out-of-body experiences ELIAS: “Now! First of all, we will incorporate an adjustment of some terminology, to be more efficient for our purposes. Henceforth, I shall refer to your waking state of consciousness as objective consciousness or self. All altered states of consciousness, such as your dream state, your state within out-of-body experiences, and all other altered consciousness, as you view them, including your view of ‘subconscious,’ shall be referred to as subjective consciousness or self. These terms are more efficient and encompassing for your understanding, for all of your conscious state that you view within your waking element deals with information projected out and received from ‘out.’ All other information is directed from within and processed within.” [session 92, May 05, 1996] ELIAS: “You engage the action of what you term to be out-of-body experiences within waking state, within sleeping state, consciously, unconsciously, in your terms, within altered states, in your terms. You may experience out-of-body action, so to speak, within what you term to be a daydream. Within missing time, as you experience, you are experiencing an out-of-body. You experience this action much of your time. You are not aware objectively of this action, for you do not translate into your objective language the action that you are engaged in. As to your thinking while you are engaged in this action of out-of-body; the action of physical thought is quite valuable if you may train yourself to be consciously, objectively consciously, aware within the action of out-of-body experience. Thought processes are a creation of physical focus. You think in terms of language, which is symbolic. Thoughts, within physical focus, are symbolic energy. They are symbols. They are a language. Therefore, it would be helpful to you if you allowed yourselves to train your objective consciousness, your thought processes, to mingle with your subjective activity and create an efficient language for translation of subjective activity into objective knowing. You do not remember your experiences out-of-body, for you have not created this language to be translating subjective activity. Therefore, you have no frame of reference within your objective, waking state. You then are left with ‘blank space.’ NORM: Not even feelings or intuition. ELIAS: You are attempting to translate non-physical, subjective consciousness action into objective consciousness; this being the same as what you expressed earlier within the action of Regional Area 3, and wishing to know the mechanics of this area of consciousness. You are attempting to label experiences which do not fit within this area of consciousness. Therefore, they must be translated. All that you view is a translation. All that you think is a translation. Within other areas of consciousness, thought is not what you ‘think!’” [session 135, November 24, 1996] FRANK: “I’m not sure I understand what you mean by projection. Can you define that? ELIAS: Projection is the action of allowing aspects of your consciousness to be moving freely; not in association with your body consciousness. Now; projection allows you the involvement, so to speak, of both objective and subjective awarenesses. It is what many individuals within your physical focus presently identify as out-of-body experiences, although I may express to you that I identify a distinction between a projection of consciousness and what you may actually identify as an out-of-body experience. For an element of your consciousness continues to be focused and interactive with the body consciousness within the action of projection. In a manner of speaking figuratively, you divide your awareness and allow an element of your consciousness to be continuing in interaction with your body consciousness subjectively, but you also allow yourself an element of your consciousness, subjectively and objectively, to be moving freely through consciousness, moving through the barriers, so to speak, of time, space, and even at times dimensions. An actual out-of-body experience is the removal of your subjective awareness and its interaction with the body consciousness. Therefore, the body consciousness is, in a manner of speaking, left to be functioning temporarily without interactiveness or instruction from the subjective awareness. In this, the action of an out-of-body experience may be engaged for much less time framework than a projection of consciousness, for there is, in effect, within your physical dimension, a necessity for instruction and interaction between the subjective awareness and the body consciousness to be continuing the functioning of the physical body. Therefore, in projection, you allow yourself to move your consciousness, subjectively and objectively, in part, so to speak, away from your physical body consciousness, and without the encumbering of the physical matter of body expression, you may allow yourself more of a freedom of movement. Now; let me express to you, this also is an influence of your belief systems, for in actuality, you may allow yourself this same type of movement WITH the incorporation of your physical body. But as you do not believe that you may move through time or space arrangements dimensionally incorporating the physical body expression, you do not allow yourself the freedom of that type of movement. Whereas you DO allow yourself this type of movement in the design of what you create as what may be identified as an ‘astral body.’ This also is a creation that you have engaged as a means to be continuing with your identification of self as you move through consciousness.” [session 674, August 04, 2000] ELIAS: “Originally, many thousands of your years before you believe your planet even existed, it did exist, and you manifest within consciousness here. You chose the elements of your world and how it would be manifest physically. You chose to manifest all of your creatures, all of your plant life, your rocks, your sand, your water, your atmosphere. You experimented with these elements also. You moved through consciousness nonphysically, not manifest. You were within continuous interaction with nature, as you have created it. As you moved through your time element, which you also created, you created different expressions within this physical world. You created what you view to be a universe around you. After a period, you blinked out as a species, moving to other worlds and creating them also. Blinking back into this world, you became Dream Walkers. This is where we incorporate your Seers. In this, you must try to understand that your time of manifestation was quite different. You did not incorporate time physically, the way that you incorporate it now. You only partially manifest physically. The simplest explanation of this manifestation would be to express that you moved through what you now term as astral bodies. This is your consciousness body, which you do possess; this body being that form that you incorporate when you experience an out-of-body. You will travel with another body. This is the form that is more identified with the Seers. You may express this as a ‘light body,’ for it is basically comprised of light. This is not what you understand as light, for it is not visual light.” [session 72, February 18, 1996] ELIAS: “It is important, as you are widening, to be merging objective and subjective realities. This you may view as a process, although there are