experiencing tremendous trauma ... and let us view this word! I have expressed many, many times to you all that within the action of this shift, THERE SHALL BE TRAUMA ... and you begin! You have lent much energy to this time framework, and many expressions within this time framework move in the direction of fear and intolerance and conflict.

You as individuals, within the confines of your belief systems, are exceedingly resistant to change, but change is your nature! You are continuously experiencing change, for you are continuously in motion! But within your thought processes and your belief systems, you express to yourselves that you do NOT change and you do not appreciate change, for it is unfamiliar and this is fearful and you dislike this action.

And in this, you express to yourselves the wondering as to why your world and yourself and all that is in your reality may not merely stay the same ... which it shall NOT stay the same, for you are continuously in motion and continuously changing! This is the nature of consciousness. This is the nature of essence and all of your expressions of essence and consciousness, to be in a continual state of becoming and changing, exploring, being. The very term ‘being’ holds movement.

In this, you also have connected to another mass event within this location of your own society, in mirror image to what other individuals are creating en masse. You are not immune to all of these expressions, and you express to yourselves wonderings and confusion. ‘Why shall children be expressing in the manner of violence and conflict?’ Why shall they not? You are all participating in the same motion and you are all lending energy to the same motion.

Your resistance within yourselves to be changing – and your resistance within yourselves to be addressing to very strong belief systems and aspects of belief systems concerning perception – lends energy to the expression of these mass events. The expression within these mass events is a lack of tolerance and [a lack of] acceptance of difference.

Individuals hold different perceptions. They create their reality differently, and therefore it is not accepted. Judgment is placed and energy flies ... and energy, as I have stated many, many times, is ALWAYS expressed.

It is your choice how you are channeling your individual energy and your mass energy to be expressed, but it shall always be expressed in one area or another, and if it is being expressed and it is not efficiently gaining your attention in what you choose to be turning your attention to, you shall choose a different expression that SHALL gain your attention ... and conflict gains your attention quite efficiently! You shall pay attention if you are viewing any element within your reality as negative.

Perception, as I have stated, is that element that is creating of your reality. In this time framework, you address to the belief system of sexuality, which holds tremendous influence in the area of creating your perception, for the two base elements of your reality, as has been stated, are emotion and sexuality. This is how you create within this particular dimension, and all that you create is within relation to those two elements. Therefore, you are creating quite efficiently in gaining your attention presently, in addressing to pulling surfacely within your attention this element of the belief system of sexuality.

Sexuality is not limited to sex. It is not limited to gender. It is not limited to sexual activity. This is a very large area of your belief and a very narrow definition that you hold, as to what sexuality is. It is all of your identification within your interaction of self and your world. It is your perception: how you view yourself, how you view other individuals, how you view your world, how you view events, how you view ALL of your reality. This all falls within the cage of sexuality, for it is your perception.

Therefore, this is a very affecting belief system. It also, as with all other belief systems, couples itself with the belief system of duplicity quite efficiently, lending to each of you in your creation of judgment of self and of each other.

Within this time framework presently, many individuals are not merely creating judgments upon other individuals, but you are experiencing an intensity of creating judgments and lack of acceptance with yourselves. You are dissatisfied with your own creations and you are quite efficiently – within your reality presently – discounting of your own abilities, and also not being accepting of your choices and placing judgments upon yourselves in many different expressions.

Now; this is not to say that you are each walking about your planet, moping and sobbing and expressing to yourselves, ‘Oh, woe is me!’ Nor am I expressing to you that you are intensely battling with yourselves or expressing to yourselves how extremely inadequate you all are! But you may be, in varying degrees, expressing elements of this to yourselves in many different areas, and not even noticing what you are expressing to yourselves.

Think each to yourselves how often recently you have expressed ‘I am sorry’ to yourselves or to another individual. Think each to yourselves how very often each of you has expressed the thought process to yourselves that you ‘should have’ accomplished some element better or differently. Should-haves are running rampant presently within consciousness!

Speculations are also running rampant presently ... expressing to yourselves quite often, ‘What if? How shall I proceed in any given situation, for what if this occurs? What if that occurs? What if I am affecting in this manner and I wish not to be? What if another individual is affecting of myself and I wish them not to be?’ What if, what if, what if, what if, what if! And you are creating massive confusion and conflict within yourselves in this area!

You also simultaneously are expressing intolerance within yourselves, expressing to yourselves what you SHOULD be accomplishing: ‘I should be accomplishing this; I should be moving in this direction; I should be more efficient in this area; I should not be expressing in this manner.’ You are quite efficiently creating yourselves into very convoluted little saplings (6), twisting and turning and creating more and more conflict within yourselves, and abundantly lending energy to mass expressions of tremendous conflict! And subsequently, you sit within the comfort of your home and you express, ‘Why, why, why?’

You are accomplishing quite efficiently! I am acknowledging of this! You are each creating your reality quite well in lending energy to these expressions and convoluting yourselves quite efficiently!

I have expressed recently to many, many, many individuals, over and over within the forum of these sessions, the exercise of no conflict (7), for you are creating an epidemic of conflict! And therefore, I am repeating of myself quite often recently, in expressing to you all to be remembering your no conflict scenario. You may offer yourselves less conflict if you are offering yourselves more of an understanding of who and what you are. You may also offer to yourselves more of an understanding of your interactions with other individuals and how they are influenced in recognizing the qualities of different orientations, for you do not hold the same qualities within different orientations. Therefore, there are translations that need be implemented in your interactions with individuals holding different orientations. They are speaking different languages.

If you are visiting a different country, you shall not be efficiently communicating with the individuals within that country if you are speaking different languages, but if you are offering yourselves interpretation, you may more efficiently understand the language of another individual. This is acceptable to you. You give little thought process to the venturing into different areas of your physical world holding different languages and accepting that you need interpretation, in a manner of speaking, and availing yourself of that information.

But you do not allow this interpretation to be occurring within the translation of the languages of orientations. You merely express to yourselves, ‘No. It is unnecessary for myself to be translating. This is not my responsibility. This responsibility lies with all else within my world. I need not be engaging translation and understanding of other individuals.’ And all other individuals are expressing the same element, the same thought, the same feeling.

And then you weep, to yourselves and to each other, in viewing that there is no solution within your reality to be eliminating all of these conflicts. I express to you that the solution in this area is as easy as turning your attention to self and recognizing your own expressions, your own beliefs, availing yourselves of information concerning who and what you are, how you are creating of your reality, recognizing that individuals are all creating their reality individually, and they are all different.

Even within mass expressions, each participating individual is creating their reality slightly different from each other individual, for reality is a very highly individualized creation. It may appear at times that it is merely a blanket of reality that you all merely participate within as if it were an entity within itself, but it is not. It is a manufacture of each of your perceptions, and each of your perceptions is created through your elements of your reality – sexuality and emotion – and is highly influenced by your beliefs.

... Now; prior to our engagement of questions and responses to your questions, I shall offer a small example of the differences in expressions of these three orientations and their perceptions and how they are responsive to different situations in relation to mass events, that you may more clearly hold an understanding of your differences in your perceptions.

I shall express to you three individuals of the same gender, that you may not be confusing gender with orientation, for these are very different expressions. We shall use the example of three individuals of females. I shall express the individuals of Michael [Mary], Lawrence [Vicki], and Shynla [Cathy], of which all of you, through the transcribing of these sessions, may become familiar with these three individuals, who occupy your physical focus presently.

Michael [Mary] holds the orientation of soft, Lawrence [Vicki] holds the orientation of common, Shynla [Cathy] holds the orientation of intermediate; three different orientations, three individuals within the same gender, three very different expressions and perceptions.

With relation to mass events, Michael [Mary] responds to these mass events in allowing much affectingness. Within the orientation of soft, there is an interaction and an interconnectedness with other individuals and in mass expressions. The attention of interaction between the individual and their world is more extensive. Therefore, there is an individual involvement and an objective expression as mass events occur. There is an awareness of the individual with this orientation of soft that they are a participant, regardless of their location or their physical involvement. They hold an inner knowing and awareness of their participation in consciousness, and they are affected. Thought and emotion are both incorporated into their affectingness. Many of these individuals may move into the position of actual physical involvement in these situations and physically participate in the actions. Regardless that they physically participate or not, they shall be experiencing tremendous affectingness in relation to these types of events and may be displaying very emotional expressions in relation to these events.

Lawrence [Vicki] holds the orientation of common. These individuals, in relation to a mass event of these types of which we are speaking this evening, may be partially noticing of these mass events, may allow themselves to be partially connecting objectively through thought, but may hold little emotional involvement with these situations. They are not perceiving their individual interaction with these mass events unless they are physically participating in them, but they also shall be more responsive to individuals that they DO physically and emotionally interact with.

Therefore, if they are interactive with another individual that is responding to the involvement of the mass event, their attention shall move to the individual that they participate with; not necessarily the mass event itself, but the affectingness and the participation of the individual that they personally are interactive with, for this is affecting of them individually. You respond within your orientations to that which is affecting of you individually.

Now; as I have expressed, the individual of common interacts with and is affected by those individuals that are personally affecting of them and that they hold involvement with. The individuals of soft incorporate the entirety of your planet as interactive with them. They do not separate themselves from the interaction of all else that occurs within the actions of your mass events.

The individuals of intermediate may hold less personal involvement with mass events than either the common or the soft, for their attention moves inward. Their attention moves to self.

In this, I am not expressing that they may not hold an awareness of these mass events, but they hold little personal affectingness of this. They may express an opinion or a thought process, but you generally shall not be observing these individuals to be personally involving themselves in connection with these mass expressions. They shall continue to hold their attention in the direction that it is, in relation to themselves, regardless of the mass expression which is occurring.

Shynla [Cathy], as our example of intermediate, holds awareness of mass events, but holds her attention in her own interaction with self and the situations that she is creating individually within her focus, and this [holds] precedence over all else. There is an element of responsiveness to other individuals that she may view as holding a relationship in closeness, but only to those individuals within closeness relationships, not extending outward to less intense relationships with other individuals. Even those individuals that may be deemed as close relationship shall not receive the emotional expression of interaction and empathy, so to speak ... which we are not speaking of your empathic sense, but the emotion of empathy.

This shall not be extended to other individuals in their expression as openly or as intensely as the individual may express within the orientation of common. Their attention shall move much more into the expression of empathy to the individuals that they hold relationship with, but they shall also incorporate that expression of empathy with other individuals that they do not hold close relationship with. They shall be noticing of other individuals’ expressions, and they may casually, in YOUR words, interact with certain individuals within the area of their employ or within their community and they shall be responsive to these individuals also, if the individuals are expressing that they are experiencing individual affectingness. Their concern shall extend to those individuals that ARE allowing personal involvement and affectingness, but shall not extend much beyond that point. They shall not be necessarily involving themselves or expressing emotional affectingness as to the mass event itself.

Therefore, you may view within these three different types of perceptions, within these three orientations, there are quite different exhibitions of these individuals’ realities. One individual focuses much more upon self. One individual focuses upon self and slightly outward to personally-affecting individuals. One individual extends with their perception to the incorporation of experiencing together with the entirety of your world. Now you may also view in these differences that each individual holds the potential for creating judgment on the other individuals, for their expressions are very different.

You place great value upon the word that you express as ‘caring.’ You place great judgment upon this word of caring. Individuals that are intermediate may appear to be, in the assessment of other individuals, not caring. And of course, this is very, very bad, for you must ALWAYS be caring individuals, and you must be expressing this caring in certain types of guidelines that are acceptable within your mass expressions! (Humorously) Therefore, the individuals of common may be viewed as partially caring! (Laughter) The individuals of soft are overly caring! (Laughter) NONE of your expressions are quite acceptable, for they are either extreme or they are not quite adequate enough, and this is the manner that you slip into your expressions of non-acceptance of each other, and also of yourselves.

Individuals within the expression of soft, the orientation of soft, also view their expression as extreme and not acceptable. Individuals within the orientation of common express to themselves that they are not caring enough or are not involved enough with certain situations. Individuals that may be of the orientation of intermediate are hopelessly lost! (Laughter) For they are not interactive with any individual, but they are quite interactive with themselves! And they are very much not caring, for they are merely caring of themselves! Quite a selfish expression, in the judgment of the masses!

This may offer you more of an understanding of how you yourselves individually create your reality – how you are responsive to yourselves and to each other, to situations, and to your world – and it may offer you more of an understanding of other individuals’ creations of their reality if it is different from your own. And in this understanding, you may begin to offer yourselves the noticing in those moments that you are not accepting of yourselves or of other individuals ... each of those moments that you are expressing to yourselves that you may be creating differently, for your expression presently is not adequate, and as you express to yourselves that your expression is not adequate, you also mirror this outward to other individuals.

Let me also express to you that within this subject matter of orientation, there is great affectingness in this area. Much of your reality is very affected by this expression of orientation. Many individuals, in not understanding and identifying their individual orientation, may be creating tremendous conflict within themselves in a lack of acceptance of themselves, for they do not understand what they are creating, and how, and it may not move within the confines of your officially accepted beliefs within your societies.

The individuals holding the orientation of soft lean in the direction of not conforming to their societal beliefs. They may align with many of the beliefs, but they also move in a direction of challenging many societal beliefs or mass belief systems. These individuals may be quite unaccepting of themselves, for their expression does not fit, and other individuals are unaccepting of them also, for their expression does not fit, and if you do not fit within your officially accepted reality, you shall be experiencing conflict and judgments upon yourselves and upon each other.

And as you allow yourselves to widen your awareness and offer yourselves more information, you may be becoming much more accepting of yourselves and your choices, recognizing that your choices are your own, and that they are not bad or wrong. They merely are your choices, and if you are dissatisfied with your choices, you hold the ability within every moment to choose different choices. You hold no limits within this physical focus, merely the limits that you place upon yourselves as influenced by your beliefs, and as you move into acceptance of these beliefs, you also remove your obstacles and your limitations, and you offer yourselves great freedom.

Now you may engage your questioning! (Laughter, and Elias chuckles)

RODNEY: Elias, I have three questions. I think they kind of roll into each other. One of course is, what is my preference?

Second, is there a relationship between preference and family?

And the third one is, if this is a preference, why would one choose to be soft versus why would one choose to be common versus why would one choose to be intermediate? What would be the motivation behind making the choice to be one of the three? So, that’s kind of like three questions there.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, first of all, there is a distinct difference between orientation and preference. You are incorporating terminology that I am specifically offering to you quite intentionally. I am speaking of orientation, not preference. They are very different. I am understanding of what you are speaking ...

RODNEY: I’m confused.

ELIAS: ... but within clarity, I offer to you, preference is an objective choice. You hold a preference in the area of your sexual choice of activity. You hold a preference, an objective choice, in the area of who you choose to be interactive with, who you choose to be engaged in relationships with, who you choose to be engaging sexual activity with. These are objective choices. These are preferences. This is very different from orientation.

Your orientation is not an objective choice. This is a subjective choice, in the same manner as gender.

RODNEY: So it was made before we came into this focus?

ELIAS: Quite; yes.

RODNEY: Was their a motivation behind it at that time?

ELIAS: Yes. You choose to be manifesting in each one of these orientations.

RODNEY: I see.

ELIAS: Now; you may hold in essence a preference for an orientation. Therefore, you may manifest within this physical focus 100 times, and you may choose, in preference, to be manifesting 86 times as common, and you may choose to be experiencing soft and intermediate few. This is an expression of preference.

But you shall experience all three of these orientations if you are manifesting physically within this dimension. It matters not which focus you choose to be experiencing which orientation, but that you shall be experiencing all three of these orientations within a particular physical focus and that you ARE experiencing all of these orientations presently, for all of your focuses are accomplished simultaneously.

RODNEY: And I guess the answer to the family thing is that it’s independent of family.

ELIAS: Quite!


ELIAS: There are difference[s] in the expression. The influence of your belonging to and aligning with these families in consciousness is that of intent. This is the element within your reality that designates the direction of your intent within an individual focus, the direction that you choose. Your orientation holds its own qualities that are specific to each of the orientations, and this is how you PERCEIVE.

RODNEY: I think I understand. (Elias chuckles) Is it fair to tell me what my orientation is, or is it better if I find out for myself?

ELIAS: It matters not. I am quite understanding that presently, within the delivery of this information, it may be difficult for individuals to be identifying their particular orientation.

RODNEY: I would guess that I am soft.

ELIAS: And you shall guess incorrectly, and this shall be the point!

It may be difficult for you to be identifying your orientation in this present time framework, for you do not hold an understanding and an assimilation of the information being offered adequately yet to be allowing yourselves accurate assessment. I express to you that hold the orientation of common in this particular focus, and as you avail yourselves of this information in the definitions and the qualities of these three different orientations, you shall also view how you fit in that particular orientation. You may identify your own behaviors, your own creations, your own perception and how it shall fit into the expression of that particular orientation, for you shall identify with the qualities.

(Firmly) Do NOT confuse the qualities of these orientations with gender or preference! They are very different. Your beliefs lean you in the directions of identifying orientation with preference, and these are very different expressions and may not be equated with each other. Preference is preference ...

RODNEY: Objective.

ELIAS: ... and orientation is orientation.

RODNEY: Subjective.

ELIAS: Water is water, and earth is earth. And you may mix these together, but water shall not be earth, and earth shall not be water, for they are different elements. And you may mix together your orientations with each other, and you may mix together orientation and preference, but they are different elements. You may incorporate them alongside of each other, but they are not each other.

... I shall also express one more element as to this subject matter of orientation, for soon we shall be moving onward to new areas of this particular belief system, as this is not the only aspect of this belief system.

But in this, be remembering that as I have expressed to you, each orientation holds its own language and its own qualities. As you align yourselves with other individuals that may hold different orientations from yourself, you may experience difficulty in holding understanding with these individuals.

Now; let me also express to you that you may hold relationship with an individual that holds a different orientation from yourself, but you shall be engaging difficulty.

This is not to say that this is an impossibility, and as with all of the elements that we discuss, you always hold the ability to move outside of your individual pool of probabilities and creations, and you may be incorporating other probabilities and creations, and you may be creating these efficiently. Therefore, I do not express to you that if you are engaging an interaction or a relationship with another individual that holds a different orientation from yourself that you are doomed, (laughter) for you are not.

I may also express to you that you may even, in your physical terms, experience your connection of what you identify as your soul mates, which may hold a different orientation to yourself, and you may efficiently create your relationship, but you shall initially experience more difficulties than would you be experiencing if you are engaging an individual that holds the same orientation as do you.

Many, many, many individuals within physical focus do not choose to be pulling outside of their individual pools of probabilities to be accomplishing a relationship with another individual holding a different orientation. There is a tremendous element of energy which is expelled in these types of relationships for a time period; not continuously and not necessarily throughout the duration of the relationship, but for a time period, there may be much friction.

In this, many individuals choose not to be engaging this type of energy, for it is unnecessary. But I also express to you that occasionally, individuals DO engage relationships and coupling themselves with other individuals that are not of the same orientation, purely to be engaging the experience – a challenge!

I shall express to you that your most common expression is to be engaging relationships that DO hold the same orientation, for this creates much less conflict and friction and lends an ease to your expressions within your relationships.

STELLA: Elias, you’re talking about intimate relationships, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

STELLA: Because it’s not necessarily ... I mean, like for instance, myself and Marta [Marcos]. He’s intermediate and I’m common, and we have an incredible relationship. But then if we were intimate, it would be a different story.

ELIAS: Quite.

STELLA: So we could have quite an efficient relationship happening, as in a friendship, right?

ELIAS: Quite. Intimate relationships hold a different quality, and in this, you may experience differences within these types of relationships. At times, individuals may choose to be manifest into a family physically-focused in which the parents hold different orientation to themselves, and there shall be a tremendous expression of conflict and friction!

STELLA: Oh! So Elias, so now I know why my mother and I have such conflict! My mother must be god knows what other orientation! (Elias chuckles) That’s what’s happening, huh?

ELIAS: You speak different languages.

STELLA: Okay, so now it explains the whole thing. So now it’s just a matter of accepting this lady.

ELIAS: Quite.

Now; let me express to you that this is not ALWAYS the situation. There are different expressions and choices and reasons that individuals may be in opposition to each other within family relationships, but I may express to you that this also may be a factor many times.

STELLA: Okay. So in my case, is this a factor?

ELIAS: Yes.” [session 387, April 24, 1999]

LYNDA: “One of the last times we spoke, on the 17th of January, I believe, you confirmed my focus of Beatrice Kaufman, and you began to address this issue of sexual orientation. At the time I was confused about what you were talking about, and since then I believe I have a better understanding or I have widened or whatever, and I think that the way I interpreted it was very singular at the time, which is fine and I understand why I did that. I thought you were saying something you were not saying with regard to my ... I thought you were saying I was ‘other,’ and I became afraid because I doubted my own choice to explore not being ‘other,’ and I don’t want to address that with you. I just want to note that as the confusing point.

Lately I have been involved in some very interesting and exciting interactions in my business that have raised up a lot of dust with regard to sexual orientation or my choice of sexual orientation. I have interacted with some very strong men in business and have been aware of a dual sort of experience; the one experience being that I was able to empathically go in and discern them in a way that allowed me to interact freely with them and have fun with them because I have a natural way of relating that is very easy for me, and I saw myself bringing these three very strong businessmen together, and then I watched myself perceive their perception of me as a woman. I became very intimidated by them and went into a whole self-unworthiness flow, which I very much allowed myself to do because I realized that if I was going to choose to do business in this manner ... I want to be free and have fun and play and accomplish my Sumafi intent too, which is to be an example of self-acceptance in a fun way that would automatically draw people to me, and it has begun to do that.

So anyway, I had a very effortless experience with this guy Bill from Canada, and he came out here and I introduced him to these three men, and they are going to do business together.

And then I went into this ‘valley’ experience of like a backlash of my own insecurity about how they were perceiving me, which was my perception. I don’t even know if it was theirs. I’m saying it was mine, and then I dropped it and I got back into my moment point and I allowed for an effortless flow, and it surfaced again just a couple of days ago, and I had a little bit of that backlash but not as much ... and I’m saying all that to you so I can describe why I think my orientation choice is soft.