no processes, (grinning) for you shall move yourself into the awareness of this mergence gradually; this benefiting you each in avoidance of trauma, in not thrusting yourselves into the mergence of awareness and disorientation. BOB: So would that explain to some extent the dream that I had the other night? ELIAS: This is not a dream. This action is not dream imagery. This is a different action. This is similar information offered to you in unofficial information that you recall. You have recalled objectively an out-of-body experience. Simultaneously, William [Gail] also engaged an out-of-body experience. Therefore you, in recognizing this momentarily, thought to be expressing to William [Gail], although William [Gail] was not paying attention. You engaged your own activity within another direction. As you realized that you were not engaged within what you view to be a waking state, your response was instantaneous, in ’snapping back’ to physical expression. BOB: Okay, I pretty much understood everything you said, except in the beginning you said that I was not in dream state. ELIAS: Correct. BOB: So, you’re saying I was awake. Because I initially thought I was awake. ELIAS: No. You engaged your sleep state. Within this process, you chose to be engaging in an out-of-body experience, which you all experience and accomplish, underline this entirely, every sleep state! You do not recall all of your out-of-body experiences. You have offered yourself the opportunity to recall the activity that you engaged in this out-of-body experience. BOB: So, while I was out-of-body I engaged unofficial information, recognized that I did, let myself experience it to some extent with some comfort, sought to engage her (Gail) in it unsuccessfully, and at some point realized that I was out-of-body but didn’t recognize it as that, chose to recognize it as being in a dream, and that snapped me back in body and awake simultaneously. ELIAS: Correct. DREW: How does that differ from a dream? ELIAS: Dreams are imagery. They are an interpretation of subjective activity. You engage out-of-body, in your terms, activity continuously. Within every day of your physical existence, you experience out-of-body situations. You do not recall this action, for within your belief systems this is unnatural and frightening. And as we are all aware, you only disconnect from your physical body at the point of death! Therefore, be wary of out-of-body experiences! (Very humorously) But to continue, within the experience of what you think of as out-of-body, you may recall portions of the action that you engage. You may choose to engage similar action to physical waking state; walking through hallways, looking at furniture, stepping outside of your doorway, viewing yourself within another physical location upon your planet. These are all actions that you may engage. They are not the entirety of the action that you do engage every time period within your sleep state, but your consciousness may choose physical activity temporarily. In this, you may recall, if you are allowing yourself, your activity during this state. Within dream state, or what you term to be dream state, this is an imagery that you create for yourself which is an interpretation creatively of the action that you have engaged while in your sleep state. It has been stated many times to you that your sleep state is not engaged for physical restfulness. Your physical expression, your body, does not require sleep state. Your consciousness requires sleep state as you are engaged within physical focus, for this is your opportunity to be in communion with essence. This is your opportunity to exert your creativity to its maximum ability within physical focus; your engagement of Regional Area 2. DREW: And the dream is the interpretation of those experiences. ELIAS: Yes. DREW: Was Ron’s experience then an actual physical manifestation in a different physical dimension? Is that what you’re saying? That his out-of-body experience was a manifestation in another physical dimension, as opposed to just imagery of a subjective experience in dream state? (I think Drew meant to say Bob, not Ron) ELIAS: Not another dimension; (pause) another area of consciousness within this dimension. DREW: Really. Within this physical dimension? ELIAS: Correct. DREW: He projected out-of-body into another area of consciousness in this physical dimension? ELIAS: Correct. DREW: I don’t understand that! (Laughter) Am I alone in this? BOB: A dimension can be parallel, so it can even be the same proximity. It’s just not necessarily, in time, the same place. At least that’s how I understand it. DREW: So when he recalls walking through hallways with rafters and glowing red and holes in the door and that kind of thing, that was an actual physical experience? (Referring to Bob’s OOBE in dream state) ELIAS: Correct. DREW: Not imagery. ELIAS: Correct. BOB: Now, a couple questions here. I tried to interact with Gail while in that out-of-body state. Could she have interacted with me, and would interaction be not unlike our activity in objective consciousness? ELIAS: Yes, she could interact with you if choosing to do so, and if choosing to do so, this interaction would not be unlike the interaction that you experience within waking state. BOB: So these out-of-body experiences, which I don’t believe I’ve had that often because this seemed somewhat ... (Here, Elias sits up straight and grins at everybody) I heard you say I have them all the time! I heard that! (Much laughter) But I have not experienced consciously having them in the same way that that I did the other night. I didn’t remember them. VICKI: Recognition is an amazing thing! RETA: Maybe he’ll get another trophy! BOB: Now I’ve lost my train of thought! Are there interactions in that state with varieties of other essences? Are those common? Or generally, when you’re out-of-body you’re projecting by yourself in whatever dimension you’re in and there aren’t a lot of other out-of-body focuses to interact with at that point? ELIAS: You are never by yourself! You may not be aware within your remembrance of interaction with other essences, but you are never engaged within an action alone! BOB: Okay, I’ll just accept that for now. I think I’m probably the only human to ever accept that! (Much laughter, and somebody says, ‘Another trophy!') The other question I have is, since these out-of-body experiences happen regularly and commonly without remembrance, do they happen simultaneously with imagery and layers of imagery and we just access one thing at a time? Are they not necessarily all interconnected? For instance this experience, I’m out-of-body, I’m experiencing something, okay? And I’m actually interacting with it or remembering it. At the same time, am I experiencing dream state activity that I might have been remembering instead of this? Am I doing lots of things simultaneously within this dream state? ELIAS: In actuality, yes. BOB: Okay. So it’s kind of like picking which part of the disk I’m gonna access at any given point. ELIAS: Presently, you may view it in this manner, for do not allow yourself the luxury of viewing all of your facets of yourself simultaneously. BOB: But I could. ELIAS: Yes. BOB: Will I??? (We all crack up) ELIAS: Yes.” [session 152, February 09, 1997] ELIAS: “You shall be experiencing much subjective bleed-through information into objective reality. In this, let me express that the definition I