I know you have been addressing common, intermediate, and soft, and although I have not read the transcripts, I’ve talked to a couple of people, and it was right in the middle of this exact experience I’m having, and my first take on it was that I was soft because of my ability to relate to a lot of people. I have a strong sensitivity to mass beliefs, and coupled with my Vold empathic sense, I am learning how to not take it so personally. Do you understand what I’m saying?

ELIAS: I am quite aware of what you are expressing. You may continue if you are choosing.

LYNDA: Well, I want to bottom-line this. I know I have been very interactive with essence through my writing, through all of this – well, for a long time, through all of this time – and I am feeling like the essence writing I am doing is very edifying to me, to keep me stable and balanced in my acceptance of self, and I feel, Elias, that I am resonating with this shift. I am experiencing this wave in consciousness and it’s kind of scary, but it’s also kind of fun because I feel like I’m accomplishing, so I’d like you to comment.

ELIAS: (Chuckling) Very well. Let us address initially to the subject matter of orientation, and I shall clarify for you.

In this, as you avail yourself of the information that I have offered recently as to explanations of these three different orientations, you may hold a greater understanding of what I shall be offering to you within this present now.

LYNDA: Okay.

ELIAS: I express to you that you hold the orientation of common.

Now; were you to be of the orientation of soft in the gender of female, you may not necessarily hold as much of an ease in interaction with individuals within the gender of male.

Now; be understanding, for I wish not to be confusing you or any other individual. In this, I am not expressing that preference is the same as orientation. Be clear that they are very different.

Also, gender is quite different from orientation, but just as your outer senses hold very different functions, they also complement each other to be creating a whole in perception, in a manner of speaking.

Therefore, in this, I express to you that you hold an ease in creating much of your reality in both types of manners, in individual expression and in expression with other individuals. You allow yourself an ease in individual expression. You also allow yourself an element of ease in your expression with other individuals.

Let me also express to you, there is a difference in the expression of an individual that may be experiencing feelings or thought processes in concern to mass expressions and beliefs, and that expression of an individual that holds the orientation of soft.

An individual that holds the orientation of soft shall hold very strong responses, or what you may term to be reactions, to mass events, in the manner that they express the same were they to be experiencing these mass events themselves.


ELIAS: There is very distinct difference between each of these three orientations, in your experience and perception.

Now; the area of responsiveness to mass events is a very efficient example to be offering the differences in expression ... of which, within our most recent group forum, I have offered much information in this area to be explaining to individuals the differences in these three orientations and how this is affecting of your perception and of your experiences.

Individuals that hold the orientation of common may be responsive in a less extreme manner to mass events. They are noticing – they may avail themselves of information and they may develop opinions and even emotional response to an extent – but as I have stated, these individuals also shall be much more affected by the individuals that they physically surround themselves with and draw themselves to than they shall be to the event itself.

In this, what I am expressing to you is that if you are interactive with other individuals, those individuals that you term to be close to you in relationship shall be much more affecting of you in THEIR response – and your response to their response – than you shall be to the actual event itself. Your concern shall extend to an individual that may be reacting in what you may term to be extreme if they are holding the orientation of soft. You may also, if interacting with an individual of intermediate, notice their lack of responsiveness, and this may be triggering much wondering within you as to why they are not responding to these mass events.

You, in your expression of common, may be placed in what you term to be the middle. You do not hold an extreme reaction to the point that you view yourself to be personally experiencing these mass events – to the point that they are affecting of your entire reality – but you also are not entirely removed from mass events and the expressions within them as would be an individual, in a manner of speaking, of intermediate.

Also, let me express to you that within this orientation of common, individuals find more of an ease interacting with all individuals, regardless of gender. It matters not that they be interactive with male or female. They may be easily interactive with either gender, holding little difficulty in understanding of each of these genders, for this orientation of common incorporates an understanding and a willingness to be accepting of the expressions of both genders and holds less of a movement in the direction of separation, so to speak, in this particular area.

As to the orientations of intermediate and soft, they may be many times more inclined to be drawing to themselves interaction which affords them less thickness, less difficulty, less effort, and less conflict by magnating to common genders – not common orientations, common genders – that they shall magnate themselves to like gender, that they may be incorporating similar experiences physically, which offers them what you may term to be similar ground, in a manner of speaking. They incorporate much identification with either self or with all interaction of all other individuals, and this incorporates much of their attention and their energy. Therefore, they magnate to the ease of not concerning themselves with differences in gender.

Now; be remembering, what I am expressing to you is quite different from the idea or the choice of preference. Preference magnates to the subject matter of your choice in sexual activity. This is an entirely different subject matter, and this is an objective choice.

We are speaking of orientation, which is the ingredient of your perception which creates your reality, and this is very influencing of your responsiveness to certain experiences, and how you perceive yourself and your world, and how you interact with all of it. Therefore, I express to you, as we continue to be examining this subject matter of these orientations, it shall become clearer to you each, yourself also, how you have chosen a particular orientation within this focus.

Be remembering also, I have been engaged in reminding individuals throughout this discussion concerning orientation that you hold each orientation within physical focus. Therefore, do not concern yourself with the thought process that one may be better than another orientation, for you are experiencing them all. It matters not. We are merely concerning ourselves presently with this one particular orientation that you are experiencing and have chosen for this one particular focus in which your attention resides and speaks to me.

Therefore, there is no necessity for creating MORE influences of aspects of belief systems in incorporating judgments as to the orientation that you hold presently. It is merely a choice for experience.

Within your choice presently, this offers you more of an efficiency in the area of your alignment with your family of Vold in this focus. Were you to be holding the orientation of soft, you may be overwhelming yourself with emotional incorporation within this one particular focus.

This is not to say that there are not some individuals that do choose this type of creation, but I express to you that you have already incorporated much of the expression emotionally of the Vold family and have allowed yourself to be freely experiencing the exploration of all of the different expressions of emotion within this particular focus. Were you to be incorporating the choice of orientation of soft coupled with the choice that you have incorporated within family alignment and your intent, you may be overwhelming yourself with emotional stimulation within this particular focus.

LYNDA: And exploding!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) Quite!

LYNDA: I appreciate that. Thank you so much for the clarification.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

Let me express to you that you offer yourself more of an ability to balance yourself holding the orientation of common.” [session 393, May 09, 1999]

DONOVAN: “I read, I think, in the sexuality session that you had said that as far as the spiritual intent of sexuality in this physical dimension, that there tends to be three categories: homosexuality, heterosexuality, and bisexuality. Is that correct?



ELIAS: Let me offer to you a re-definition.


ELIAS: Be understanding that I offer information to individuals within physical focus in increments, and that which is expressed is that element of information that may be allowed within a certain time framework.

Now; in recognition of this present wave within consciousness and its affectingness, I have offered within recent previous sessions – which you may be inquiring of Michael [Mary] with regard to – as to the definition of orientations.

There are three orientations of sexuality within this physical dimension, but I express to you that your identification of heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual are all OBJECTIVE choices in preference. They are NOT orientations. Orientation is a quite different expression, and involves all of your perception and how you are creating your reality within this dimension.

In this, your orientation, in like manner to your gender, is a subjective choice which is created BEFORE your manifestation into physical focus. You choose which gender you shall be engaging within each manifestation into physical focus, and you also choose which orientation you shall be participating within. In this, it is not an objective choice that you create AFTER you have manifest within physical focus.

Your choice of partners, your choice of sexual interaction in physical terms, your choice of which gender you shall engage physical intercourse with is purely objective and is purely motivated by PREFERENCE, not necessarily by orientation. Are you understanding?

DONOVAN: Uh, no! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles) Can you go more into what orientation means then? Because I guess I don’t understand what orientation means at all!

ELIAS: This, as I have stated, has been offered in detailed explanation of definition within recent sessions, which you may be accessing.

I shall express to you within this now merely that these are three distinct expressions of perception within this physical dimension. They are the expression of how you identify yourself, how you view yourself, how you view your world, how you interact with yourself, how you interact with your world, and how you are creating your reality within the individual focus. It is all-encompassing of your focus, for it IS your reality and may not be separated from it. All of your responsiveness and your creating within physical focus is directly influenced by your choice of orientation.

I have identified each of these orientations within recent sessions, which I have stated you may be accessing of, and I have offered new terminology to be identifying of each of these orientations, as you within physical focus do not hold terms or words to be identifying of these three orientations.

I shall express to you also that these are NOT the expression of gender, and I have explicitly explained to individuals not to be confusing your choice and creation of two genders to be synonymous with or interchangeable with the three choices of orientation. They are very different expressions and hold quite different functions within physical focus, in like manner to your outer senses, which all move in harmony with each other but perform specific, distinct, individual functions of their own, and may not be interchanged with each other.

In this, if you are so choosing, you may be inquiring of Michael [Mary] subsequent to our disengagement of this session, and he shall be informing you of those sessions which you may access to be offering yourself the information in conjunction with these orientations and with the explanations of their reality and their affectingnesses.

I shall offer to you in this – as you shall be accessing that information – in anticipation of your next question subsequent to your acquiring that information, you hold the orientation of common, which you shall understand once you have accessed this information.” [session 401, May 23, 1999]

DAWN: “Lately I’ve seemed to pick up what something I read on a list said was mass consciousness, things that cause me stress or worry that I really didn’t think belonged to me. Can you give me some guidance on how to process these?

ELIAS: Let me express to you that you hold the orientation of soft. In this, you also present yourself with many challenges in the area of relationship, and you also are responsive to situations and mass events quite in alignment with the orientation that you have chosen within this focus.

I express to you that you may be inquiring of Michael [Mary], for I have offered explanation of this particular area of expression and the reasons as to why individuals are creating of these types of expressions and why you are so very affected. In this, I shall express also that you, Delal [Michael], are of the orientation of common.

Now; I have expressed previously that if you are engaging relationship with an individual that is not of the same orientation of yourself, you shall engage conflict and difficulties.

But as you avail yourselves of information which has been offered in explanation of these orientations and this wave in consciousness which is occurring presently addressing to this belief system of sexuality, I wish to be expressing to you not to be allowing yourselves to move into the area of great questioning as to your choice to be engaging of relationship in the manner of partnership in the fashion that you have chosen, for within this information, I am not expressing that it is not possible to be accomplishing this type of relationship, merely that temporarily – which may vary within different individuals – it may be quite challenging, for there are many areas in which you speak different languages.

In this, you may acquire helpfulness if you are allowing yourself to be availing yourself of the information which I have already presented in this area, for it may be offering you much more insight into your own expressions and your own understanding of your expressions and your responsiveness to yourself and to your world.” [session 402, May 25, 1999]

DAWN: “We had some discussion with Mary just now about what we talked about with orientation yesterday, and I have a question, which we discussed a couple of years ago, that has a different perspective now. It’s the one where we still find ourselves, Michael and I, being isolated from others and sometimes frustrated that people don’t initiate contact with us unless they need something from us. We’re wondering how to deal with this and what kind of strides we’ve made. The information on orientation seems to shed a new perspective.

ELIAS: Quite. Now; let me explain to you initially, I have refrained from offering certain elements of information previously, for individuals within physical focus were not inclining in the direction of allowing themselves the ability to assimilate this information which I offer presently. I have offered information to you previously in response to your questioning, but in also recognizing what you shall be accepting of.

Now; were I to have breached this area of orientation at that time, I shall express to you that this would have been creating great doubt and fearfulness within you, for within that time period, you each were questioning in the area of your relationship, in the area of yourselves. You were also incorporating fearfulness within each of yourselves and much more of a lack of acceptance within each of yourselves, and in offering that information at that time period, this would have merely reinforced those areas of fear and doubt and lack of acceptance of self.

As I stated to you yesterday ... I offered you a statement that you each hold different orientations, but have chosen to be creating relationship with each other.

Now; I have offered information in explanation of these orientations, and I have expressed within those explanations that individuals choosing to be entering relationships holding different orientations shall be creating much conflict, for they speak different languages.

In this, your perceptions are very different in many areas.

Therefore, this may be creating of great elements of conflict and confusion, but I have also stated that it is not an impossibility for individuals to be holding different orientations and also engage in relationship with each other in the manner of partnership.

In this, had I offered this information to you previously, you would have been moving in the direction of doubting your creation within your relationship and moving into the thought process of doom.

Within this time framework, you have allowed yourself enough interaction with each other and enough foundational ground, so to speak, with each other in relationship that you have created a type of solidity. Therefore, you are allowing yourselves more of an ability to hold within challenges, recognizing that although you present yourselves with challenges in different manners, this is not to say that you may not be moving through those challenges or accomplishing within those challenges.

In this, you have chosen to be interactive with each other and engaging this type of relationship to be offering yourselves more of an understanding, in an intimate manner, of another individual’s perception within reality. This offers you the opportunity to be extending this outwardly also, for you are intimately involved with each other and therefore you engage these challenges intimately together, and in this, you offer yourselves more information.

Many individuals hold different types of relationships with other individuals holding different orientation from themselves, but they also shall automatically, many, many times, move in the direction of dismissing challenges and not addressing to them in the area of differences between themselves and other individuals and not engaging the energy and the action to be understanding of differences within perception, for they do not hold an intimate relationship with the other person.

Now; in this, you each have chosen, in agreement with each other, to be engaging this type of action.

You have each inquired many times with myself how you may be efficiently helpful and interactive within this shift. I have repeatedly expressed to you to be concentrating upon self and to be noticing your behaviors and your creations within self.

You also offer yourselves the opportunity to be practicing and noticing with each other, for in moving into acceptance of self and of other individuals, you also need be turning your attention to the reality of perception, and that each of you creates your reality individually and holds differences in your perceptions.

In this, as you offer yourselves the opportunity to intimately interact with each other, noticing your behavior, your responses, your interactions – and noticing the other individual’s behaviors and responses and interactions and the differences within them – you offer yourselves the opportunity to view how individuals create their reality and that no reality is right or wrong, that all of reality IS reality, that one individual’s perception is no less reality than another individual’s perception, regardless of whether you are understanding of it or not.

You also offer yourselves a unique challenge in creating this type of relationship, in offering an opportunity to more intimately view your own individual automatic responses to another individual holding a different perception and not to be shying away from that interaction.

Many times within physical focus, individuals may interact with other individuals holding different orientation, and as they face themselves with these differences, they retreat from these differences and they are not continuing interaction in certain areas, for they are recognizing that this be requiring looking to self, addressing to their individual responsibility of self and how they are interactive, recognizing that other individuals create their reality differently, but it IS reality.

And in this, they look not to their own creations and their own manifestations and responses and behaviors within their focus, but move into automatic, familiar areas of creation – of expressing accountability to another individual, that it is their responsibility to be altering their expression to fit with the individual’s own expression. Are you understanding thus far?


DAWN: I think so. I think it relates to a lot of other things we were going to ask about today.

ELIAS: In this, you each have offered yourselves the opportunity to move beyond this point. I am not expressing to you that there is great ease in this choice that you have engaged, for I have been quite expressive recently, in explanation of these orientations, that this presents large challenges (Michael laughs) and may be creating of intensity in conflict and confusion, but that you may be moving through this and that it is temporary.

Now; be understanding that each individual’s ‘temporary’ is different from another individual’s ‘temporary.’ Therefore, temporary within physical terms may be one year or may be ten years, but it is temporary, and if continuing to allow yourselves openness and continuing to offer yourselves information and understanding, you shall also move quickly into the temporariness of these challenges and move beyond the conflict and confusion, and in this expression, each of you shall allow yourselves the ability to be very affecting, not merely subjectively but objectively, in conjunction with this shift in consciousness.

MICHAEL: Thank you. A great answer!

DAWN: Very interesting.

MICHAEL: Which orientation am I?

ELIAS: You hold the orientation of common.

MICHAEL: How does that relate to empathy? Is that a different sense that is on top of orientation? Not on top, but in addition to?

ELIAS: Yes. Your empathic sense is an inner sense that you all hold within physical focus. This is irregardless to your choice for orientation.

Now; as to your previous question in relation to what you view as to your interaction with other individuals, this also relates quite strongly to this challenge that you have presented yourselves with in combining your orientations.

You hold different orientations – one soft, one common.

In these expressions, the soft moves in the direction of holding great importance in the area of interaction. In this, you are compelled, in a manner of speaking, to be interactive with other individuals. The orientation of common does not necessarily move in this direction. It may, or it may not.

Therefore, you introduce an element into your focus together of struggling, so to speak, in attempting to incorporate both of these orientations into one combined expression within your relationship.

One moves in the direction of holding ease in being interactive with other individuals, but feels no necessity in draw, and may be interactive or may not be interactive. The other holds a very strong draw for continued interaction ... which you may be acquiring solace in one direction, of allowing yourself the continuous interaction with your partner, but at times, this may appear to be not enough.

Conversely, you, Delal [Michael], may move in the direction of feeling quite comfortable being interactive or not being interactive. It matters not. But you are responsive to your partner and wish to be pleasing and supportive of your partner, and therefore move in the direction of expressing in like manner of wishing to be more interactive with other individuals. Your motivation moves directly in relation to your partner, which is another expression of common. You shall be quite responsive to those individuals that you view as being close to you, in physical terms, in the area of relationships, but you may not necessarily be drawn to be interactive with other individuals within a continuous manner, so to speak.

Other individual’s creations also are not quite as intensely affecting of you. You may move yourself more easily, so to speak, in the direction of accepting that other individuals are creating of their reality, and you shall create – in the opinion and the thought process within yourself – that if it is not directly affecting of you, it matters not. Conversely, your partner (chuckling) may be expressing, ‘It matters not that this individual’s expression is not directly affecting of me! I am affected!’ (Laughter) And so she is!

For you are interconnected objectively with all other individuals, and in this, you are quite realistically – in reality – being affected, for you do not separate your experience from other individual’s experiences, regardless of whether you hold personal involvement with them or objectively even recognize them and know them, in your objective terms. It matters not. You are aware objectively that you are interconnected and that you are not separated from them. You allow yourself the experience of this interconnectedness, and therefore you allow yourself the responsiveness in that interconnectedness.

In this, you each offer yourselves a fullness of your own expressions, but you offer yourselves the challenge of accepting the expressions of each other, continuing to be accepting of your own expressions, but not discounting the expressions of each other.

DAWN: Very interesting.

MICHAEL: What a wonderful concept! I’m glad we finally got a hold of it. It’s going to be very helpful, and challenging at the same time! (Elias chuckles)

DAWN: This may relate actually to orientation. I found recently that in social situations, even with people that I know or family, that the communications, the conversations, are kind of shallow, and that sometimes people wander off. I have stopped wondering so much if I did something wrong or have offended, but it’s an uncomfortable situation. Does this relate to that at all?

ELIAS: Quite. I shall express to you also that within this time framework, as this wave in consciousness continues, you shall continue to be experiencing an intensity in these types of experiences and you shall also continue to draw these types of experiences to yourself, that you may be noticing in these different interactions, and this offers you more information as to your own responses and more information as to who and what you are, and you may also incorporate an understanding into the expressions of other individuals.

Within this time framework, as this wave in consciousness continues, many individuals holding the orientation of soft may be experiencing elements of impatience with certain other individuals holding different orientations, for as you have expressed, within your perception they appear to be addressing to mundane, surface elements of their reality, and you move your attention into areas that you deem to be more important. Within your perception, your reality, certain directions ARE more important. You look to reality and how you create your reality – emotional expressions, philosophy, perception of focus, creations and abilities, acceptance, all of these subject matters – as holding great importance and being quite serious and worthy of your attention, and in this, you also hold the expectation that other individuals ‘should’ be recognizing the importance of these subject matters also. (8)

And what be the matter with these individuals that concern themselves with mundane issues of their focus, as to ‘How shall the weather be changing this day?’ or ‘How shall my vehicle be moving this day?’ or ‘My interaction with my coworker has not progressed in the manner that I had anticipated recently!’ And you, within your thought process, are expressing, ‘It matters not! It matters not! I am impatient with you! Cease and desist this mundane conversation and attend to the seriousness and importance of reality!’ I express to you, this is quite common of a response presently within the individuals that hold this orientation of soft, for you are all quite serious as to your realities and the importance of your realities!

DAWN: So, my impression – that in those situations I am overwhelming people – is right on!

ELIAS: In certain expressions, yes! (Chuckling)

This is also your opportunity to view your behavior – not to be judging of your behavior, for this is your choice of orientation and it is quite natural and it is quite acceptable, but to be noticing your presentment of yourself within your behaviors in relation to other individuals, and to be recognizing other individual’s reality through their perceptions and recognizing that their orientation may be different from your choice of orientation.

Their reality is quite important to them also! In this, their expression may be different, but it holds no less intensity or importance than does your reality within your attention.

This offers you also a great opportunity to practice acceptance, which may be quite a challenge for you within physical focus! (Chuckling, and laughter)

MICHAEL: Actually, as it relates to my orientation, I’m actually doing pretty well as it relates to Dawn’s family, because I am choosing to be quiet most of the time or not to engage in that conversation that I don’t feel is important, but I don’t think that their conversations are unimportant. So, am I staying in line with my orientation?

ELIAS: Quite, but I express to you that within the orientation of common, you move into the direction quite frequently of assessing within yourself the situations that other individuals are creating, and expressing to yourself your own thought processes and ideas that you may be creating of their reality much more efficiently (Michael laughs) and that you may be offering them helpfulness, for you are quite understanding of the situations that they are creating!

Individuals within the orientation of common, as they are creating quite efficiently outwardly [and] also automatically look outwardly within their reality, hold a leaning in the direction of assessing their individual worth and measurement by outward expressions much more than individuals holding the orientation of soft or intermediate.

(Humorously) As you view turbulence within your world, this is the assessment and measurement of turbulence within yourself. For you, of course, are the center of the universe! (Michael cracks up) Therefore, if all is turbulent around you, you are single-handedly creating this! If all is calm and status quo within your outward reality, you are also quite offering yourself the pat upon the back that you are creating this also!

(Very tongue-in-cheek) You may lean in the direction of assuming personal responsibility quite often for other individual’s realities, for you are responsible for all of the ills that befall mankind and all of the individuals that you are interactive with, but you also simultaneously may be creating of every individual’s reality much more efficiently and correctly than they are creating of their own reality! (Chuckling, and laughter)

MICHAEL: I am, after all, the God of Delal [Michael]!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha!