offer for subjective activity would be all of that type of consciousness which is not waking consciousness. This would be including all altered states, in your terminology, all other focuses, all dream imagery, all of which you consider to be removed or subconscious. Many individuals within their belief systems also attribute this to being super-consciousness or cosmic consciousness. They are all the same. They are subjective awareness, which is the larger aspect of you as essence. This holds tremendous information and also imagery. In this, within this particular dimension you have been extremely selective in your manifestation, limiting your awareness to only objective awareness, allowing for slight amounts of subjective bleed-through. Within the action of this shift, you have opened the floodgates and allowed the subjective awareness to rush into objective awareness. Therefore, within your waking state, within your consciousness that you recognize as you and that you are aware of, you may experience many different types of occurrences. Some individuals within your present now encounter what they term to be aliens. These are focuses of their essence. Some individuals experience what they term to be walk-ins. (1) These are exchanges of focuses of other dimensions. They are reality. Some individuals experience bleed-throughs of information and imagery of focuses within this dimension, that which you classify as past lives. Individuals may be experiencing alterations in imagery within their waking, everyday experience. Objects within their experience may alter. You may view a chair, and it may be become another object, and it may return to a chair. You may experience many altered states of consciousness spontaneously, without effort, not intentionally. You may experience increase in projection or out-of-body experiences. These are all natural, normal elements of essence which you are allowing yourself to objectively become aware of. Within this action you also encounter many of your held belief systems, for these are blocking elements. Therefore, they surface to be addressed, that they may be accepted and your awareness may be widened in these areas; for within the accomplishment of your shift globally, there is no place for the non-acceptance of these belief systems. This is not an elimination of belief systems! It is an acceptance in awareness of their existence and a neutralization of their power. NORM: ... I have some questions in regard to remote viewing. Ingo Swan, about 30 years ago, developed remote viewing with the Stanford Research Institute for the intelligence agency of the US Government. Recently that has been disbanded and another individual, a political scientist in Georgia by the name of Richard Courtney, I believe his name is, has taken up the gauntlet, so to speak, and in his book, I believe it’s called Cosmic Voyage, he described a remote viewing of Mars and aliens there on Mars. As you mentioned earlier, this could be part of the confusion. That’s one question I have in regard to this, and another question I have in regard to this is, how filtering are our belief systems in the application of remote viewing by focuses here in this reality? ELIAS: Each of you holds this ability. This is not an action that is limited to certain individuals. It is an actualization of inner senses, which you may develop and you may accomplish within also. Within the action of your shift, this shall be a natural occurrence. As to the accuracy of information delivered and the influence of belief systems within this area, this would be depending upon the individual engaging this inner sense. It also is dependent upon the focus of the viewing; for if you are viewing elements within your own dimension that you are familiar with, you may be accurately describing and relaying information as to what you view. If you are accessing viewing other dimensions to which manifestations upon a planet within your present solar system would be indicative of another dimension ... for within this dimension these planets within your solar system do not hold life as you recognize or intelligence as you recognize ... this may be a viewing within another dimension, but this is subject to interpretation and belief system filtration, for you shall view elements that are unfamiliar and unknown to you. Therefore, to be objectively expressing an explanation of these viewings, you must within your objective consciousness rearrange the information to fit your language and your imagery.” [session 183, June 15, 1997] VIVIEN: “I have a question. About two years ago, I was attempting to do an out-of-body. I was in bed and it was fairly late at night, but instead of doing an out-of-body, another entirely ... well, not entirely different sensation, but a sensation that was more powerful ... the only way I can describe it is, an energy was coming up from my boots and kind of like going like a train through me, and then I felt a voice in my throat that was about to speak. I stopped it because my husband was lying next to me and I didn’t want to freak him out! But it felt like a voice. Can you tell me what that was, and if that’s what it was? (Vic’s terminology note: when Elias says ‘this essence,’ he is referring to himself. ‘Energy exchange’ is his term for ‘channeling’.) ELIAS: Within the objective of attempting to be entering into an out-of-body experience, you allow yourself to enter what you term to be an altered stated of consciousness ... although it is not altered! (Grinning) In this, you allow yourself an opening objectively, within trustfulness and acceptance of self. Therefore, you allow subjective activity to be recognized objectively. Within this state, you also may at times allow more of your self in its entirety, essence, to be interacting within the individual focus. Therefore, you do not engage an energy exchange in what you view with this essence, but you allow your essence to be communicating. In this, you also allow your own validation of this interaction by allowing yourself within the focus to be experiencing physical sensation. Had you chosen to be continuing with this allowance, you are correct, you would have been experiencing verbalization of information to be offered to yourself. This would appear to be another entity speaking through you. VIVIEN: Kind of like you are now through Mary? In that way, or not? ELIAS: No. Within an interaction of your essence. Although within consciousness there is no separation, for the purpose of understanding within your language and your ideas and your belief systems within physical focus, I make a differentiation of this energy exchange. Within this, different tones merge to be creating of this energy exchange; that tone of Michael’s [Mary’s] essence and that tone of this essence. Within the mergence, there is an exchange. In this, in your terms physically to your understanding, you may express that Michael [Mary] removes from the objective expression, allowing the body consciousness to disengage from subjective interaction and therefore also allowing the energy of this essence to be moving into the physical space arrangement, connecting with the individual physical body consciousness. Therefore, this essence directs the subjective activity which directs this body consciousness that you view. Michael [Mary] moves to an area of consciousness that disengages all subjective communication with this body consciousness. Within the action that you have experienced, you have allowed yourself the opportunity to be accessing your essence; the same tone; that which you may view or express as your higher self. This is not in actuality your ‘higher self.’ It is yourself, but you do not recognize all of the aspects of self, for your attention is directed to this focus objectively. Therefore, you forget temporarily, while engaging this physical focus, your own multidimensionality and the vastness of self. In this, you allowed a time period within your objective recognition of an entering into your objective awareness, within your physical body consciousness, the vastness of essence. This creates an energy surge. VIVIEN: That’s what it felt like! ELIAS: For within physical reality, you intentionally choose to be disconnecting with your awareness of essence for the purity of your experience while in physical focus. You intentionally forget self. You focus upon one aspect of self within an objective materialization physically of a focus. As you allow subjective interaction and that element of essence to bleed through into your awareness, you open your subjective and objective awarenesses to merge. In this mergence, you allow an intensity of energy from essence to surge within your physical form. This also, in similarity to objective feeling with Michael [Mary], is an opening to allow the intensity of your energy. Therefore, the body consciousness recognizes this surge, as a floodgate shall open. In this, the energy from essence shall appear to flood into the body consciousness. The difference with these experiences is: Within the floodgate opening of energy within this experience that you express, your body consciousness recognizes your tone of essence. Therefore, it is accepting of this energy and shall produce an exhilarating feeling, but also shall create a response within body consciousness that your cells identify as a flooding of energy. Therefore, they are responding in reaction to energy which is not normally incorporated within the focus. Within Michael [Mary], the subjective communication is discontinued. Therefore, the energy is unrecognized within the body consciousness. In this, there is a different response to the influx of energy, in a physical rejection of unfamiliar energy. You each have created your form from its first cell. It knows you. It lives, in your terms, as a projection of essence which is familiar with you. It knows all of your aspects. It knows all of your essence. Therefore, it is accepting of this action; this being also why I suggest to you that an essence may not be intrusive to another essence, for your form shall not accept, outside of agreement, this influx of energy. It does not in your terms belong to you, and your watchdog of your body consciousness is aware. In this, you shall have offered yourself information which you seek, but within fearfulness an action of non-acceptance was incorporated. In this, the action was refused and blocked. You may trust futurely that this shall not be harmful to you and that you may engage this action if so choosing once again, and you may offer yourself answers to many questions that you hold, which may be more beneficial than your excursions out-of-body.” [session 184, June 20, 1997] PAUL: “I have a question following-up that you reminded me of. I had an out-of-body experience with Jane Roberts many years ago in a [dream] class somewhere, and in that experience, Jane walked behind me and placed her hands over my eyes, covering them, and that shifted my focus into what I guess I’m realizing was a glimpse of a larger or wider area of focus. In my memory of that – it lasted a short period of time – it was a glittering, moving stillness of darkness and light are the only words I can use to describe it, but it has stayed with me. I’m wondering if you would comment on that. Is that Regional Area 2? Is that a glimpse of spacious present perception? Could you offer some interpretation? ELIAS: (Intently) This is an offering to yourself in imagery of not looking without, but looking within to the vastness of consciousness, and offering yourself a type of imagery different to your objective waking imagery, and allowing you to view different elements of the action of consciousness; the sparklingness of it; the movement and the effortlessness of it not being a thing, but not being nothing. PAUL: And it was vast; it was huge. ELIAS: Far beyond your comprehension. PAUL: And that’s why it was just a short perception on my part? ELIAS: Correct. This is not necessarily a designation of a specific area of consciousness, but of consciousness itself.” [session 224, October 01, 1997] ELIAS: “I express to you that within the action of this shift, you shall be accomplishing these elements as easily as moving from one room to another room; but presently, you hold many reservations and belief systems that confine you within this particular dimension. Lawrence [Vicki] is attempting to move outside of these belief systems and actually project through space into another dimension. Many individuals upon your planet project themselves to another location within this dimension upon your planet. VIVIEN: What we consider an out-of-body. ELIAS: Correct. They do not project themselves to another planet, even within your own dimension and solar system. This is projecting, in your terms, much farther, for this would be a penetration of dimensional veils.” [session 226, October 05, 1997] JIM: “Move to the issue of NDE; near death experience; when people clinically die, but are revived for whatever reason or manner. There have been thousands of cases, but one of the most extraordinary is Dannion Brinkley, who was hit by lightning in 1975, died for eighteen minutes, then came back only to die again several years later from heart surgery and come back a second time. You might say he was almost indecisive about maintaining physical focus! He describes it as a great pain, then as a release followed by a great feeling of peace, and then an out-of-body experience where he looks down on his physical body and those that attended it, followed by a rushing up into a black tunnel, followed by meeting beings of light, as he called them, feeling an overwhelming sense of well-being, and then being presented with a life review in which everything that happened to him is reviewed, and also to the person he interacted with. He could see it from their point of view. He killed people in Vietnam, and was able to experience their deaths. Is this what happens to us when we leave physical focus? ELIAS: It is dependent upon your belief systems. For this individual, this is reality, for this individual’s belief systems dictate this; that you must be approached with a life review and experience what others have experienced that you have inflicted. This is a belief system connected with karma. There is no karma. There are MANY belief systems. Now; I may express to you that some of these experiences are common to very, very, very many individuals in disengagement of physical focus; that of hovering momentarily and viewing your physical body is quite common. Many individual focuses choose this experience. They are disengaging from the physical body consciousness and evaluating momentarily the choice of their disengagement and how they have disengaged from the physical body consciousness. Therefore, they momentarily view the body consciousness, also allowing a last