Therefore, you each hold your differences in your challenges. This is not to say that individuals within each of the orientations do not assume quite often issues in the area of personal responsibility, but I shall also express to you that individuals within the orientation of soft and intermediate may be moving through these issues of personal responsibility slightly more easily than individuals within the focus of common, for they are not attending their attention as fully outwardly as individuals holding the orientation of common. Therefore, this may be a continuing expression and challenge within individuals holding the orientation of common.

This is not to say that all hope is lost and that you are doomed forever within your focus to be holding personal responsibility for other individuals! I am merely expressing to you that you may be moving in the direction of attending to this more extensively than another individual may be, but you shall also allow yourself accomplishment in this area as you widen your awareness. (Chuckling)

MICHAEL: Alright. So, in line with all this wonderful knowledge we’re gaining, I have, I think, managed to merge three questions into one. I think they’re all related to change and my interpretation of it or my perception of it. The first part has to do with my fear of ingesting new foods or going to new places, and the second one is about my friend Patricia being uncomfortable in her apartment because it’s not the way that it needs to be, and this relates also back to the question I had yesterday about my job and all the changes and being the center of control and making sure everything runs smoothly. I was wondering if you could comment on some of that.

ELIAS: In relation to the discussion that we are engaging presently, let me also offer you more information as to these orientations, for view within physical focus a very COMMON (grinning) expression, that being the issue which is viewed as control.

Now; individuals holding the orientation of common very commonly are exhibiting this issue of control, for they are wishing to be manipulating of all of their reality, and as I have stated, all of everyone else’s reality. In this, it is intermingled with the issue of personal responsibility, which enhances the issue of control.

Another aspect of this issue of control is that as you are creating outwardly, there is a perception that you need be holding control of all that you are creating, and although subjectively you hold the knowing that it is unnecessary for control and that all you need be controlling of – in a very figurative manner of speaking – is self, you are not creating merely inwardly. You are creating in outward expression. Therefore, as you are sending energy outwardly, you wish to be controlling of that, for you are confusing direction with control.

Control is a holding to. Directing is merely directing, allowing a free flow with a direction. In this, you confuse these different expressions.

You are of the thought process that directing is controlling and holding to the energy, being objectively quite sure that the energy is moving in precisely the manner that you wish it to be! (Grinning, and laughter) I express to you that this enters into much of your expressions in relation to your interaction with other individuals and your interaction within your environment of your employment.

Now; as to the situation with this other individual, what is being presented to you presently is a mirror action, for this also is very commonly an expression of orientation of common – a dislike and disdain for objective change.

Now; this is not to say that individuals within the orientations of soft and intermediate may not also be expressive in the direction of disdain in the area of change at times also, but for very different reasons.

As to the orientation of common, there is a disdain for objective change, for this is threatening in the area of control. As elements of your reality change – even as you choose the change; it matters not; it is continuing to be an expression of change or alternation within your focus – this is unsettling to you.

This individual of which you speak also becomes unsettled in change and mirrors that to you, and you draw upon this expression and this energy in recognition of the familiarity of it. Therefore, you magnate to the sharing of these types of expressions.

It is not necessarily that things, so to speak, are out of place, but that there is movement in the area of change and this creates a feeling of out of place, and in this, it is unsettling, and there is an opinion held of dislike for this type of situation and expression.

Therefore, what you are engaging is a mirror action to each other, that you may be noticing of your own individual behaviors, which is what I have offered to you yesterday in directing your attention to your own behavior in noticing how you are participating in certain situations and how you are moving into automatic actions and responses within your individual behaviors in certain expressions.

There is an automatic questioning of self in certain situations. There is an automatic justification of self in other situations, and THIS is the area that I am directing your attention to presently, for within this time framework, you may express to yourself that you are ready to be addressing to deeper areas of your awareness.

MICHAEL: Thank you. I’m noticing a ‘common’ theme! (Elias chuckles) I guess it’s no mistake that the person we’re talking about has the same orientation. (Elias chuckles)

DAWN: I think my last two questions, like Michael said, kind of lump together. I was going to ask about becoming obsessed with people who seem to create lots of drama and seem to be making no progress, in their own assessment or anyone else’s, and sometimes when people act like that, I just have a big dislike for them and I don’t understand why, but that seems to relate to the orientation of soft.

ELIAS: Partially.

Now; let me also express to you that within this time framework, you move yourself into a slightly different position with this particular type of draw that you create with yourself, for you do draw yourself to interactions with individuals in these types of expressions and situations, as do other individuals.

Now; in this, within your present probabilities and within your present movements, what you are creating is another opportunity. This is not merely related to your choice of orientation, although in part, as I have stated, it is related to your orientation. But another aspect of this, in why you draw yourself to these types of interactions with these individuals, is that you may recognize your own participation and REDEFINE HELPFULNESS.

You hold aspects of belief systems which direct you in certain manners that express quite defined methods of helpfulness and supportiveness to other individuals, and the expression is to be offering to them another ‘method’ as to how they may be repairing their ‘broken’ situation or as to how they may be creating more efficiently within their situation, or you may also be attempting to be offering helpfulness and supportiveness to other individuals in attempting to be easing their expression.

But you are also noticing that you are experiencing frustration as they are not accepting your expression. They are not following your advice; they are not accepting of your expression. Once again, what be the matter with these individuals?

I express to you, this once again is your opportunity that you are presenting to yourself in not creating the judgment upon the choice that other individuals are engaging within their focus, understanding that they may hold dissatisfaction with their own creation and you may hold dissatisfaction with their creation also, but you are not creating their reality. They are creating their reality, and they are creating it in the manner that is the most beneficial to them within the now.

Therefore, your interaction engages a change, in offering yourself the opportunity to be interactive but to be accepting of their choice, recognizing that you may be helpful to them in the most efficient manner by being accepting of yourself, for in being accepting of yourself, you also shall be noticing of your behavior and your responses, and as you are noticing of your own responses, you shall also notice each time you are placing a judgment upon another individual’s creation, be it good or bad. It matters not. They are equal in judgment.

Therefore, in continuing to draw yourself to these types of situations and expressions of other individuals, you allow yourself now to view them differently and to be interactive in approaching other individuals, NOT in judgment but merely in supportiveness, by offering the example of the straight little sapling.

You need not offer any other expression. You need not be directing. You need not be offering helpfulness in suggestion. You need not be assuming personal responsibility, but merely being expressive of your own acceptance of self and continuing within your own trust and your own direction, attending to self, and this shall project the straight little sapling, which shall be more helpful and supportive than any other expression that you may offer.” [session 404, May 26, 1999]

MARCOS: “Can you explain to me a little bit, Elias, about my sexual orientation, as you have begun to speak about this in earlier sessions? Not regarding gender necessarily, but sexual orientation.

ELIAS: Very well. Let me express to you that I have offered the identification of your particular choice of orientation, and have expressed that you hold the orientation of intermediate.

Now; in this particular choice of orientation, your view and approach, in a manner of speaking, to your reality is quite different from other individual’s expressions.

I am aware that within your particular focus and with other individuals of this orientation, within this time framework and your societies, you may be confused at times in your individual feelings within you, that you seem not to hold the ability to be fitting entirely, although there are outward expressions that seem to be moving efficiently and beneficially.

Let me express to you that with individuals holding this particular orientation, more of your conflicts or challenges shall be inward than those expressed outwardly.

I express to you that within the orientation of intermediate, you hold the ability to be interactive with other individuals and situations within groups, individual expressions, [and] societal expressions, which may be creating some elements of frustration for you, but you are not preoccupied, in a manner of speaking, with these outward expressions. You may engage in them with other individuals in relation to your employment and in relation to relationships with other individuals, but this is not quite as affecting of you in intensity as the expressions that you create within you.

Your inward expressions – and yourself – create much more conflict than outward expressions.

I have expressed that individuals holding the orientation of intermediate are creating inwardly much more than those individuals of soft and common. What is meant by this explanation is that you view your world and all of your reality through yourself first. Your processing of information and your creation of your perception moves through your identification and your perception of self first.

In this, you lean in the direction of comparisons many times in the interaction with other individuals – that you are creating in a certain manner and therefore there is also an expectation that other individuals shall be creating in like manner – and there is confusion as you view other individuals creating differently. But in these differences, you also lean in the direction of personalizing those differences and assuming responsibility – or turning your attention inwardly to self and assuming the actions in conjunction with other individuals – that you may be intimately or directly related or causing other individuals to be responding in the manner that they are.

At times you may divorce yourself from this type of thought process, but in those time periods, you turn your attention once again inwardly, and you create judgments upon yourself in accepting other individual’s expressions and questioning your own – questioning the correctness of your own expressions and the direction of your own expressions.

In this, you may view that all of your expressions, all of your thought processes, all of your emotions are filtered through your initial perception of self, and how all of your reality is affecting of you and your individual involvement with it. In this, it is quite accurate to be expressing that this particular orientation moves in the direction of directly personalizing individually all of your reality.

This also may be many times – with yourself and with other individuals of this orientation – creating of a sense of discontent or restlessness. In this, the reason that you are experiencing this restlessness – in which you interpret there is a need for movement – is that you ARE occupying your attention intensely with self. And therefore, as self may be addressing to certain movements, you may not necessarily allow yourself continuously an objective awareness of your subjective movement.

Unlike individuals holding the orientation of common or soft, you do not create in a manner of outward expression, but your societies and your officially accepted realities do. Therefore, there is created this agitation and this restlessness – and frustration at many time periods – for the reason that it may be seeming to you that regardless of how you may be moving in objective terms or within outward expressions and what you may be creating outwardly, it is not quite satisfying of you, and you continue to hold this frustration and this restlessness, for this is not the manner that you naturally create. You are attempting to be creating your reality within the guidelines of the officially accepted reality.

Let me express to you, each expression of these three orientations move in a direction with regard to your officially accepted reality and express different types of frustrations as you bump against the officially accepted reality, for within the officially accepted reality, you have collectively created a very narrow margin for expressions, which leans more in the direction of accommodation to those individuals holding the orientation of common. But even these individuals at times rail against the officially accepted reality, for they may experience certain elements of uncomfortableness and assuming personal responsibility and guilt in being the more acceptable expression ... which I am understanding may appear surfacely to be contradictory or confusing.

But look to your individual thought processes and experiences within your everyday reality. Individuals that are viewed as privileged within your reality also many times experience uncomfortableness in that privilege, and are also quite opposed by the other individuals that do not view themselves as being privileged also. Therefore, I express to you that each of the orientations holds its individual challenges.

In the orientation of intermediate, you hold – as I have stated – quite different types of challenges, for in similar manner to the orientation of soft, your challenges lie in the area of attempting to fit your reality into expressions in which they do not fit. Once again, it is the situation of attempting to place the peg into the hole in which it does not fit the shape.

Therefore, as you widen your awareness and offer yourself more information as to who and what you are – and what you have chosen within this focus as your manifestation – you shall also begin to be offering yourself more of an understanding of how you are creating your reality, and in this understanding, you shall offer yourself permission to be moving naturally into your individual expressions without the comparison of all that is created outside of you, for this is quite influencing of your own duplicity and your own judgments upon self. You may look to your focus and you may be realizing and noticing the many, many times within your individual focus that you have encountered these types of expressions.

Outwardly, you may move with an element of ease through certain challenges that are created within situations that you do not view as personal. You may be engaged in different expressions of employment or different relationships, and you may find that many times you hold an ease in engaging these situations and expressing to yourself and to other individuals ‘it matters not,’ and you may move through the challenges that are outwardly presented to you.

But you also simultaneously hold great confusion and fears and judgments inwardly, for you are continuously creating comparisons of yourself in relation to what you view outside as your world, and this creates not merely confusion but frustration and conflict and restlessness, for you view within yourself and you feel within yourself that you hold no outlet for your expressions, and you continue to be moving physically in different types of expressions.

You continue to be creating a quest to find your happiness, so to speak, or your effortlessness, and you continue looking outside to be fulfilling of these elements, for this is the manner that is engaged within your officially accepted reality. This is the expression of your societies, and you are participating within your societies.

You may view many different expressions which are occurring within your world and not necessarily feel a personal affectingness of these situations, and within you, it does not concern you and it matters not. This you may move into without much conflict.

But as you turn your attention to self and attempt to be expressing of your reality within the confines of your officially accepted reality, you create much conflict, for you express to yourself:

‘I should be creating this. I should not be creating that. I must be creating in this manner. I must not be creating in that manner. And I am feeling this tugging continuously, which creates confusion within myself, for I am not understanding what I am lacking. What am I seeking? It is so very elusive that it evades me continuously.’

What you are seeking is yourself, and the freedom to be offering yourself permission to be expressing in the manner that is natural to you.

In this, I have expressed to you at the onset of this session that you are creating much more efficiently presently than you have allowed yourself previously. The reason I offer this acknowledgment to you is that you are beginning to be turning your attention to self, and recognizing that this type of creating moves much more efficiently within your individual reality than movement within concern to all that is outside of you ... but this is viewed as selfish and self-absorbed, so to speak.

You are, in what you term to be recent time framework, allowing yourself more of your own inward expression, and you are also allowing yourself more of an expression to not concern yourself with the opinion and reaction or responsiveness of other individuals, allowing yourself partially to begin movement into that expression which you view so negatively as ‘selfishness’ and turning your view of this word into more of a reality, not necessarily as a negative judgment upon self.

Now; I express to you that I hold an awareness that you continue in many of the familiar expressions that you have created previously, and I am acknowledging of this also.

Therefore, I am not expressing to you that you do not continue within your frustration and restlessness and confusion, for you do. I AM acknowledging that you are beginning to allow yourself permission to be creating and experiencing within your individual, natural flow in conjunction with your orientation more so than you have previously. Are you understanding?

MARCOS: Boy, you said it! That’s my life in a nutshell! I am understanding of much of it. There’s so much there to continue to digest, and I know I will do that as I move forward.

There’s so many things you say that I feel inside that I know. I feel the knowing when you mention them, and that’s extremely helpful. I can’t tell you how helpful this conversation is, because so much of my life becomes so much clearer now, and I can begin to understand some of these extremely difficult moments that I’ve felt on and off throughout this focus.

At the same time, in acknowledgment of my knowing, I think that’s why I’ve been living by myself for the last three years and traveling so much, because within those travels, even though I do interact with people which I like, I also spend much time by myself, and more and more I begin to enjoy that, and it’s very hard for other people to understand why I like to spend so much time by myself.

ELIAS: Quite. Now; let me also offer to you another element, Marta [Marcos].

In this particular orientation, there is another quite strong expression which is battled with by many individuals holding this orientation. In this, it is in regard to relationships.

Within the orientation of intermediate, you may find that individuals such as yourself may be interactive within relationships and may be attempting to be creating intimate relationships in the manner of partnerships, for there is a very strong draw and feeling of a desire for intimacy, which is subsequently translated in familiar terms outwardly, and the translation is formed that you NEED to be engaged within an intimate relationship.

Now; the challenge which is presented with this particular orientation is that the relationship outwardly is not necessarily what shall be fulfilling of the individual.

Now; this particular orientation holds a very strong expression in the manner of coupling itself with other individuals of the same orientation.

I have expressed previously that each orientation magnates to individuals holding the same orientation, and that in coupling yourself with another individual of the same orientation, you shall experience more of an ease and you shall be accomplishing within that relationship with less conflict, for you are not speaking different languages.

I have also expressed that within each orientation, as an individual draws themself into a relationship with another individual holding a different orientation, they shall be experiencing conflict and confusion for a time framework. This is not to say that this may not be moved through, but it is creating of difficulties and it shall create much more of a thickness temporarily than is necessary.

Now; in this, for the most part, individuals within physical focus, as they move in the direction of aligning themselves in an intimate relationship with an individual of a different orientation, they shall generally discontinue those relationships, viewing that they are requiring of too much attention and energy to be satisfactory to themselves individually.

Now, I express to you also that there are individuals within physical focus that choose quite intentionally to be entering relationship with another individual of a different orientation, and part of their value fulfillment is to be moving through these types of challenges.

But let me also express to you that this is much less common with individuals holding the orientation of intermediate than any other orientation. It is much more common that individuals within this one particular orientation shall be experiencing and creating much more conflict within themselves with regard to intimate relationships if they are not of the same orientation as the other individual, for there is such an intensity of inward focusing that individuals as yourself that hold this orientation do not afford yourselves the movement into concentrating your energy into interpretation and translation of languages with another individual holding a different orientation. You merely create frustrations within yourself.

In a manner of speaking, within very physical terms, you may express to yourself, ‘This is requiring of too much energy,’ and it is not worthy of your time, and you are not inclined to be offering this much attention to another individual and their creations, for you are much more occupied with your OWN creations and your own perception. Therefore, there is an impatience with other individuals.

This be the reason that you experience challenges and what you term to be difficulties in establishing relationships with other individuals in an intimate manner, for another expression which is quite generally created within the orientation of intermediate is to magnate to individuals of other orientations, for they provide outward stimulation and excitement. They challenge you, but you may be accepting of the challenges only to a point.

In this, it may be creating excitement and an element of fun and intrigue for you to be exploring different types of relationships, but you shall continue to arrive in a framework within yourself in which you become bored, exasperated, frustrated, and restless in the interaction with another individual, for they do not hold the same orientation as you and they do not create their reality in like manner to yourself. Therefore, you also lean in the direction of feeling misunderstood, and you are quite right! Many times you ARE being misunderstood, for other individuals objectively are no more understanding and translating of your language than you are of theirs!

But this returns us to your natural inclination to be personalizing of those expressions, for you turn all of your expressions and other individual’s expressions and your reality inwardly and allow great affectingness of all of your reality inwardly, in intimate manners with yourself.

THIS is what you seek within yourselves within the orientation of intermediate, to be creating of this intimacy with self.

This be the reason that you have also created the imagery that you have within your dream state. (9) Look to that imagery, and the wondrousness and the joy that you provide yourself in meeting yourself, and the fulfillment that you have allowed yourself to objectively feel! And what do you express to me? ‘How shall I find this individual? I am upon my quest for my soul mate.’ Ha ha ha ha! And your soul mate is yourself!

MARCOS: Ah, that’s fantastic, Elias! You’re extremely, extremely helpful with that information, and you’re absolutely correct. Now, at the same time, in this quest for myself, I wouldn’t mind meeting along the way some other intermediate individuals, but this is fascinating, fascinating information!

ELIAS: You may be drawing those types of individuals to yourself futurely, as you allow yourself to move more fully into your own individual natural expression and more of an acceptance of your choice for your orientation, for as you move your attention more fully in this direction, you also create an understanding that you have been creating previously the action of the moth to the flame.

Therefore, in this, as you begin to more fully hold an objective understanding of self and become more accepting of your natural expression, you may also not hold such great fascination with the excitement and the flicker of the other orientations which are creating their reality within more of an expression outwardly.

This merely offers you stimulation outwardly – and excitement – but it is temporary. It is the moth to the flame, and in this, the moth eventually tires or disengages this action, for it may burn in the intensity of the heat of the creation of the flame.

Therefore, I express to you, be acknowledging of the comfort that may be received within individuals that may not necessarily be displaying such excitement and flamboyance within their creations of their reality, but more of the quietness and the inwardness, in like manner to yourself, and this shall be creating of the type of relationship that you seek to be more lasting, in your terms.

MARCOS: That is wonderful That is so wonderful! You have answered so many more questions than I had today. I can’t thank you enough, my friend! (Elias chuckles) (10)

ELIAS: I shall offer to you that you may be contemplating upon this information, and you may be offering yourself permission to be expressing in your natural expression and not placing so very many conditions upon your expressions and so very many judgments upon your expressions, and merely allow yourself a natural free flow.

To you this day, my friend, I bid you very affectionately, au revoir.” [session 406, May 28, 1999]

DARYL: “I listened to a tape that described the orientations briefly, and I had a very big subjective reaction to it during the next couple of days. But I am unsure what my orientation is, and I wondered if you could tell me.

ELIAS: You hold the orientation in this focus of soft, although I shall express to you that there are areas of your natural expression in this orientation that you have blocked many times within your individual focus, and in this, you also experience conflict many times. Therefore, I express to you that in allowing yourself more of a free flow of energy in conjunction with your orientation – which is your natural expression, for it is the makeup, so to speak, of the entirety of your perception – in this, you shall allow yourself much more of an ease within your focus and much more freedom in your own expressions.

DARYL: Okay. Could you give me an idea of how I’m blocking that? ’Cause I don’t understand the orientations real well anyway, although I know that this is connected to mass events, and I am drawn to mass events in a way that other people don’t seem to be. Could you tell me a little bit about the orientation and how I’m blocking it?


Now; let me express to you that individuals presently and previously – and temporarily, futurely – confuse themselves tremendously in relation to these orientations, for your belief systems are held very, very strongly in these areas and your associations in conjunction with orientation is also very strong, but I express to you that your beliefs and your associations are very limited and are many times incorrect.

Therefore, let us view this orientation of soft and its natural expressions within physical focus and how you block certain aspects of this natural expression within your focus.

One of the expressions or components of this orientation of soft is your responsiveness to mass events, but this is merely one expression. It is an obvious expression that may be easily identified – in difference to the other two orientations – which may be offering you more ease in allowing yourself the identification of soft. But as I have expressed, this is merely one area of natural expression of this particular orientation.

Another very strong expression of this particular orientation is the draw to be interactive with other individuals continuously.

Now; in difference to the other two orientations, this particular orientation manifests in a direction that moves very purposefully and intentionally in conjunction with other individuals, and in this, if you are an individual that holds the orientation of soft and you are isolating yourself or not allowing yourself interactions with other individuals in relationships and in intimate relationships, you shall be experiencing confusion and conflict and distress, for you are moving contrary to your individual natural expression.

The other two orientations move within any particular focus and may be functioning within their focus in conjunction with another individual, OR they may be creating their focus singularly – objectively – if they are so choosing, and this shall not be creating of great conflict within their focus. But within the orientation of soft, as it is designed to be very interactive with other individuals and is objectively very interconnected with all other individuals upon your planet, it is quite contrary to your nature, in a manner of speaking, to be isolating.

Now; your belief systems en masse within your society moves you all into certain directions, expressing to you that it is healthy to be creating your reality – in a manner of speaking – singularly, and is very encouraging of you to be focusing upon self, but not in the manner that I express to be focusing upon self. I express to you to be focusing upon self in a selfish manner, offering you the definition of my terminology of selfish, which is to be looking to self in trust and acceptance of trust.