interaction with this body consciousness; a last communication. Subsequent to this action, which is quite momentarily, many individuals of focuses enter a temporary state of peacefulness prior to engaging transition. This also may be viewed as momentarily, within your terms. It is what you may term to be a brief, temporary state of respite, so to speak; of peacefulness before entering into the area of transition. Once entering into the area of transition, how you transition is dictated by your belief systems. Some individuals hold belief systems that they shall be moving into the light; the tunnel that shall lead them to the heavenly areas and what they think of within their belief systems as their eternal bliss. Some individuals hold belief systems that they shall immediately move to the area of hell, which also does not exist, but they shall create this temporarily and experience its full force, for the full force and intensity of their belief systems shall come to bear. What you experience once you disengage is absolutely dictated by your belief systems, and which belief systems you have moved through and which belief systems you have accepted and which belief systems you hold very strongly, and also whether you have chosen to engage transition while you are still within your physical focus. This may also be quite affecting of what you may be experiencing once moving into the area of transition non-physically. (Pause) And how very interesting that you now approach what you term to be very closeness to your cure, so to speak, of your senility!” (2) [session 232, October 31, 1998] PAUL: “I had an out-of-body experience on March 13th of this year, in which for the first time I was actually able to project consciously out of my body into my bedroom. (3) So my question is, at the very moment that I separated ... well, I know there’s no separation. At the moment my perception changed and my environment changed, was my experience still within the context of what you call Regional Area 1? ELIAS: Yes. Let me express to you that within an out-of-body experience, as you continue to involve yourself with your objective reality, so to speak, you are projecting your consciousness through space, but continuing within Regional Area 1. Now; I may also express to you that you hold the ability and it is entirely possible that you may project within what you term to be an out-of-body experience and you may project into different areas of consciousness, but within those experiences that you find yourself moving within familiar areas and with familiar objects, you are continuing to be moving within Regional Area 1 of consciousness. You are merely moving through space and time, as in differentiation to moving around space and in time. PAUL: So in that experience, subsequently I explored my house and came back into my bedroom, and I believe, in what you term as a focal point, I dove through the bedroom window and I know I shifted gears, as it were, and I had two basic ... what I describe as a scenario. One involved an urban situation with a black painter, and the second one involved a college campus that I had attempted to connect with in Brattleboro, Vermont. In those two scenarios, where I know I shifted gears, was I still experiencing in Regional Area 1? ELIAS: Yes, but you are also allowing for a partial dimensional veil-piercing. Regional Area 1 is much vaster than you realize. It encompasses much more within the potential for your experiences than you recognize. You view Regional Area 1 as being very limiting and merely that which is your waking experience, but it encompasses experiences that you may allow yourself beyond your normal, usual focus of attention, for you focus your attention quite singularly, and as you are allowing yourself to open more freely to many more elements within consciousness, you may also view that there is much more expansiveness to Regional Area 1 than you have allowed yourself an awareness of. Now; also in this, I express to you that you pierce a veil of dimension, for within this dimension there are inclusive many other dimensions, some being very parallel and some being different qualities of different time frameworks. In this, you have allowed yourself to be piercing a time framework veil within your objective Regional 1 awareness. You may accomplish this within your waking state also. Be assured, you may be piercing time veils in your objective waking state. You may also be accomplishing of this more easily within an out-of-body experience, for you allow yourself more freedom within this state.” [session 281, May 17, 1998] ELIAS: “This evening we shall begin with a very popular subject matter within this time framework, that of projection. Many individuals in this time period are fascinated with consciousness and the manipulation of themselves within consciousness and the experiential aspect of different areas of consciousness. Now; let me express to you that within projection, or that which you term to be out-of-body experiences, (chuckling) these occupy the same Regional Area 1 as you occupy within your waking state of awareness, that which we term to be your objective awareness. A projection within consciousness is also within this same area of consciousness. You are not moving into Regional Area 2, which would be the subjective area of consciousness. Therefore, there is a difference between your dream state and a projection or out-of-body state. In this, many individuals express questioning and inquiries as to how they may be accomplishing this situation and holding the experience of an out-of-body experience. Therefore, I shall offer you an exercise that you may practice, and this may be helpful to you in your engagement of this activity, if you are so choosing. Let me express to you what the advantage is of engaging in this type of action. In engaging the allowance of an out-of-body experience that you hold an objective recall of ... for you DO engage in out-of-body experiences quite often. You merely do not allow yourselves the remembrance of this action objectively. This does not mean that you do not engage the action, for you do, but the advantage to yourselves in engaging this action is that this allows you the opportunity to manipulate within consciousness. It allows you the opportunity to move into other areas of creativity within your objective state of awareness. It also allows you an opening within your awareness that prepares you in the action of this shift, for within this shift in consciousness you shall be moving into more of an awareness of your reality, of yourselves, of your own subjectivity, and of essence, and in this allowing yourselves the opportunity to engage other dimensions, other realities, other areas of consciousness. In engaging out-of-body experiences, you also may manipulate THROUGH space and THROUGH the thickness of your time framework. You allow yourselves a window to move through time frameworks. You are not bound to this one particular time element. Therefore, you loose the hold of your belief systems and your perception of linear time. This allows you more of a mobility within consciousness, and it allows you an objective awareness of your mobility and your creativity. Therefore, it is not merely a fun activity – although it may be considered fun – but it is also useful to you within your movement in this dimension in accessing information more efficiently and allowing yourselves more of a mobility. Therefore, I offer to you this exercise.” [find out more about the SNAP – a beginning course in out-of-body projection exercise]. SALLY: ... I have one other question about the out-of-body experience. ELIAS: Very well. SALLY: Did I understand you to say that we could project to any physical area, or could we, say, project to Venus? ELIAS: Absolutely. SALLY: It doesn’t have to be on Earth physically, right? ELIAS: No. You may project within another dimension if you are so choosing. RODNEY: I have a question. I’m working on a little math problem. Could I project myself into one of the workings of this mathematics? ELIAS: Absolutely. Let me express to you that mathematics, in your understanding of it, are relative to this dimension. Therefore, they are closely involved with this particular dimension objectively. In this, you need be projecting merely within your own dimension and not outside of your own dimension to be accessing this particular information, for your mathematics which apply to your physical manifestation of this particular dimension are relative only to it and are not relative to other physical dimensions, and are not relative at all to non-physical areas. MARI: ... You mentioned projecting possibly into another dimension? ELIAS: Quite. MARI: I know that we create our own reality, but if we go into another dimension, can we also go into someone else’s reality ... that we might like their creation? ELIAS: No. This would be an aspect of essence and would be deemed intrusive. Every creation, every focus, every aspect holds its own integrity, its own tone, and its own choices, and just as no other element of consciousness may project into you – with the exception of mergence, through agreement only, to be accessing information within the area of experience temporarily, but only with expressed agreement – you also may not be intrusive to any other essence within consciousness. You may project into another dimension, another reality, but this projection may hold slight differences from that in which you project in this particular dimension, for in this particular dimension, within the action of projection, at times, if allowing yourself the openness, you may be not only aware of other individuals projecting also, but they shall also hold an awareness of you. Within other dimensions, you shall be aware of other individuals, so to speak – for I shall not be labeling them as ‘beings,’ for this perpetuates your belief systems of extraterrestrials and aliens, which all of you are – but they shall not hold an awareness of you, therefore continuing the veil that shall not be interrupting or disturbing of their reality and their creation of it, for each dimension is created purposefully for that particular individual experience within physical reality – its own purposefulness, its own exploration of experiences – and they are all different. Therefore, just as little aliens do not interrupt your dimension – which they do not – and alter your reality, you also shall not be interrupting of their reality. This is intrusive, and this is not acceptable within essence. But you may view and you may even leave your mark, so to speak, within their physical dimension, as other dimensions have also left their marks within your physical dimension – landmarks – but they do not interrupt your focus or your reality merely by leaving their landmarks. These are bleed-throughs, which I have stated previously, and these bleed-throughs do not alter your reality. Therefore, they are harmless. Those which you view to be aliens, extraterrestrials, little gray squashy guys, (grinning) are merely aspects of yourselves that you present to yourselves and appear to you within a manifestation that is familiar and acceptable to you, but in actuality they are not ‘visiting creatures’ from other planets within this particular dimension. They ARE bleed-throughs of other focuses of yourselves within other dimensions, but you shall not find them upon Venus (grinning) unless you are projecting through the veil of dimensions, and in this you may even discover Martians! FEMALE: ... I have one more. Sometimes when I go away to a conference or something ... I’m very fond of my kitty, Daisy, and I dream sometimes that she’s coming to visit me, and I suspect that she might be projecting to be with me. Is this so? ELIAS: Absolutely. Creatures are quite accomplished at this action and are quite recognizing of it, for they do not hold the belief systems that you hold. Therefore, they are not bound in the same manner that you bind yourselves. They are quite efficient at projecting. They are also quite efficient at connecting with you within consciousness and accomplishing many aspects of your focus FOR you, in agreement with you!” [session 291, June 26, 1998] BOBBI: “I had an odd experience. Some people that I related this to thought it might have something to do with an out-of-body experience, which is what we were talking about before. This was back in May. I was not aware of falling asleep. I was in bed going to sleep, and I felt a vibration. I thought it was the cat scratching itself or the beginnings of an earthquake. This built and built to where I felt as if I had been plugged into an electric socket or something. There was quite a loud roar in my ears. I could not move, though. I kind of was just experiencing this for a while, but it kept gaining in intensity, and it felt like it should be culminating in something. But I got rather nervous and a little alarmed about this, and then it just suddenly quit. I don’t know what to connect this to. ELIAS: This would be an expression of an experience of a beginnings or an attempt of an out-of-body experience, but the incorporation of an element of fearfulness in the process of moving your subjective awareness away from your physical body consciousness. Therefore, there has also been incorporated a retreating, so to speak, back to the engagement of interaction of subjective awareness to body consciousness. In this, this type of action is quite common within physical focus. Individuals may hold certain desires at times, so to speak, to be creating of an actual out-of-body experience, but this also incorporates many times an element of fearfulness, for within physical focus, it is an unfamiliar action. You are continuously in communication subjectively with your body consciousness and do not readily separate these elements of consciousness from each other. BOBBI: So this was the beginning of literally, as you explained it before, an out-of-body experience as opposed to a projection. ELIAS: Correct. Now; I shall express to you also that within the incorporation of an out-of-body experience, there may be associated physical sensation, for you shall hold an awareness of an action, in a manner of speaking, of separating. Now, this may not be the expression that is offered to you within your beliefs, that individuals express in the manner of ‘pulling away from your physical body and experiencing the silver cord which is attached to your physical form.’ (Humorously) But you may experience different elements of physical sensation which shall offer you what you term to be strange sensations or unfamiliar sensations, in that you are disengaging your subjective awareness and direction in its communication from your physical body form, and in this, what you are incorporating is a very similar action to that which you incorporate within your medical procedures, of the removal of a particular physical organ or element of your physical form. BOBBI: Which would be a very traumatic procedure! ELIAS: In some manners, you may express this type of explanation to yourself. It need not be, but there is an automatic action in this area that is creating of these types of sensations, and also the response of an element of fear, for as I have stated, within physical focus, this is an unfamiliar action to you. You are quite familiar with creating your reality very much in harmony with these two aspects of your consciousness and not separating them. This is not to say that you may not engage this action, as I have stated, within any moment, for you may, but it is an unfamiliar action within physical focus. Therefore, you shall also be creating of these types of symptoms, so to speak. I may also express to you that you place in very working order within physical focus a natural system which you may term to be a warning system, for there is a knowing that you may remove your subjective awareness from its communication and interaction with your physical body consciousness for a limited time framework, but within physical terms, you may merely be removing this interaction for a limited time framework. You may not be continuing in that expression, but must be creating of a choice to be continuing within the state, so to speak, of coma or to be disengaging physical focus, for there must be this interaction within the choice to be creating physical manifestation. Therefore, as you hold this knowing subjectively, you also create an automatic warning system, so to speak, that you are engaging this activity, and you allow yourself an awareness that within physical linear time, you need be holding an awareness of your time framework. BOBBI: I see. Thank you. ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” [session 418, July 07, 1999] PAUL: “I’d like to get your impressions on a dream experience that I had, and again, I did talk to Mary about this. This was what I call an out-of-body experience, and it was what I call a big one, which means from my perception it lasted for quite a long time. I also did not have a lot of objective memory of it, but I have that feeling tone of its duration, which is quite interesting and enjoyable to me. A couple of things happened during that. One is, I have been doing this for a number of years now, basically merging with objects, walking through walls, diving into floors, breathing the dirt and the grass under the lawn, things like that was one thing that happened. Also in this event, or series of events, as I interpret them, I dove through the window again and got stuck and extracted myself, and concentrated harder and got through. That’s imagery that has appeared before that I’d like you to comment on. There was a black teenager who I had given a cello lesson to that thanked me. That was one thing, and later on, he reappeared – well, it’s important for later on – where I was at my childhood home in the TV room in the back, sitting on a couch, and a male was there, and I asked him, ‘Are you my guide?’ – and by guide, I mean I was looking for an aspect of self who can provide me with information, and I also called it ‘future Paul’ – and he said he was, and I got extremely excited. (Vic’s note: here, Mary’s dog starts growling and barking) I was very excited that I had connected with ‘future Paul’ because I had been attempting to do that for several months, and the thing that he said to me is – I asked him how many focuses I had – ‘I’d like to reduce the number of aspects for now,’ which I interpreted basically as a less is more kind of thing, or simplifying things. But anyway, this is a broader experience that was very significant to me, and I’d appreciate your comments. ELIAS: This is what we may classify, so to speak, as a projection, and I express to you that you have also allowed yourself to be interactive with an aspect of essence. Now; let me clarify that this aspect of essence is not necessarily an aspect of you within this focus, for in allowing yourself to be connecting with another aspect of self within this focus – this would also be termed an alternate self – you shall experience some elements of barriers, so to speak, that you shall not be threatening your individual identity. This is a different type of action than you have created in this projection. (4) In this projection, you have allowed yourself to be encountering another aspect of essence, and as you have allowed yourself to image this aspect of essence, you also are offering yourself information in the direction to not be moving quite so singularly. Are you understanding? PAUL: Yes. ELIAS: This provides you with the opportunity to engage another aspect of essence, which you may incorporate as a trigger, so to speak, to be offering yourself more information and to be offering yourself information of self that shall move you more easily into directions of acceptance of self. And in this, the aspect of essence is communicating information to you to hold yourself in relaxation, and therefore allow yourself to open to more than you view – more than merely this one aspect, more than singular directions. You hold a belief that you may not access or acquire information if you are not holding a specific direction, that you need be mapping out, so to speak, a particular direction, and you shall direct yourself in a manner in which you shall engage a particular journey, and therefore you shall offer yourself the information that you seek, and if you are not moving in this type of action, you shall be creating chaos, and in that chaos, you shall not be understanding what you offer to yourself, and therefore you shall not assimilate the information. What the aspect is expressing to you is not to concern yourself so very intensely with one particular direction, and to relax and allow yourself to merely draw yourself into the information that you shall present yourself with, and you need not hold specifics to be offering yourself much information and much direction. Are you understanding? PAUL: Yes, I am. Just one follow-up question. In this particular experience, and in others during the summer when I’ve connected with a person, so to speak, as I image them, they change faces, shall we say. They morph from one aspect into another, and it’s slow, it’s gentle, and I’m very comfortable with it. I’m wondering if this is further imagery to reinforce that nudge to not focus so singularly. ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. PAUL: So I should open to that, and go with that, and take it wherever it may take me. ELIAS: Wherever you are taking yourself! (Grinning) PAUL: Of course! (They both laugh) Well, thank you so much. This has been marvelous! You’ve given me, as always, a tremendous amount to think about until we meet again. ELIAS: And we shall! PAUL: Yes, we shall, old friend. ELIAS: And you may offer my greetings to Tyl [Joanne], and I shall express encouragement to you on your continued quest. (Laughing) PAUL: (Laughing) Thank you so much! ELIAS: You are very welcome. To you, my friend, I offer great affection, and shall be offering energy to you in your movement presently. To you this day, I express quite lovingly, au revoir. PAUL: Au revoir.” [session 493, October 26, 1999] PAUL: “I do have one more question about my projection adventures. You’ve mentioned using the inner senses objectively. An example of that is involved with processes that go on in our physical bodies, like digestion or hair growth or our heart beat and breathing, and that’s clear to me, that at least experientially, evidentially ... examples of inner senses in very objective and useful terms. So, I have a sense of no thought process being involved in my heart beating presently or my breath and so forth. But in out-of-body state, in this projection state, I’m still quite objectively present. I very much have an objective thought process. Are there analogous no-thought aspects of inner senses that are still happening in this state of projection? ELIAS: Yes. (Pause) PAUL: Can you give me some further information on those processes that ... of those no-thought processes in terms of inner sensing in that state? ELIAS: Think to your pond once again. In this, your action of projection is similar to your physical body diving into your pond, and the movement of the water all about you – as an element of you, not as a separate entity – is comparable to the movement of your inner senses as you engage projections, for as you are creating any type of projection activity within consciousness, your inner senses are engaging what you may term to be ‘feelers,’ so to speak, in objective terms, that spread as fingers out from yourself, or ripples through your water, or currents that you create within your water. And these movements of energy within your inner senses connect with different elements of the action of your projection, allowing you to be engaging different elements of expressions of these inner senses, which offers you more information. You engage empathically, you engage conceptually, and you engage the aspect of altering time frameworks. PAUL: Thank you. One final question – I just realized I had another one. In one of the Oversoul Seven books, Grandpa George is a character who experiments with out-of-body states, and he had a technique – and I recognize it’s a method – where he would project, and he would issue a mental command to the environment that he found himself in, of ‘Hallucinations be gone.’ (5) I wanted to talk a little bit about this condition of what we might term hallucinations that we as a focus personality project into this environment, and also in an attempt to reduce ... well, to make them go away, to get to what is present in the environment that is not just a projection of ourselves, but a projection obviously of other aspects that are inside. So, I wonder if you would comment on this action of what we project as so-called hallucinations when we do project, and the utility or usefulness of those, and the action perhaps of diminishing them to pursue other activities. ELIAS: (Chuckling, and Paul laughs) I shall express to you, quite simply, there are no hallucinations! PAUL: (Cracking up) Oh great! Thank you! (6) ELIAS: You are quite welcome.” (Chuckling) [session 506, November 24, 1999] Exercises: viewing alternate realities Exercises: SNAP – a beginning course in out-of-body projection Library: lucid dreaming overview End Notes: (1) Paul’s note: the concept of “walk-ins” is found in various New Age belief systems. The basic belief is that one personality is born – beginning a lifetime – and at some point a “new” personality takes possession and assumes the primary ego role. The result seems to explain the strong change of personality and loss of memory that some people experience. Elias attempts to clarify this belief system within the context of human personality as a multidimensional process consisting of a variety of related aspect selves that he terms probable and alternate selves. Just because people experience significant personality changes and/or inexplicable memory loss doesn't mean that there are intrusive actions of possession or the like foisted upon an individual by a malevolent OR benevolent ''external'' force. This is simply not the case and only serves to perpetuate the beliefs that some external ''thing'' or someone ''else'' creates our reality for us.
Digests: follow these links for more information on:
(2) Vic’s note: in Elias’ terms, we have created senility/Alzheimer’s as an action of engaging transition physically, and because we are presently changing this mass belief system, a “cure” will be found in the near future. (3) Paul’s note: as I’ve been experimenting with out-of-body experiences since 1979, I’m including my notes for reference. From my dream journal, dated Friday, March 13, 1998, 8:12 AM.
(4) Paul’s note: Elias makes an interesting distinction here based upon another experience that I had discussed with him in October 1997 and again in March 1999. He said that I connected with an alternate self at that time. Here are the excerpts from my discussions about Manson, an alternate self:
(5) Paul’s note: the character “Grandpa George” Brainbridge is from Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time, Jane Roberts’s Oversoul Seven trilogy. George is a late 19th century dentist who uses nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to explore out-of-body states. The following excerpts were in the back of my mind when I asked this question about the action of “hallucinations” within the out-of-body state:
(6) Paul’s note: you never know what direction Elias will take during a session. Usually he builds on previous concepts and interactions. However, he occasionally goes into what I perceive to be “the Zen of Elias.” By that, I mean Elias will use paradox and/or contradiction in the form of unexpected responses. These nudge and even force the rational mind into a non-rational area, as the rational mind alone can never provide ALL of the answers. The initial results are intentional confusion that eventually give way to further understanding. I had covered mostly rational ground to this point in the session, and the moment he went into that “there are no ...” direction, it made me belly-laugh, as I am beginning to recognize the intent behind an unexpected response. Still, Elias’ timing was perfect. I was caught off-guard and fumbling for another question to ask. He immediately ended the session as if to emphasize this “final” exchange. And I must say, it made quite an impression on me as a reminder of those times when I think too much. Digests – see also: | accepting self | altered states/projections of consciousness | alternate selves | aspects of essence; an overview | belief systems; an overview | bleed-through | blinking in and out | choices/agreements | dimension | dimensional veils | disengage (“death”) | dream triggers | Dream Walkers; an overview | duplicity | feeling tones | energy exchanges; Elias, Paul (Patel) | essence; an overview | essence families; an overview (Seers) | essence tones | extraterrestrials | fear | focus of essence; an overview | focal points | imagery | information | inner senses; an overview | “karma” | manifestation | mergence | objective/subjective awareness | Oversoul Seven | perception | Regional Area 1 | Regional Area 2 | Regional Area 3 | remembrance of essence | shift in consciousness | time frameworks | transition | trauma of the shift in consciousness | truth | unofficial information | widening awareness | you create your reality | The Elias Transcripts are held in © copyright 1995 – 2024 by Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved. © copyright 1997 – 2024 by Paul M. Helfrich, All Rights Reserved. | Comments to: helfrich@eliasforum.org |