Your societal dictates move in the direction of your common definition of selfishness, which moves into the area of focusing upon self to the exclusion of all else, and that if you are allowing yourself to be moving in this type of a direction, you shall allow yourself psychological assets, in a manner of speaking – strengths – which you may not gain unless you are singularly by yourself.

I express to you that this may be helpful to some individuals in certain situations at times, but let us be remembering that much of your mass belief systems also gear themselves to the orientation of common, for the orientation of common is expressed more than any other orientation. Outside of the natural expressions of the orientation of common lie certain aspects of natural movement within the orientation of soft and intermediate, but these do not fall into the officially accepted reality. Therefore, they are looked upon as unacceptable behavior, and in this, these individuals attempt to be fitting themselves into the guidelines of the officially accepted reality, in which they do not fit.

In this, you within your focus have moved into certain directions at times [of] isolating yourself, viewing that this may be more of a healthy expression for yourself, and also that this may offer you protection from the expressions and experiences of other individuals. I express to you that within the orientation of soft, this is an unnatural expression, for this may be creating of more conflict than the conflict that you may experience in addressing to your individual issues in conjunction with another individual.

Now; this interaction and relationship that may be expressed is not necessarily accomplished by an intimate relationship in romantic expressions. It may be satisfactorily accomplished in relationships that you may consider to be intimate, but not necessarily in the direction of a partner, although I shall also express to you that within this particular orientation, individuals magnate much more to partnerships than they may necessarily within the other two orientations, for within the other two orientations, the magnating into the direction of partnerships is an action which is incorporated in conjunction with officially accepted mass beliefs, that this is an action that you ‘should’ be accomplishing for different express reasons.

Within the orientation of soft, many individuals within this particular orientation hold an objective knowing that they do not seek out partnerships for the reasons that are expressed within the officially accepted mass belief systems, but they are drawing themselves into partnerships with other individuals for the reason that this creates a natural expression within their focus and creates an ease within energy in their focus, which eliminates much conflict.

Now; this is not to say that any individual within the orientation of soft may necessarily be drawing themselves into a particular partnership with another individual and remain within the same partnership throughout their focus, although many times these individuals DO create partnerships that hold what you term to be a lasting quality, but this would not be the point.

The point is that within this particular orientation, there is the express desire to be interactive continuously in intimate manner with other individuals, and therefore there is a magnating to the creation of intimate partnerships with other individuals.

At times, you within your focus have blocked certain movements in this area and have blocked your own natural expression in allowing certain issues that you hold in fearfulness to be presenting itself before you and preventing you from your own natural expression and movement in this area, holding yourself at bay from other individuals and not allowing yourself to become too close, in your objective terms, to other individuals for fear that they may be hurtful to you.

Let me express to you also, this is quite common within this expression of the orientation of soft, for you do hold a natural openness objectively to the interconnectedness of all of your reality: all individuals, all elements, all creations within your physical reality.

Therefore, in the knowing of your interconnectedness, you feel a vulnerability that other individuals may not necessarily express. The reason you feel this vulnerability is that you hold this objective awareness of interconnectedness with all of your reality.

Be remembering, another word for vulnerability is openness. This is a natural expression objectively within this orientation of soft, but many times this is also creating of holding to your own energy in the attempt to be protecting yourself, that you may not succumb to hurtfulness in interaction with other individuals.

I express to you that this may be also quite easily avoided, and you may not necessarily be protecting yourself from other individuals as you allow yourself to be trusting and accepting and KNOWING of yourself.

Once you are moving into these expressions and you are implementing this type of action, you shall find that it is unnecessary to be protective of yourself, for no other individual may be hurtful to you without your participation and without your permission. Therefore, it is merely a situation of recognizing that you are offering agreement to another individual if you are entering into a hurtful situation.

It may also be, as is the situation much of the times, so to speak, that you may be hurtful to yourself in agreement with another individual. It is not necessarily that another individual is hurtful to you, but that you are hurtful to yourself in your agreement with them and their opinion. This is the lack of trust and acceptance of self.

Now; I express to you that in addressing to your issues in the area of fearfulness, you may begin to move more freely into the expression of interactiveness in intimacy with other individuals, and this may be lessening greatly of your conflict within your focus. Are you understanding?

DARYL: Yeah. I know that I have spent a lot of my life isolated, and I also know that the fear has kept me there, and when I’ve tried to venture out, then the same thing with duplicity would happen, and hurtfulness and stuff. But it seems like I really do need to open to interaction again and keep on trying it, even though part of me is just sick of it’cause of what’s happened in the past.

ELIAS: Let me express to you that you are moving in a direction of pushing yourself into certain expressions and experiences to be reversing certain actions.

Now; this also is a very common misunderstanding of the information that I am offering to you, for it shall not be creating less conflict for you and it shall not be creating efficiency and ease of movement for you if you are forcing yourself to be creating actions merely for the reason that they are addressing head-on – so to speak, in your terminology – issues that you hold. (11)

Point in this situation: If you are moving in the direction of intentionally seeking out interaction with other individuals to be moving in opposition to your fearfulness, this shall not create the outcome, so to speak, that you are desiring, for you continue to hold the underlying expectation that this shall not work, and in this underlying expectation, you also anticipate the action of hurtfulness. Therefore, it matters not that you push yourself or force yourself to be engaging other individuals as you are continuing to hold these issues. I express to you, turn your attention to self, but allow yourself the openness for all that you draw to you.

Now; in this, you are drawing to yourself, through your natural expression of your orientation, interactions and relationships with other individuals continuously. This is a natural movement that you create within your focus, but once drawing those situations to yourself, you immediately move into the expression of protection and barriers which isolate you.

Therefore, you are as the knight that seeks out the dragon and is continuously drawing to himself many, many dragons but viewing them all as being dangerous, therefore standing ready to be slaying each of them as they appear, never recognizing that these dragons may APPEAR ferocious but are not hurtful and may be engaged as companions and may offer great helpfulness to the knight, but the knight is very occupied within himself in the direction of slaying these dragons, and therefore offers no opportunity for interaction with them.

You present yourself with this type of situation and you move in the direction of seeking out more interactions, pushing yourself into situations in which you must be interactive with other individuals, but you are continuing to be slaying of them in your interactions, for your expectation is overriding your thought process in your direction.

Therefore, in this, I express to you, view yourself. Continue to be examining your issues in fearfulness, and in this, recognize that YOU are who is hurtful to you, not another individual. Another individual may express ANY type of expression that they may choose, and it is your choice as to whether it shall be hurtful to you or not.

In this, as you become more accepting of you and allow yourself to be trusting of you and recognizing – as I have stated to you previously – that you are worthy, that you are good enough ... once you are expressing this genuinely to yourself, you shall also allow yourself the vulnerability or the openness to be accepting interaction from other individuals, and in this, allowing yourself your natural expression in conjunction with your orientation.

Isolation does not suit you! (Smiling)

DARYL: Okay, that gives me a lot to think about.” [session 417, July 01, 1999]

BOBBI: “Some of the other names that I’ve gotten in dreams: One night I woke up with the names Haydn and Handel, the music composers. Handel, of course, I recognized who that was. Haydn I didn’t know, and in just investigating objectively a little bit, all I’ve come to know is that I really like this man’s music, and I thought that maybe this was just a suggestion to myself of music that I might enjoy but that I hadn’t come in contact with yet.

ELIAS: In actuality, I express to you, within historical terms, there has been a focus within your physical dimension of another composer bearing this physical naming of Haydn, and the composition of musical incorporation is similar, although holds differences to that individual that you are objectively connecting to.

Now; I express to you, in this, the reason you present yourself with this imagery is in conjunction with other elements that are occupying your attention presently, within your investigations and assessments and assimilation of information in conjunction with this wave in consciousness and in conjunction with the aspects of orientation.

(After an 8-second pause) And you are presently quite confused!



BOBBI: Yes, you got that! (Laughing)

ELIAS: I express to you that as you move in the direction of your individual investigation within this wave in consciousness and you are presenting to yourself your own assimilations of information, you are drawing to yourself different elements of information that may offer you more of an understanding in conjunction with the subject matter of orientation and all that it involves, so to speak, once again allowing yourself the exploration of the differences of objective and subjective creations – choices which are objective and subjective – which enters the areas of orientations and preference.

Orientation and preference is not limited to your identification – as you are aware – of merely sexual activity, although many, many individuals lean in this direction of limiting their identification of this wave in consciousness merely to the elements of sexual expressions, for the term of ‘sexual orientation’ is incorporated. Therefore, the automatic response is to be incorporating the definition in objective terms of sexuality, which incorporates sexual identification and activities.

I have been expressing to you all from the onset of these discussions that this particular wave in consciousness addresses to the belief systems that you have developed with respect to sexuality, but that sexuality is quite more expansive than your activity of sexual movement. Are you understanding?


ELIAS: Therefore, in relation to this type of subject matter, you are incorporating the investigations of differences of objective and subjective choices, incorporating the differences of objective choice of preferences, such as your draw to certain incorporations of musical composition, which is objectively, in your terms, not related to sexual activity, but is incorporated in your creation of sexuality within this dimension. It is also quite related to your creation of emotion within this dimension.

These are your two base elements of your reality, therefore both are incorporated into all of your reality, and also your preferences. They are influencing of your preferences. They are not creating of your preferences, for this eliminates your objective choice, but they are influencing of your objective preferences.

In this, you hold an awareness objectively presently that you are investigating and evaluating preference and orientation – objective choice and subjective choice – and the differences in these areas. Therefore, within your choice of direction, you are incorporating other areas that are related, but not necessarily are moving in the direction of the expression of sexual activity.” [session 418, July 07, 1999]

FRANK: “If somebody remarks to you, you want to remark back or you want to give your opinion to them. What’s the best way to handle that? I mean, if I wanted to express emotion, if I was angry, am I justified in expressing that to that person if I’m frustrated, even though I know it’s my mirror of what’s bothering me? Or do I handle it by just not dealing with it? If I know it matters not, then I don’t even have to deal with the person or with the comment or with the situation. Is that healthy?

ELIAS: The situation may be quite diffused within your experience if you ARE genuinely expressing it matters not. Why shall you be engaging anger in response to another individual if their expression matters not? It shall not invoke anger within you.

Now; this is the area that many individuals misunderstand and misinterpret in relation to this information.

I am NOT expressing to you in any manner that the action of this shift and the neutralization of belief systems – NOT the elimination but the neutralization of belief systems – shall be also neutralizing of your emotional expressions. I am not expressing this to you, for it shall not!

You shall continue to be holding your emotional expressions, but they shall be motivated differently, for they shall not be motivated by the influence in energy of your belief systems.

You shall continue to create, but you shall know within you that you are creating and expressing yourself for yourself, for your experience, intentionally, expressly; NOT in automatic response to outside elements that are entirely influenced by belief systems.

Within your orientations, you shall continue to be responding in the manner that is natural for your responses, emotionally or non-emotionally, but not being influenced by the power of the belief systems, and allowing a natural expression.

FRANK: In orientation, I am common, right?

ELIAS: In orientation, you are soft.

FRANK: Really?

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: Wow! That’s a new one! I swear, I thought I was more like Lawrence [Vicki] – common.

ELIAS: Let me express to you also that this contributes once again to your obstacles and to your responses in this focus in creating conflicts and confusions, for you are blocking natural expressions. This be the reason that I have moved your attention with you in the direction of your interaction of other individuals so very often, and I continue to express to you individually in different manner to other individuals, expressing to you that there is importance in your interaction with other individuals and not to be isolating of yourself, for this moves contrary to your natural flow within your orientation in this focus.

FRANK: So that’s why I need interaction constantly.

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: Why didn’t you tell me this a while ago? (Laughing)

ELIAS: For you would not have not held objective understanding, but you have allowed yourself a time framework presently to be assimilating information that I have been offering, and now you may hold more of an objective understanding of how you are creating contrary to your natural flow.

But you may also view that although I have not incorporated the terminology to this point of expressing to you, ‘Ah yes, Christian [Frank], in this focus, you are the orientation of soft, and this be the situation and why you are experiencing very much conflict,’ ... and you shall be responsive to me objectively in BLANK! (Frank laughs)

But I HAVE expressed to you quite solidly that you do not engage interaction in many situations, and you block your interaction and you isolate yourself, and this is continuously creating barriers and conflict, for it is NOT in compliance with your natural expression.

FRANK: I remember that one session in New York when you were first explaining what soft, common, and intermediate was, and I remember you explained about the soft orientation, that they didn’t like to adhere to the mass belief systems in such a way, right? (Elias nods) And I liked that and I wanted to be addressing to that, but I always thought I was common. I just always felt like the common thing, like with Lawrence [Vicki], you know, I always had that link with Lawrence [Vicki], like I identified with Lawrence [Vicki] as ... he’s common too, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: So, I don’t know. I’m still in amazement about that!

ELIAS: Now; you hold a connection with Lawrence [Vicki] that you identify and that you recognize, and an ease in expressing yourself and in interaction with Lawrence [Vicki], as does Michael [Mary], but this is not necessarily the indication that you are the same orientation, for in a non-expression of intimate relationship, in what you term to be romantic relationships, you may be quite interactive with EACH of the orientations. I do not express to any of you that you shall be not holding an ability to be interactive and hold relationship of ANY type with individuals that hold a different orientation....

FRANK: I think I understood that, but I do remember you saying that when you hold a relationship with the same orientation, it’s much easier to understand each other and have less conflict ...

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: ... because your expressions are the same.

ELIAS: In intimate relationship, in romantic types of expressions.

FRANK: Alright, we’re going to get to that too. But in any other relationship ... well, I’ve always felt like I could interact with any type of person easily, at least ideally. I’ve always felt that, so I don’t think I have that conflict.

But let’s talk about intimate relationships then. I just haven’t had time to think about it at all. So as soft, it wouldn’t matter to me what orientation, what gender, what anything a person is to have an intimate, romantic relationship. True or false?

ELIAS: Incorrect.

FRANK: Oh! This is news!

ELIAS: As soft, (chuckling) as ANY orientation, it matters not which gender you choose to involve yourself with objectively.

FRANK: But that’s just a choice.

ELIAS: That is an objective choice. This is preference. This is different from orientation.

In the area of orientation, in intimate, romantic relationships, you shall fare well as you draw yourself to another individual of the same orientation, and you shall offer yourself much less conflict.

FRANK: Right. Interesting!

FRANK: ... I’m beginning to see, like with the orientation issue, why I have so much conflict in so many areas, I guess.

ELIAS: And look to your focus and what appears to you to be a very large concern, and this moves in the area of intimate relationships and romantic relationships, and in this, this is a natural expression of individuals holding this particular orientation.

As I have stated previously, individuals holding the orientation of soft create their reality in continuous interaction and intimate relationships with other individuals. They are in continuous exchange, and as you create a reality resistant to that expression, you also automatically create conflict.

FRANK: I was just telling Michael [Mary], I would have bet the farm that I was common. I always used to ask myself,’cause you used to tell me to go interact with a lot of people, and I’m thinking, there are a whole lot of people who are hermits, who live in the woods and don’t talk to anybody for years, so why do I have to go out and talk to like ten people a day and increase my interaction so much? So that kind of makes it more understandable now. What’s really going on is the orientation focus factor.

ELIAS: Quite!

FRANK: Very interesting!

ELIAS: Now; you may look to different individuals holding this same orientation of soft, and you may look to their expressions in the manner that I employed as an example previously with Michael [Mary] and Lawrence [Vicki] and Shynla [Cathy]. (12)

You look outwardly to expressions concerning mass events and this type of behavior, which you may express to yourself that you do not express in this manner.

FRANK: I don’t think I do, but go ahead. I do to some extent, but not always outwardly.

ELIAS: Now; look to this also. Look to your perception of self. This very much parallels all of your other expressions.

You view that an outward expression, an outpouring of responsiveness to certain situations, shall be creating of the appearance of yourself to be weak, to be non-acceptable, to be lacking in masculinity, so to speak. These are all the same issues and all relate to the same base element.

In this, you DO hold responsiveness to these very same elements that you may view Michael [Mary] holds responsiveness to, but you block your expression, for you view your expression to be unacceptable. But you DO initially hold the responsiveness, and once you BEGIN the response, you immediately block.

FRANK: That’s true. That’s very true!

ELIAS: I am aware! (Frank cracks up and Elias chuckles)

FRANK: Well, I’m being aware of it, okay? (Laughing) Very interesting! That explains a lot.

ELIAS: In this, individuals may confuse themselves in that particular example – in viewing that example that I have offered – for they may look to their outward expressions in like manner to yourself. But I shall express to you that each of you recognizes genuinely what your initial responses are, regardless that you may block them. You know within you what is your natural expression, which direction you naturally lean into within your focus.

You DO hold concern and attention in the areas of what may be occurring throughout your globe. You do NOT remove yourself from the information of all that is occurring throughout your globe.

FRANK: No, I know that. That’s true!

ELIAS: You involve your attention in this area quite consistently and intensely.

FRANK: Right. It does bother me, I do admit that, and I do have emotion to it too, but not that I would share that in public, right? But then I would always identify with the common orientation, of what effect does that have, my being emotional about it? That might be my camouflage talking, my belief systems and camouflage.

ELIAS: This is your rationale.

FRANK: My rationale. And so I identify with the other side too, that there’s really no reason to respond so emotionally to any situation like that because it’s too far out of touch, out of my control, or something like that.

ELIAS: Quite, and in like manner, other individuals holding this orientation express the same to themselves, for your society moves in the designation of rules of behavior, and this falls outside of your societal rules of behaviors. This be the reason that individuals within the orientation of soft hold conflict in many areas, for once again, they are attempting to be fitting themselves as one shaped peg into a different shaped hole.

FRANK: Right! We’re not used to designation! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles) Very good. So, using the soft orientation, what other areas of influence has this affected me in? Probably everything, right?

ELIAS: Quite!

FRANK: ’Cause I’ve never really identified in that way, in that perspective, so I have to think about a lot of other stuff too.

ELIAS: This filters into every area of your focus.

FRANK: It’s core, right? So now, getting back to the thing about concentrating on the pains again, what am I going to do now? Am I going to start relooking at the pains again through this orientation and understanding it, or should I just continue to step three?

ELIAS: Be continuing in our step three, but you may also offer yourself, in this recognition and understanding of the orientation that you hold, permission to allow your natural expression; that as you are creating your natural expressions, it is unnecessary to be blocking of them. This also shall lend to your relaxation.” [session 431, July 23, 1999]

Note: this is the first of two parts on sexuality. Go to sexuality; gender, orientation, preference, pt. 2.

End Notes:

(1) Paul’s note: referring to a previous discussion between Rob and Elias.

Transcripts: find out more about session 239, November 18, 1997.

(2) Paul’s note: Elias uses the analogy of birds in a cage to represent the relationship between individual beliefs and belief systems.

ELIAS: “... I shall reiterate, in my analogy of belief systems in comparison, that the belief system itself is as that of a bird cage, and the aspects of the belief system are all of the birds that the cage holds. These cages, the belief systems, hold many, many, many birds. There are hundreds of aspects to each given belief system.” [session 301, July 25, 1998]

ELIAS: “The bird cage is neutral. It is merely a cage. It CONTAINS something; it contains the birds. The birds are that which flutter and fly and peck at each other and at you, and hold much energy and are very affecting and are at times quite fascinating also, and quite colorful! But once the cage is empty, the cage remains; but it holds no affectingness, for it is empty. It then becomes ornamental. You may place the cage wherever you choose. You may look within your home and you may express, ‘I am pleased with this cage upon my mantel. I view that I shall move the cage to a table.’ It matters not. The cage remains the same. It is merely a cage. The birds may be quite messy, and you may be quite careful where you shall place the cage with all the birds contained inside!” [session 307, August 14, 1998]

Digests: find out more about belief systems; an overview.

(3) Paul’s note: Nathan’s question refers to the fact that Elias mentioned in 1995 one of his physical focuses was Oscar Wilde. Elias also mentions that each of us usually choose at least one lifetime in which we are well known (fame or infamy). Elias tends to down play his well known focuses as so many people seem to concentrate on these and miss the point that their own “every day” focuses are just as important and purposeful.

VICKI: Another basic curiosity question. In the beginning of our sessions, we had questions and some answers about this particular focus in which you were Oscar Wilde.” [session 142, December 27, 1996]

(4) Vic’s note: something unusual happened as Katie was asking this question. Right after she said the word “gender,” Elias twitched involuntarily. This is the best way I can describe it. The only other times I’ve observed this is during what we call pop-ins and pop-outs. This is when Elias pops-in (arrives) without Mary’s objective knowledge, and then when he pops-out (departs), there is a slight twitch as Mary “returns.” I fully expected Mary to “pop back in” when this “twitch” occurred during this session, but she didn’t. This makes me wonder if Elias was “switching aspects" based on the subject matter....

(5) Paul’s note: Elias presented a stick and ball analogy in session 331, October 16, 1998 to help describe the relationship between belief systems – the stick – and our perception – the ball. The point is that the stick is neutral, but the action of our perception in relation to our beliefs is a whole other story.

Transcripts: find out more about the stick and ball analogy.

Digests: find out more about perception.

(6) Paul’s note: a reference to the “straight little sapling” allegory that Elias often refers to when he discusses our need to trust, accept, take full responsibility for only ourselves.

Digests: find out more about the sapling story.

(7) Paul’s note: the path of least conflict shows that there are always choices available to reduce conflict.

Exercises: find out more about the “no conflict” exercise.

(8) Vic’s note: I have moved the word “being” in the following phrase: “... as holding great importance and being quite serious and worthy of your attention ...” It was originally stated: “... as being holding great importance and quite serious and worthy of your attention ...”

(9) Paul’s note: Elias refers to the dream he discussed previously with Marcos in session 341, Novermber 21, 1998, in which Marcos connected with an aspect of his own essence in a very intimate and loving way.

Transcripts: find out more about Elias’ interpretation of Marcos’s dream.

(10) Vic’s note: I gotta agree with you, Marcos – this IS a wonderful session. I have learned so much about my dear friend Cathy (Shynla), and I bet she’s learned a lot about herself!’

Note: this is the first of two parts on sexuality. Go to sexuality; gender, orientation, preference, pt. 2.

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